course information of 103 - 1 | 6525 Curriculum design and development on life education(生命教育課程設計與發展研究)

Taught In English6525 - 生命教育課程設計與發展研究 Curriculum design and development on life education

教育目標 Course Target

(一)協助大學師培教師在其生命教育專業領域中,經由在中學生命教育課堂的臨床教學,汲取中學生命教育教學經驗。 (二)認識與理解生命教育在中學教學現場中的不同的議題以及議題本身的特質。 (三)帶領研究生學習如何將生命教育運用在中學教學現場,進行規畫中學教學現場的生命教育領域活動設計與發展。。 (四)建構適當的生命教育網絡學習社群平台,讓大學教師、中學老師、在職研究生、師培生、以及修習生命教育的高中生都能共同使用。(1) Assist university teacher training teachers in their life education professional field to learn middle school life education teaching experience through clinical teaching in middle school life education classrooms. (2) Recognize and understand the different issues of life education in middle school teaching and the characteristics of the issues themselves. (3) Lead graduate students to learn how to apply life education in middle school teaching sites, and plan and develop activities in the field of life education in middle school teaching sites. . (4) Construct an appropriate life education online learning community platform so that university teachers, middle school teachers, in-service graduate students, teacher trainees, and high school students studying life education can all use it together.

參考書目 Reference Books

林治平等多位學者著 (2004)。生命教育之理論與實踐。台灣:心理。
張淑美主譯 (2007)。John P. Miller。生命教育-推動學校的靈性課程。學富文化。
張淑美 (2001)。中學生命教育教師手冊—以生死教育為取向。台北:心理。
孫效智. (1999). 生死尊嚴與生命智慧. 台灣教育月刊 (580), 頁2-6.
孫效智. (2008a). 以生命教育為核心的通識教育. 通識在線. 頁3-5
卡森 D. A. Carson,1997,認識苦難的奧秘。台北:校園書房。
索甲仁波切 Sogyal Rinpoche,2006,西藏生死書。鄭振煌譯,台北:張老師。
J. Donald Walters (1998) 林鶯譯. 生命教育. 台北:張老師文化式業股份有限公司
Michael Ray (2005) 李振昌譯. 這一生,你為何而來? 台北:天下文化
Freysinger, V. J., & Kelly, J. R. (2004). 21st century leisure: Current issues (2nd ed.). State College, PA: Venture.
教育部生命教育網站 http://life.edu.tw/homepage/091/new_page_2.php
Written by several scholars including Lin Zhiping (2004). The theory and practice of life education. Taiwan: Psychology.
Wang Wenke, Wang Zhihong (2010). Theory of Curriculum Development and Instructional Design (8th ed.). Taipei: Wunan Publishing House.
Written by He Futian and many other scholars, 2001. Life Education Series. Taipei: Psychology.
Wu Xiubi, (2006). Life education theory and teaching plan. Taipei: Psychology.
Translated by Zhang Shumei (2007). John P. Miller. Life Education - Promoting spirituality courses in schools. Learn rich culture.
Zhang, S. M. (2001). Middle School Life Education Teacher's Manual—Oriented to Life and Death Education. Taipei: Psychology.
Zhang Shumei (2006) Life Education Research, Discussion and Practice: Life Education Orientation. Kaohsiung: Fuwen.
Gong Liren, 2013, The Origin of Life and Pilgrimage. Christian Literary Publishing House.
Sun Xiaozhi. (1999). Dignity of life and death and wisdom of life. Taiwan Education Monthly (580), pp. 2-6.
Sun Xiaozhi. (2008a). General education with life education as the core. General Education Online. Pages 3-5
Cai Peicun, Wu Wenying (2008) Life Education: Exploration and Practice. Kaohsiung: Liwen.
Wang Yangming, 2009, so poor that only money was left. Taipei: Olive Publishing Co., Ltd.
Li Jiatong, 2006, page 21. Taipei: Jiuge Publishing House.
Guo Jinghuang et al., 2002, Life Education. Taipei: Yang Zhi.
Carson, D. A. 1997, Understanding the Mystery of Suffering. Taipei: Campus Study Room.
Lin Meimei, 1993, Taiwanese society and beliefs. Taipei: Zili Evening News Publishing House.
Sogyal Rinpoche, 2006, Tibetan Book of Life and Death. Translated by Zheng Zhenhuang, Taipei: Teacher Zhang.
Shan Guoxi, 2008, farewell journey of life. Taipei: Tianxia Culture.
Dong Fangyuan, 2009, Exploring Christianity. Taipei: Avant-Garde Publishing House.
J. Donald Walters (1998) Translated by Lin Ying. Life Education. Taipei: Mr. Zhang Cultural Industry Co., Ltd.
Michael Ray (2005) Translated by Li Zhenchang. Why are you here in this life? Taipei: World Culture
Freysinger, V. J., & Kelly, J. R. (2004). 21st century leisure: Current issues (2nd ed.). State College, PA: Venture.
Ministry of Education’s life education website http://life.edu.tw/homepage/091/new_page_2.php
Life Education Global Information Network

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
interim report
30 按照學校規定時間內繳交
Course attendance and participation
40 無故缺席超過六次(含)以上按學校規定處理
Final group topic
30 小組以PPT檔方式呈現, 編撰方式另行討論

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/B,5,6
授課教師 Teacher:林春梅/陳鶴元
修課班級 Class:教育碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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