course information of 103 - 1 | 6196 Business Intelligence System(企業智慧系統)

Taught In English6196 - 企業智慧系統 Business Intelligence System

教育目標 Course Target

以Google Trends分析台灣趨勢可發現,過去是企業資源規劃(ERP)當道,但商業智慧(BI)將於2014年成為E化需求第一名!以Google Trends分析全球,此趨勢更是明顯。許多調查也指出BI是繼ERP之後最受矚目的E化系統,同時也是未來行動應用需求的第一名,亦和巨量資料(Big Data)有關。本課程旨在使學生具備善用資訊科技分析各類資料的能力,以實用為原則,不深入介紹複雜抽象的理論,而以深入淺出方式介紹企業智慧系統與其他高階應用軟體,並搭配上機實作,讓學生能從做中學具體了解,進而提升實務應用能力。期能讓學生在修完課後可以直接考取經濟部及教育部核可之BI軟體應用師證照(過去幾年通過率約九成)與上市公司精誠資訊之SAP-BI基礎智能管理師證照,並強化專業知識以應付職場與研究所應試需求。只有一張BI證照或許要稱為BI專家還不夠說服力,同時擁有兩張BI證照將使同學成為真正具備特色的BI專家!Using Google Trends to analyze trends in Taiwan, we can find that in the past, enterprise resource planning (ERP) was dominant, but business intelligence (BI) will become the first e-commerce demand in 2014! Using Google Trends to analyze global trends, this trend is even more obvious. Many surveys also point out that BI is the most popular e-system after ERP, and it is also the first in demand for future mobile applications. It is also related to huge amounts of data (Big Data). This course aims to equip students with the ability to make good use of information technology to analyze various types of data. Based on the principle of practicality, this course does not introduce complex and abstract theories in depth, but introduces enterprise intelligence systems and other high-end application software in a simple and easy-to-understand way, with hands-on computer practice. Practice, so that students can learn concretely through doing, thereby improving their practical application abilities. It is expected that after completing the course, students can directly obtain the BI software application engineer certificate approved by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Education (the pass rate in the past few years is about 90%) and the SAP-BI basic intelligent manager certificate of the listed company Jingcheng Information. And strengthen professional knowledge to meet the examination needs of the workplace and graduate school. Having only one BI certificate may not be convincing enough to be called a BI expert, but having two BI certificates at the same time will make students become truly unique BI experts!

課程概述 Course Description

企業電子化對現代企業經營的重要性已無庸置疑。企業經由諸如ERP、SCM、CRM等各種資訊系統累積了多年的營運資料之後,自然會進一步想充分分析與運用這些資料以幫助企業營運。如果說ERP等系統是現在式,BIS則可稱為未來式。漸漸的會有越來越多的企業體悟到導入BIS的需求。 企業智慧系統包括兩大類技術:了解過去—資料倉儲與線上即時分析(OLAP);預測未來—資料探勘。因此本課程的目的便是培養BIS的規劃建置與軟體應用的人才以迎合此需求,期能讓學生在修完課後可以直接考取經濟部及教育部核可之BI軟體應用師證照。 此外,本課程亦深入簡出介紹多種智慧型系統,讓學生得以強化專業知識以應付職場與研究所應試需求。
There is no doubt about the importance of enterprise electronics to modern business operations. After companies have accumulated many years of operational data through various information systems such as ERP, SCM, and CRM, they will naturally want to further analyze and use these data to help the company operate. If systems such as ERP are in the present tense, BIS can be called the future tense. Gradually, more and more companies will realize the need to introduce BIS. Enterprise intelligence systems include two major categories of technologies: understanding the past—data warehousing and online real-time analysis (OLAP); predicting the future—data exploration. Therefore, the purpose of this course is to cultivate talents in BIS planning, construction and software application to meet this demand. It is expected that after completing the course, students can directly obtain the BI software application engineer certificate approved by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Education. In addition, this course also provides an in-depth and simplified introduction to various intelligent systems, allowing students to strengthen their professional knowledge to meet the examination needs of the workplace and graduate schools.

參考書目 Reference Books

(1) 鼎新BI應用人才培訓系列—BI OLAP設計應用篇,鼎新知識學院編輯群 編著,第一版
(2) 投影片講義
(3) 其他中英文課外補充教材


(4) 使用軟體
鼎新V-Point EIS
SPSS 17.0
Expert Choice 11.5 (試用版請至http://www.expertchoice.com/academic-program/free-trial下載,要填寫下方資料以取得軟體序號)
Beer Game 網路版
(1) Dingxin BI application talent training series—BI OLAP design and application, compiled by the editorial team of Dingxin Knowledge Academy, first edition
(2) Slide handouts
(3) Other Chinese and English extracurricular supplementary teaching materials

(Please go to the teaching platform to download the slides, and upload the assignments to the teaching platform)

(4) Use software
Dingxin V-Point EIS
SPSS 17.0
Expert Choice 11.5 (Please download the trial version from http://www.expertchoice.com/academic-program/free-trial. Please fill in the information below to obtain the software serial number)
Beer Game Online Version

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
35 上機 + 筆試 (BI證照考試模擬考)
Final report
35 須找尋實際資料,運用所教的各種分析軟體進行分析
Computer work
10 上機作業
usual results
20 出席率與上課表現

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[M024]
授課教師 Teacher:林盛程
修課班級 Class:資管3,4,碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:資管系3,4可修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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