course information of 103 - 1 | 6526 Study Abroad(移地研究)

Taught In English6526 - 移地研究 Study Abroad

教育目標 Course Target

本課程移地研究教學有下列五項目標: (一)瞭解中國社會對多元(族群)教育的理念與現況 (二)瞭解甘肅地區對多元文化教育政策的理念與現況。 (三)比較台灣與中國大陸不同社會多元文化教育政策與實踐方式。 (四)反思台灣多元文化教育現況,並獲得在不同社會情境下規劃多元文化課程課程的能力。 (五)從田野參訪中瞭解不同民情風俗與教育的關係擴展教育新視野。This course’s ex-situ research teaching has the following five goals: (1) Understand the concept and current situation of multi-ethnic education in Chinese society (2) Understand the concepts and current situation of multicultural education policies in Gansu. (3) Compare the policies and practices of multicultural education in different societies in Taiwan and Mainland China. (4) Reflect on the current situation of multicultural education in Taiwan and gain the ability to plan multicultural courses in different social situations. (5) Understand the relationship between different folk customs and education through field visits to expand new educational horizons.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Ball, Arnetha F. (2006). Multicultural strategies for education and social change: Carriers of the torch in the United States and South Africa. New York: Teachers College Press.
2. Ramsey, P. (2004). Teaching and learning in a diverse world: multicultural education for young children. New York: NY: Teachers College Press.
3. Verma, Gajendra K. (2007). Diversity and multicultural education: Cross-cutting issues and concepts. In G. K. Verma, C. R. Bagley, and M. M. Jha (Eds.) International perspectives on educational diversity and inclusion: Studies from America, Europe and India (London: Routledge), pp. 21-30.
4. 方永泉 譯(2003)。Paulo Freire原著 受壓迫者教育學。台北市:巨流。
5. 王雅玄(2009)。〈多元文化教師圖像之批判反思—以原住民教師的情境定義為例〉。《教育科學研究期刊》。54(2),1-27。
6. 丘延亮 譯(2004)。貧窮文化:墨西哥五個家庭一日生活的實錄(Oscar Lewis原著)。台北市:巨流。
7. 朱瑛&蔡其蓁譯(2004)。多元世界的教與學。.台北市: 心理出版社。
8. 陳枝烈 等譯(2008)。多元文化教育: 議題與觀點。台北市: 心理出版社。
9. 陳美如(2004)〈側寫一位教師與異文化的相遇:從理解到發現〉。《教育研究月刊》 117:23-33。
10. 蔡文山(2004)。〈從教育機會均等的觀點省思原住民學生教育的現況與展望〉。《教育與社會研究》6:109-114。
10. 張建成 主編(2000)。多元文化教育:我們的課題與別人的經驗。台北市:師大書苑。
11. 張建成(2007)。〈獨石與巨傘:多元文化主義的過與不及〉。教育研究集刊,53:103-127。
12. 莊勝義(2007)。〈機會均等與多元文化兩種教育運動的對比〉。高雄師大學報(教育與社會科學類)。22:21-42。
13. 莊勝義(2009)。〈從多元文化觀點省思「弱勢者」的教育「問題」與「對策」〉。教育與多元文化研究期刊,創刊號:17-55。
14. 劉美慧主譯,2009。《教學越界:教育及自由的實踐》。台北:學富。
15. 行政院教育部、原住民族委員會,(2011)。原住民族教育政策白皮書。行政院。
16. 教育部原住民族群與少數族群教育資訊網http://cpd.moe.gov.tw/indigenous/
1. Ball, Arnetha F. (2006). Multicultural strategies for education and social change: Carriers of the torch in the United States and South Africa. New York: Teachers College Press.
2. Ramsey, P. (2004). Teaching and learning in a diverse world: multicultural education for young children. New York: NY: Teachers College Press.
3. Verma, Gajendra K. (2007). Diversity and multicultural education: Cross-cutting issues and concepts. In G. K. Verma, C. R. Bagley, and M. M. Jha (Eds.) International perspectives on educational diversity and inclusion: Studies from America, Europe and India (London: Routledge), pp. 21-30.
4. Translated by Fang Yongquan (2003). Original book by Paulo Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Taipei City: Juliu.
5. Wang Yaxuan (2009). "Critical Reflection on the Image of Multicultural Teachers - Taking the Situational Definition of Aboriginal Teachers as an Example". Journal of Educational Science Research. 54(2), 1-27.
6. Translated by Qiu Yanliang (2004). The Culture of Poverty: A Day in the Life of Five Mexican Families (original work by Oscar Lewis). Taipei City: Juliu.
7. Translated by Zhu Ying & Cai Qizhen (2004). Teaching and learning in a pluralistic world. .Taipei: Psychology Press.
8. Translated by Chen Zhilie et al. (2008). Multicultural education: Issues and perspectives. Taipei: Psychology Press.
9. Chen Meiru (2004) "Profiling a teacher's encounter with a foreign culture: from understanding to discovery". Educational Research Monthly 117: 23-33.
10. Cai, Wenshan (2004). "Reflecting on the current situation and prospects of education for Aboriginal students from the perspective of equal educational opportunities". Education and Social Research 6:109-114.
10. Editor-in-Chief Zhang Jiancheng (2000). Multicultural education: Our subjects and the experiences of others. Taipei City: Normal University Library.
11. Zhang Jiancheng (2007). "Monoliths and Umbrellas: The Pros and Cons of Multiculturalism". Journal of Educational Research, 53: 103-127.
12. Zhuang Shengyi (2007). "A comparison of two educational movements: equal opportunity and multiculturalism". Journal of Kaohsiung Normal University (Education and Social Sciences). 22:21-42.
13. Zhuang Shengyi (2009). "Thinking about the educational "problems" and "countermeasures" of the "disadvantaged" from a multicultural perspective>. Journal of Education and Multicultural Studies, inaugural issue: 17-55.
14. Translated by Liu Meihui, 2009. Teaching Transgression: Education and the Practice of Freedom. Taipei: Xuefu.
15. Ministry of Education, Executive Yuan, Committee on Indigenous Peoples, (2011). White Paper on Education Policy for Aboriginal Peoples. Executive Yuan.
16. Education Information Network for Aboriginal and Minority Ethnic Groups of the Ministry of Education http://cpd.moe.gov.tw/indigenous/
Reading materials on ethnic and multicultural education in mainland China are provided separately for students to read.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Participate in full course implementation
Enthusiastic participation in division of labor
Participate in discussions
Oral/written report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6,7
授課教師 Teacher:陳鶴元
修課班級 Class:教育碩2
選課備註 Memo:限暑期參與蘭州大學移地研究者選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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