course information of 103 - 1 | 6291 Seminar in Legislative Process(立法過程專題研究)

Taught In English6291 - 立法過程專題研究 Seminar in Legislative Process

教育目標 Course Target

本課程乃是政治研究所博士班與碩士班的選修課程。其內容主要在探討民主憲政體制下(不論是總統制,議會制抑或是半總統制),國會(立法機關)必然是政府權力中心的事實。在民主憲政體制下,法律必須由民選的國會所制定,國會藉由法律的制定,為整個社會做權威性的價值分配,因此民主政治的統治必須以贏得議會的多數支持為前提。不過,國會雖然具有立法的權力,而其如何立法則需視國會內部的結構(structure),以及國會與其他政治機構(political institutions)之間的互動關係而定。基本上,國會的立法過程(legislative process)乃是政治過程(political process)的一環。本課程旨在介紹國會內部的結構,並說明影響國會立法的政治因素,以期學生具備相關的政治專業知識,決策分析、領導與學術研究的能力。This course is an elective course for the doctoral and master's programs of the Institute of Political Science. Its content mainly discusses the fact that under a democratic constitutional system (whether it is a presidential system, a parliamentary system or a semi-presidential system), the Congress (legislature) must be the center of government power. In a democratic constitutional system, laws must be enacted by the democratically elected Congress, which makes authoritative value distribution for the entire society through the enactment of laws. Therefore, democratic political rule must be predicated on winning the majority support of the Congress. However, although Congress has the power to legislate, how it legislates depends on the internal structure of Congress and the interaction between Congress and other political institutions. Basically, the legislative process of Congress is part of the political process. This course aims to introduce the internal structure of Congress and explain the political factors that affect Congressional legislation, so that students can acquire relevant political expertise, decision-making analysis, leadership and academic research capabilities.

參考書目 Reference Books

(7)廖達琪(2005),<「橡皮圖章」如何轉變為「河東獅吼」?──立法院在台灣民主化過程中角色轉變之探究(1950- 2000)>,(人文及社會科學集刊)第17卷第2期,頁343~391。
(11)盛杏湲 (2006),<臺灣民眾為什麼討厭立法院?>,(台灣民主季刊)第3卷第3期,頁85~128。
(15)Dodd, Lawrence C. and Bruce I. Oppenheimer. Ed. 2013. Congress: Reconsidered. London: Sage.
(16)Keefe, William, and Morris S. Ogul. 2001. The American Legislative Process: Congress and the States. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
(17)McKay, William, and Charles W. Johnson. 2012. Parliament and Congress: Representation and Scrutiny in the Twenty-First Century. New York: Oxford University Press.
(18)Oleszek, Walter J. 2014. Congressional Procedures and the Policy Process. London: Sage.
(19)Stewart III, Charles. 2012. Analyzing Congress. New York: W.W. Norton.
(1) Ren Jiping (2011), "Courts and Politics: A Preliminary Study of American Judicial Politics", (Global Politics Review) No. 33, pp. 73~95.
(2) Shen Youzhong (2009), "The Development of German Parliamentary Democracy: From the Weimar Constitution to the Basic Law", (Thoughts and Words), Volume 47, Issue 3, pp. 27~65.
(3) Peng Jinpeng (2001), "On the number of members of Congress and the "halving of legislative seats" from European and American experience", (Political Science Series), Issue 15, pp. 171~190.
(4) Huang Xiuduan and He Songting (2007), "Party Negotiation and Congressional Legislation: Analysis of the Fifth Legislative Yuan", (Political Science Series), Issue 34, pp. 1~44.
(5) Huang Xiuduan (2003), "The Dilemma of the Minority Government in Congress", (Taiwan Political Science Journal), Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 3~49.
(6) Liao Daqi, Chen Yueqing, and Li Chengxun (2013), "Congress Supervision under Semi-Presidential System - Comparing the Supervision Energy of Taiwan and France Congresses from the Legal Aspects", (Issue and Research), Volume 52, Issue 2, pp. 51~97 .
(7) Liao Daqi (2005), "How does a "rubber stamp" transform into a "Hedong lion's roar"? ──An exploration of the changing role of the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan's democratization process (1950-2000)>, (Humanities and Social Sciences Collection), Volume 17, Issue 2, pp. 343~391.
(8) Zheng Mingde (2005), "Research on the Organizational Issues of the Legislative Yuan of the Democratic Progressive Party", (Political Science Series), Issue 25, pp. 135~166.
(9) Yang Wanying and Chen Caiwei (2004), "Transformation and Evaluation of the Party Group Consultation System under the Wave of Congressional Reform", (Journal of Soochow Political Science), Issue 19, pp. 111~150.
(10) Yang Wulong (2006), "The system and development of the U.S. federal government's protection of civil servants who expose fraud", (Political Science Series), Issue 29, pp. 83~122.
(11) Sheng Xingyan (2006), "Why do Taiwanese people hate the Legislative Yuan?" >, (Taiwan Democracy Quarterly) Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 85~128.
(12) Xiao Yijing (2007), "Research on the Standing Committee for Selection of Legislators in my country: Taking the Fifth Legislator as an Example", (Journal of Soochow Political Science), Volume 25, Issue 3, pp. 131~182.
(13) Xiao Yijing (2005), "Discussion on the seniority system of my country's Legislative Yuan - changes in the system of committee wandering and convening committee members", (Political Science Series), Issue 25, pp. 105~134.
(14) Su Ziqiao and Wang Yeli (2012), "A cross-national analysis of the influence of presidential and congressional election systems on party systems", (Issue and Research), Volume 51, Issue 4, pp. 35~70.
(15)Dodd, Lawrence C. and Bruce I. Oppenheimer. Ed. 2013. Congress: Reconsidered. London: Sage.
(16)Keefe, William, and Morris S. Ogul. 2001. The American Legislative Process: Congress and the States. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
(17)McKay, William, and Charles W. Johnson. 2012. Parliament and Congress: Representation and Scrutiny in the Twenty-First Century. New York: Oxford University Press.
(18)Oleszek, Walter J. 2014. Congressional Procedures and the Policy Process. London: Sage.
(19)Stewart III, Charles. 2012. Analyzing Congress. New York: W.W. Norton.

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/7,8,9[SS427]
授課教師 Teacher:任冀平
修課班級 Class:政治碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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