course information of 103 - 1 | 6476 Social Work Profession in Chinese Society(人情社會與社會工作專業專題)

Taught In English6476 - 人情社會與社會工作專業專題 Social Work Profession in Chinese Society

教育目標 Course Target

當前我國的社會工作專業源自西方社會,在專業知識上,社會工作重視「人與環境」之互動。「環境」之差異會影響人的行為表現是容易理解的,並且「人」不只是從生理面向理解,在心理社會面向上也會因為生長環境和經驗之不同,而有所差異,所以「人在環境中」是一個複雜多變的概念。在實務做操作上,其社會工作專業服務之工作原則實際運用,以及價值與倫理之決策,亦需符合社會文化生活脈絡。就此而論,社會工作專業教育是不能讓學生忽視自身社會的文化與價值,而必須認識中國人的自我要求,以及在社會生活中禮義廉恥和忠孝仁愛信義和平等價值,「為人處事」應有人情、面子、報、和諧、緣分、命運、敬老尊賢人際關係交換法則,而不只是使用西方社會熟悉的公平、參與、民主、自由、尊重、保密、自決等概念下建構的處理問題方法、模式和理論,從體會如何在實務工作場域中提供順暢、有效的專業服務。The current social work profession in our country originated from Western society. In terms of professional knowledge, social work attaches great importance to the interaction between "people and the environment." It is easy to understand that differences in "environment" will affect people's behavioral performance, and "people" are not only understood from the physiological aspect, but also have differences in the psychological and social aspects due to different growth environments and experiences, so "people" "In the environment" is a complex and changing concept. In terms of practical operation, the actual application of the working principles of social work professional services, as well as the decision-making of values ​​and ethics, must also conform to the context of social and cultural life. In this regard, social work professional education cannot allow students to ignore the culture and values ​​of their own society, but must understand the self-requirements of the Chinese people, as well as the values ​​of propriety, justice, integrity, loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, trustworthiness, and equality in social life. "Dealing with others" should be humane Love, face, retribution, harmony, fate, destiny, respect for the elderly and the virtuous, the rules of interpersonal exchange, rather than just using the problem-solving methods constructed under the familiar concepts of fairness, participation, democracy, freedom, respect, confidentiality, self-determination and other concepts familiar to Western society, Models and theories, from the experience of how to provide smooth and effective professional services in the practical work field.

參考書目 Reference Books

陳高凌(2001) 義與面子在華人家庭暴力裡的運作及其對治療之啟示。本土心理學研究,15,63-111。
周齊武、吳安妮(1997)顧全大局為首要 個人面子擺兩旁--中國文化特徵對臺灣公司資訊公開性之影響。會計研究月刊,139,64-69。
賴志超; 黃光國(2000)程序正義與分配正義:臺灣企業員工的正義知覺與工作態度。中華心理學刊,42:2,171-190。
黃光國(2001)位格、人觀與自我。應用心理研究,10,5-9 。
劉得鵬(2003)華人組織中的關係衝突與任務衝突:衝突層次與和諧性格的角色。 國立臺灣大學心理學研究所碩士。
樊景立、鄭伯壎 (2000)。華人組織的家長式領導:一項文化觀點的分析。本土心理學研究,13,127-180。
鄭伯壎、樊景立(2001)初探華人社會的社會取向:臺灣與大陸之比較研究。中華心理學刊, 43:2,207-221。

