course information of 103 - 1 | 6331 Qualitative Research Method for Public Administration(公共行政的質化分析)

Taught In English6331 - 公共行政的質化分析 Qualitative Research Method for Public Administration

教育目標 Course Target

本課程旨協助碩士班同學認識社會科學領域常用的質化研究方法,及其優缺點與限制,並藉以運用來掌握研究議題的資訊。本課程除了綜合性介紹質化分析的相關概念與理論之外,更希望同學們將上課所學習到概念與方法,藉由用以檢視使用質性方法的研究論文或報告,以及實際運用到撰寫的論文報告中,透過理論與實際相互印證的方式,培養同學實際執行質化研究的能力。 老師會對重要的理論與概念,作必要的說明與補充,但課堂的進行方式,是以老師講授同學報告與討論各半。每位學生至少選擇兩週次主題做30分鐘左右的引言,進而導讀當週閱讀文獻,並引導問題的討論。除此,每位學生必須在修課期間實際設計與執行一小型質化研究,依次繳交研究主題、研究背景與目的、研究對象範圍與問題、文獻檢閱、訪談逐字與整理稿、初具學術格式的研究全文等作業,過程中並逐次學習評論他人的研究設計、方法與成果。This course aims to help students in the graduate class to understand the commonly used quality research methods in the social science field, their advantages, disadvantages and limitations, and use them to master the information on research topics. In addition to comprehensively introducing the relevant concepts and theories of quality analysis, this course hopes that students will learn concepts and methods in the course, and cultivate the ability of students to actually perform quality research through theoretical and practical mutual imprinting methods through the method of theoretical and practical mutual verification. Teachers will give necessary explanations and supplements to important theories and concepts, but the way in which the classroom is conducted is to teach students half of the reports and discussions by teachers. Each student chooses at least two weeks to give a 30-minute introduction to the topic, and then guides the reading of the article and the discussion of the problem. In addition, each student must actually design and perform a small-scale quality research during the course of the course, and submit the research topic, research background and purpose, research object scope and questions, document review, interview verbatim and draft, and full text of the initial academic format. During the process, they will gradually learn and evaluate others' research design, methods and results.

參考書目 Reference Books

雙葉a:黃國光(譯)(2014)。研究方法:入門與實務(Ranjit Kumar原著)。台北:雙葉。

雙葉b:林秀雲(譯)(2013)。社會科學研究方法(Earl Babbie原著)。台北:雙葉。
揚智:朱柔若(譯)(2000)。社會研究方法-質化與量化取向(W. Lawrence Neuman原著)。台北:揚智。
Juliu a: Lin Shuxin (2010). Quality study: theory and practice. Taipei: The giant stream.
Double Leaf a: Huang Guoguang (translation) (2014). Research method: entry and practice (original work by Ranjit Kumar). Taipei: Double Leaf.

The remaining single articles are from the following books:
Double Ye b: Lin Xiuyun (translation) (2013). Social Science Research Methods (Original by Earl Babbie). Taipei: Double Leaf.
Yang Zhi: Zhu Rouru (translation) (2000). Social research methods - quality and quantitative orientation (original by W. Lawrence Neuman). Taipei: Sharp wisdom.
Juliu b: Hu Youhui (2008). Analysis and writing of quality research. Read in Hu Youhui (edited) Quality study: Theories, methods and examples of local women's research (pages 133-142). Taipei: The giant stream.
Qili (2006). Overview of quality research methods. Read in Qili and Lin Benxuan (edited) quality research methods and data analysis (pages 1-19). Chiayi County: Institute of Education and Social Sciences, University of South China.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Classroom Works + Discussion
Class Report
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/1,Wednesday/3,4
授課教師 Teacher:蔡偉銑
修課班級 Class:行政碩1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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