course information of 103 - 1 | 6421 Technology, Medicine and Social Studies(科技、醫療與社會研究導論)

Taught In English6421 - 科技、醫療與社會研究導論 Technology, Medicine and Social Studies

教育目標 Course Target

一、課程簡介 科技指的是知識(know-how)。這知識是關於使用、設計、維修物體和硬體,它的傳播可能是視覺形象的,可能是觀察、練習、操作的,也可能是口傳教授與書寫閱讀的∼∼(Mackenzie and Wajcman, 1985)。 近幾年來,科學、技術與社會((Science, Technology and Society,簡稱STS)研究與科技與醫療(STM)在歐洲與美國已經成為相當重要的學門。科技與社會的領域出現,受到知識社會學、科學史、科學哲學、醫療社會學與女性主義理論、後結構主義、後現代主義的影響,具有跨學科研究的性質。STS的研究也包括來自歷史學、社會學、哲學、公共衛生、政治、醫學與科學專業背景的學者一起投入研究,彼此對話。STS的科技與社會研究,強調分析科學技術與社會文化的交錯共構關係,以及並探討科技如何與社會生活相互影響。本課程主要是特別對於STS 做一般性介紹,也特別關注STS研究中的醫療問題。1. Course Introduction Technology refers to knowledge (know-how). This knowledge is about using, designing, and repairing objects and hardware. Its transmission may be through visual images, through observation, practice, and operation, or through oral teaching and written reading (Mackenzie and Wajcman, 1985) . In recent years, Science, Technology and Society (STS) research and Technology and Medicine (STM) have become very important academic disciplines in Europe and the United States. The field of science, technology and society has emerged and has been influenced by the knowledge society. It is influenced by science, history of science, philosophy of science, medical sociology and feminist theory, post-structuralism, and post-modernism. The research of STS also includes people from history, sociology, philosophy, public health, etc. Scholars with backgrounds in politics, medicine, and science engage in research and dialogue with each other. STS's technology and society research emphasizes the analysis of the intertwined and co-constructed relationship between science and technology and social culture, and explores how technology interacts with social life. It is especially a general introduction to STS, and also pays special attention to the medical issues in STS research.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Ruzek, Sheryl Burt, Clarke, Adele E. and Olesen, Virginia. 1997. ‘Social, biomedical and feminist models of women’s health’in Ruzek, Sheryl Burt, Clarke, A. E. and Olesen, V. (eds.). Women’s health: Complexities and Differences. Ohio State University.
2. 吳嘉苓、傅大為、雷祥麟(合編),2004。STS讀本Ⅰ、Ⅱ《科技渴望性別》、《科技渴望社會》。群學出版社。
4. 成令方(主編),傅大為、林宜平(合編),2008,《醫療與社會共舞》。群學。
5. Hess, David. 1997. Science Studies: An Advanced Introduction. NYU.
6. Clarke, Adele E., Shum, Janet K., Mamo, L., Fosket, J. R. and Fishman, J. R.(2010). Biomedicalization: Technoscience, Helath and Illness in the U.S. Duke University.
7. STM期刊:RCA專題與其他期刊文章。
8. Sismondo著,林宗德譯(2007),《科學與技術研究導論》。
9. Waddington, Keir著,李尚仁譯,《歐洲醫療五百年》。讀書共和國。
1. Ruzek, Sheryl Burt, Clarke, Adele E. and Olesen, Virginia. 1997. 'Social, biomedical and feminist models of women's health' in Ruzek, Sheryl Burt, Clarke, A. E. and Olesen, V. (eds.). Women's health: Complexities and Differences. Ohio State University.
2. Wu Jialing, Fu Dawei, Lei Xianglin (co-editors), 2004. STS Readers I and II "Technology Desires Gender" and "Technology Desires Society". Qunxue Publishing House.
4. Cheng Lingfang (Editor-in-Chief), Fu Dawei, Lin Yiping (Co-Editors), 2008, "Dance of Medical Care and Society". Group study.
5. Hess, David. 1997. Science Studies: An Advanced Introduction. NYU.
6. Clarke, Adele E., Shum, Janet K., Mamo, L., Fosket, J. R. and Fishman, J. R. (2010). Biomedicalization: Technoscience, Helath and Illness in the U.S. Duke University.
7. STM journal: RCA special topics and other journal articles.
8. "Introduction to Science and Technology Research" by Sismondo, translated by Lin Zongde (2007).
9. Waddington, Keir, translated by Li Shangren, "Five Hundred Years of European Medicine". Reading Republic.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Final report
Class discussion and attendance

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[SS304]
授課教師 Teacher:鄭斐文
修課班級 Class:社會碩博1-3
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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