Huang Shaili (1995) Chinese interpersonal harmony and conflict: theoretical construction and practical research. Doctoral thesis, Institute of Psychology, National Taiwan University
You Shuyu (2003) Perspectives on the occurrence of children's problems in Chinese families and perspectives on therapeutic intervention - a dialogue with structural family therapy. Doctoral thesis, Institute of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University
Wu and Mao (2002) Persuasion in interpersonal conflicts in Chinese society: A comparison between rational behavior orientation and relationship orientation. Master's thesis, Institute of Psychology, National Taiwan University.
Xu Bing (1999) commented on Zhai Xuewei's "The Face of Chinese People". Journal of Social Theory, 1:2, 349-355.
Chen Gaoling (2001) The operation of righteousness and face in Chinese domestic violence and its implications for treatment. Indigenous Psychological Research, 15, 63-111.
Zhou Qiwu and Wu Anni (1997) Putting the overall situation first and putting personal face on both sides--The impact of Chinese cultural characteristics on the information disclosure of Taiwanese companies. Accounting Research Monthly, 139, 64-69.
Wu Si (2002) Hidden Rules—The Advance and Retreat Game in Chinese History. Taipei: Jiji Publishing House
He Youhui (1999) Interpersonal emotions and human relations. Indigenous Psychological Research, 12, 181-187.
Li Jing (2002) Human society: the construction of interpersonal relationships and self-relationship. Hong Kong: Bafang Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Zhou Lifang (2002) Relationships and social networks in Chinese organizations, Native Psychology Research, Issue 18, pp. 175-227.
Chen Jiexuan (1994) Collaborative networks and life structures: a socioeconomic analysis of small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan. Taipei: Lianjing.
Chen Jiexuan and Gao Chengshu (1991), Social Order in Taiwan Enterprise Operations - Human Relations and Law, Journal of Donghai Social Sciences, 10, 219-231.
Lai Zhichao; Huang Guangguo (2000) Procedural justice and distributive justice: justice perception and work attitude of Taiwanese enterprise employees. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 42:2, 171-190.
Peng Siqing (1997) Are Chinese people really mean to others? . "Indigenous Psychology Research". 7, 340-356.
Huang Guangguo (1988) Favors and Face: The Chinese Power Game. Taipei: Juliu.
Huang Guangguo (2004) Life goals and role obligations in Confucian society. Indigenous Psychological Research, 22, 121-193.
Huang Guangguo (2001) Personality, human outlook and self. Applied Psychological Research, 10, 5-9.
Huang Guangguo (1999) also talked about the conceptualization of "human feelings" and "relationships". Indigenous Psychological Research, 12, 215-248.
Yang Guoshu, Huang Guangguo (Editors) (1989) Chinese Psychology and Behavior. Taipei: Laurel Books.
Yang Zhongfang (2001) How to understand Chinese people - Collection of cultural and personal essays. Taipei: Yuanliu.
Yang Zhongfang (1996) How to study Chinese people - a collection of essays on the localization of psychology. Taipei: Laurel Books.
Yang Yiyin (2001) The interaction of Chinese people’s emotional landscape: taking the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law as an example. Indigenous psychological research. Taipei: Psychology Press, 15.
Yang Yiyin (2001b) "One's own people: looking at the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law from the perspective of Chinese emotional patterns". Indigenous Psychological Research, 16, 3-41. Taipei: Laurel Press.
Yang Guoshu (Ed.) (1988) Chinese Psychology. Taipei: Laurel Books.
Yang Guoshu, Yu Anbang (Editors) (1992) Chinese Psychology and Behavior - Concepts and Methods. Taipei: Laurel.
Zhai Xuewei (1995). The face of Chinese people. Taipei: Laurel Books.
Zhai Xuewei (2000). The logic of Chinese actions. Hong Kong: Bafang Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Liu Depeng (2003) Relationship conflict and task conflict in Chinese organizations: The role of conflict levels and harmonious personality. Master of Psychology from National Taiwan University.
Fan Jingli, Zheng Boxu (2000). Paternalistic leadership in Chinese organizations: An analysis from a cultural perspective. Indigenous Psychological Research, 13, 127-180.
Cai Yilin (2002) A study on men’s attitudes in the sandwich biscuit-mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship. Master's degree from the Institute of Family Education, National Chiayi University.
Zheng Hongyue (2003) Organizational conflict and conflict management. See "Organizational Behavior in Taiwan: Thirty Years Review and Prospects" edited by Zheng Boxu, Jiang Dingyu, and Zheng Hongyue. Taipei: Laurel Books.
Zheng Boxu (1995) Differential order pattern and Chinese organizational behavior. "Indigenous Psychology Research". 3, 142-219.
Zheng Boxu and Fan Jingli (2001) A preliminary exploration of the social orientation of Chinese society: a comparative study between Taiwan and Mainland China. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 43:2, 207-221.
Lan Peijia (2000) Dialectics between interpersonal networks and economic activities: Network construction, action meaning and power relations of pyramid sellers. Taiwan Sociological Research, 4, 1-50.
Luo Xiaonan (1997) New trends in cultural transformation in mainland China: relationship-based and reconstruction of imagined community. East Asia Quarterly, 28:1, 1-28.
Sun, Longji (1986). The deep structure of Chinese culture. Taipei: Gu Feng.
Ye Haiyan (2002) Ethics in Chinese Philosophy. Taipei: Wunan Book Company.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
class participation
20 出席與課堂發言表現
Group or individual reporting
30 報告的內容與團體、個別表現
Final report
50 社會工作的本土化操作性議題

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/10,11,12[SS302]
授課教師 Teacher:曾華源/王篤強/王秀燕
修課班級 Class:社工碩博1,2
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This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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