course information of 103 - 1 | 6377 (基金會管理與運作專題)

Taught In English6377 - 基金會管理與運作專題

教育目標 Course Target

「基金會」在台灣又稱為「財團法人」,係以「基金」為基礎依法申請設立的非營利組織,有別於以「會員」為基礎而申請設立的社團法人。但兩者皆屬於政府部門(第一部門)及營利部門(第二部門)以外的組織,共同形成以公益為先的「第三部門」(The Third Sector)。 世界各國的基金會數量與基金總額持續成長,而且有超越營利部門的趨勢與事實,在功能角色方面更已成為政府不可或缺的合作夥伴。基金會吸納有形、無形社會資源甚多,肩負社會需求和提供公共服務的功能甚廣,多數基金會都面臨或曾歷經嚴峻的管理與運作問題。換言之,基金會如何得以永續發展、持續發揮社會正向功能,業已成為第三部門發展的重要課題。 為增進同學們對基金會管理與運作相關理論與實務的瞭解,本課程規劃從財團法人如何追求永續發展的角度著手,分從「總論、結構與管理、類型與特色、標竿管理、兩岸比較」等主題進行課程研討,期能透過價值與實務層面的討論,端正社會資源運用的自律與他律規範,並邀請基金會實務工作者蒞臨課堂進行面對面經驗分享或座談,期能借鏡實務上的創新方法,瞭解、學習基金會管理與運作之道。"Foundation" is also called "Foundation Legal Person" in Taiwan. It is a non-profit organization that applies for establishment in accordance with the law on the basis of "Fund", which is different from the corporate legal person that applies for establishment on the basis of "membership". However, both belong to organizations other than the government department (first department) and the for-profit department (second department), and together form "The Third Sector" (The Third Sector) that puts public welfare first. The number of foundations and the total amount of funds in various countries around the world continue to grow, and there is a trend and fact that they have surpassed the for-profit sector, and have become an indispensable partner of the government in terms of functional roles. Foundations absorb a lot of tangible and intangible social resources, and have a wide range of functions to shoulder social needs and provide public services. Most foundations face or have experienced severe management and operational problems. In other words, how foundations can develop sustainably and continue to exert positive social functions has become an important issue for the development of the third sector. In order to enhance students' understanding of the theories and practices related to foundation management and operation, this course is planned to start from the perspective of how a legal entity pursues sustainable development, and is divided into "General Introduction, Structure and Management, Types and Characteristics, Benchmark Management, We conduct course discussions on topics such as "Comparison between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait", hoping to correct the self-discipline and heteronomy in the use of social resources through discussions on value and practice. We also invite foundation practitioners to come to the class for face-to-face experience sharing or discussions, hoping to learn from the practice. Use innovative methods to understand and learn the management and operation of foundations.

參考書目 Reference Books


蕭新煌、江明修、官有垣 主編(2006)基金會在台灣:結構與類型。台北:巨流出版社。

江明修 審訂(2004)Peter C. Brinckerhoff原著。非營利標竿管理。台北:智勝出版社。

"Designated Books"

Editors: Xiao Xinhuang, Jiang Mingxiu, and Guan Youyuan (2006) Foundations in Taiwan: Structure and Type. Taipei: Juliu Publishing House.

Revised by Jiang Mingxiu (2004) Original work by Peter C. Brinckerhoff. Nonprofit benchmarking. Taipei: Zhisheng Publishing House.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Topic sharing
50 簡報內容、台風、解說表現等;使用PPT簡報列入加分
Final report
40 評分重點:PPT簡報內容、設計、台風、解說表現及書面資料等
course participation
10 含上課討論、出席演講、班級服務等

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/10,11,12
授課教師 Teacher:陳秋政
修課班級 Class:第三部門1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 3 人。

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