course information of 103 - 1 | 6295 Seminar on Political Parties and(政黨與選舉專題研究)

Taught In English6295 - 政黨與選舉專題研究 Seminar on Political Parties and

教育目標 Course Target

在自由民主國家的政治運作當中,政黨與選舉是無法或缺的重要角色。政黨不但為政府與人民間溝通的橋樑,也是民眾意見表達的管道。政黨透過選舉提名候選人,並期待贏得選舉勝利以控制政府,藉此達成其政治理念、利益與目標。無論政黨所代表的族群或階級為何,其最終目的都是為了全體民眾的利益與國家發展為主要目標,換句話說,政黨仍必須謀求全體國民之利益為基礎,以國家整體做為其服務的目的。 政黨為了達到上述的目標與理念,必須透過選舉制度來達成。一國採取何種選舉制度,對政黨的組織與人事具有重大影響,這些影響包含政黨的權力屬於中央集權或地方分權、候選人的提名制度、政黨的連結、政黨的制度與政黨組織等。然而,並未存在一種最佳的選舉制度,各國必須依照該國的國情、環境、文化等,挑選最合適該國的制度。因此,選舉制度只有「適不適合」的問題。不論一國採取何種選舉制度,所有的政黨勢必依此制度競爭,而民主體制的健全,除了透過政黨之間的競爭外,也必須挑選出一個適合的選舉制度,方能落實真正的民主政治與民主的現代化。In the political operations of liberal democracies, political parties and elections are indispensable and important roles. Political parties not only serve as a bridge between the government and the people, but also serve as a channel for people to express their opinions. Political parties nominate candidates through elections and hope to win the elections to control the government to achieve their political ideas, interests and goals. No matter what ethnic group or class a political party represents, its ultimate goal is to serve the interests of all people and national development as its main goal. In other words, a political party must still seek the interests of all citizens as its basis and serve the country as a whole. Purpose. In order to achieve the above goals and concepts, political parties must achieve them through the electoral system. What kind of electoral system a country adopts has a significant impact on the organization and personnel of political parties. These impacts include whether the power of a political party is centralized or decentralized, the nomination system of candidates, the connection of political parties, the system and organization of political parties, etc. However, there is no best electoral system. Countries must choose the system that is most suitable for the country based on its national conditions, environment, culture, etc. Therefore, the electoral system only has a question of "suitability". No matter what electoral system a country adopts, all political parties are bound to compete according to this system. In addition to competition between political parties, a sound democratic system must also select a suitable electoral system to implement true democratic politics. and democratic modernization.

課程概述 Course Description

This course provides a comprehensive discussion of topics related to political parties and elections. Read classics on political parties and elections, present reports in class and discuss the key research points of each classic. In addition to being responsible for the "Masterpiece Research Report" part in class, trainee students will also submit a "Masterpiece Research Experience" and a related "Special Research Report" at the end of the semester to strengthen students' research and writing abilities.

參考書目 Reference Books

※Class handouts
※Class notes
※Wang Yeli, 2012, "Comparative Electoral Systems" (Sixth Edition), Taipei: Wunan Book Publishing Company
※Other related Chinese and English handouts and supplementary teaching materials

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attend class
midterm exam
final exam
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[SS316]
授課教師 Teacher:王業立/蘇子喬
修課班級 Class:政治碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 6 人。

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