course information of 103 - 1 | 6474 Trends in Taiwan Population and(台灣人口趨勢與社會安全實務專題)

Taught In English6474 - 台灣人口趨勢與社會安全實務專題 Trends in Taiwan Population and

教育目標 Course Target

1、培養學生具備人口發展趨勢與社會安全議題之基本認識與瞭解。 2、培養學生具有發掘高齡化、少子女化人口趨勢下所衍生的社會安全問題的能力。 3、培養學生檢析台灣人口組成與變遷發展趨勢,以及未來可能的面臨的困境。 4、協助學生全面檢析歐美先進國家人口發展趨勢與對應社會安全政策新趨勢。 5、培養學生具備對台灣人口發展趨勢與社會安全議題優劣剖析能力。1. To cultivate students’ basic knowledge and understanding of population development trends and social security issues. 2. Cultivate students' ability to explore social security issues arising from the aging and teenage population trends. 3. Train students to analyze Taiwan’s population composition, changes and development trends, as well as possible difficulties they may face in the future. 4. Assist students to comprehensively analyze the population development trends and corresponding new trends in social security policies in advanced European and American countries. 5. Cultivate students’ ability to analyze the pros and cons of Taiwan’s population development trends and social security issues.

課程概述 Course Description

人口發展趨勢是影響社會安全制度制定的重要因素,且人口結構的變動更讓社會安全問題呈現持續性與變異性的動態後果,人口高齡化與少子女化趨勢下所產生之健康照護與經濟安全問題;即為重要的社會安全問題。因此,以人口發展趨勢的視角,來探討社會安全議題,有其必要性與重要性。 本課程將針對人口發展趨勢以及其所衍生的社會安全問題,進行討論,以期學生具備對社會安全的議題的理論與實務面的專業知識,並貝有提出解決新人口發展趨勢之下社會安全的新策略。
Population development trends are an important factor affecting the formulation of social security systems, and changes in population structure have given social security issues dynamic consequences of persistence and variability. The health care and economic security caused by the aging and declining population trends problem; that is, an important social security issue. Therefore, it is necessary and important to discuss social security issues from the perspective of population development trends. This course will discuss population development trends and the social security issues derived from them, with the hope that students will have theoretical and practical professional knowledge on social security issues and propose solutions to social security issues under the new population development trends. New strategies.

參考書目 Reference Books

Fultz. E.(2004). Pension reform the EU accession countries: challenges, achievements and pitfalls. Social Security Review, 57.
OECD(2009). Pensions at a Glance: public policies across OECD countries. 2007-edition.
OECD(2011). Pensions at a Glance: Special Edition: Asia /Pacific.
Social Security Administration (2013). Social Security Programs throughout the world, Europe, ISSA.
陳琇惠(2010)。國民年金永續經營之道-永不停止的改革。保險經營的制度,9(1),103-126廖錦桂主編,台灣智庫政策研究系列(2007)。我國人口問題及對策一、Deacon,B.(2007).Global Social Policy & Governance, SAGE Publications.(專書)
Carmelo Mesa-Lago.(2012). The performance of social security contributory and
  tax-financed pensions in Central America, and the effects of the global crisis. ISSA.(期
Eduard Ponds.(2012). Implicit debt in public-sectorpension plans: An international comparison. ISSA.(期刊論文)
Chen Wang.(2012). The redistributive effect of social transfer programmes and taxes: A decomposition across countries. ISSA.(期刊論文)
Adrian Sinfield.(2012). Strengthening the prevention of social insecurity. ISSA.(期刊論文)
Bonnet,F; Ehmke,E. &Hagemejer,K .(2010).Social security in times of crisis, International Social Security Review, Vol.63. ISSA.(期刊論文)
Euzeby,A. (2010).Economic crisis and social protection in the European Union: Moving beyond immediate responses, International Social Security Review, Vol.63. ISSA.(期刊論文)
Mccord,A. (2010).The impact of the global financial crisis on social protection in developing countries, International Social Security Review, Vol.63. ISSA.(期刊論文)
Spicker,P. (2010). Generalisation and Phronesis: Rethinking the Methodology of Social Policy, Journal of Social Policy,Vol.40. (期刊論文)
Fultz. E.(2004). Pension reform the EU accession countries: challenges, achievements and pitfalls. Social Security Review, 57.
OECD(2009). Pensions at a Glance: public policies across OECD countries. 2007-edition.
OECD(2011). Pensions at a Glance: Special Edition: Asia /Pacific.
Social Security Administration (2013). Social Security Programs throughout the world, Europe, ISSA.
Chen Xiuhui (2009). A preliminary study on the trend of old-age annuity benefit age. Community Development Quarterly, 125, 56-65.
Chen Xiuhui, Lin Qizhang (2010). Economic security and financial planning for seniors. Taipei City: Huadu Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Chen Xiuhui (2010). The way to keep the National Pension Plan sustainable - never-ending reform. Insurance Management System, 9(1), 103-126 Editor-in-Chief Liao Jingui, Taiwan Think Tank Policy Research Series (2007). my country’s Population Problems and Countermeasures 1. Deacon, B. (2007). Global Social Policy & Governance, SAGE Publications. (Special Book)
Carmelo Mesa-Lago.(2012). The performance of social security contributory and
​tax-financed pensions in Central America, and the effects of the global crisis. ISSA. (Issue
published paper)
Eduard Ponds.(2012). Implicit debt in public-sectorpension plans: An international comparison. ISSA. (Journal article)
Chen Wang.(2012). The redistributive effect of social transfer programs and taxes: A decomposition across countries. ISSA. (Journal article)
Adrian Sinfield.(2012). Strengthening the prevention of social insecurity. ISSA. (Journal article)
Bonnet,F; Ehmke,E. &Hagemejer,K .(2010).Social security in times of crisis, International Social Security Review, Vol.63. ISSA. (Journal article)
Euzeby,A. (2010). Economic crisis and social protection in the European Union: Moving beyond immediate responses, International Social Security Review, Vol.63. ISSA. (Journal article)
Mccord,A. (2010).The impact of the global financial crisis on social protection in developing countries, International Social Security Review, Vol.63. ISSA. (Journal article)
Spicker,P. (2010). Generalization and Phronesis: Rethinking the Methodology of Social Policy, Journal of Social Policy,Vol.40. (Journal article)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Discussion in class on weekdays
30 以上課出席率及參與率為準。
Individual assignment report
Final review and review meeting

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[SS303]
授課教師 Teacher:陳琇惠
修課班級 Class:社工碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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