course information of 103 - 1 | 6424 The Social Life of Money(金錢與社會生活)

Taught In English6424 - 金錢與社會生活 The Social Life of Money

教育目標 Course Target

自前現代社會起,貨幣即成為市場交易的衡量基礎;而自現代國家形成之後,貨幣的發行與度量,也是國家權力的關鍵展現途徑之一。透過貨幣的積累與損益計算,財富/貧窮的概念逐漸實質化,而在追求其積累的過程裡,人類社會也經歷了貿易模式、移動途徑、渴慾商品、生活風格等等面相的巨大變化。更甚者,尤其在後冷戰時期的新自由主義社會,貨幣也逐漸成為社會正義、親密關係、以及主觀快感的終極評量標準。以上對價關係如何形成?吾人又如何可以藉由貌似貨幣的競逐活動,而探究該社經脈絡裡較少為正統社會學分析的概念,比如:自由、快感、公平、愉悅、信任、親密關係、以及生命和死亡?本課將藉由閱讀經典社會學、文化人類學、與哲學文獻,以試圖探究上述議題。Since pre-modern society, currency has been the basis of measurement for market transactions; and since the formation of modern countries, the issuance and measurement of currency have also been one of the key ways to demonstrate state power. Through the accumulation of money and calculation of profits and losses, the concept of wealth/poverty gradually materializes. In the process of pursuing its accumulation, human society has also experienced tremendous changes in trade patterns, travel routes, desired commodities, lifestyles, etc. What's more, especially in the neoliberal society of the post-Cold War period, money has gradually become the ultimate measure of social justice, intimacy, and subjective pleasure. How is the above consideration relationship formed? How can we explore concepts in this social context that are less commonly analyzed by orthodox sociology, such as freedom, pleasure, fairness, pleasure, trust, intimacy, and life and death, through seemingly monetary competition? This course will attempt to explore the above issues by reading classic sociology, cultural anthropology, and philosophical literature.

參考書目 Reference Books

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評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Report in class
Final report

授課大綱 Course Plan

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選修-2167 The Social Life of Money / 金錢與社會生活 (社會系1-4,授課教師:趙彥寧,二/2,3,4[C220])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8[SS304]
授課教師 Teacher:趙彥寧
修課班級 Class:社會碩博1-3
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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