course information of 103 - 1 | 6102 Industrial Management & Strategies(產業經營與策略)

Taught In English6102 - 產業經營與策略 Industrial Management & Strategies

教育目標 Course Target

產業分析是公司經營,特別是擬定策略的關鍵議題,本課程希望能對產業特性、產業結構、產業動態競爭、產業政策等議題,在課程中有深入的分析與討論。並希望能在課程之後,幫助同學對於幾個特別具有未來性的產業,有進一步的瞭解。  將企業趨勢與時髦用語拋開,以不耍花招的方式審視產業策略。每一家企業都是獨一無二的,因此本課程所提及的戰術與範例強調的是如何找出你企業的獨特性,然後發展此種特色的策略,並且幫企業從中獲利。本課程的策略分析以四個步驟的程序協助你決定你應該如何成長、縮編、進入新市場、掌握一種利基、成為業界領袖、將競爭對手逐出市場、快速的創新、模仿競爭對手。Industrial analysis is a key issue in company management, especially in formulating strategies. This course hopes to provide in-depth analysis and discussion of industry characteristics, industrial structure, industry dynamic competition, industrial policy and other issues in the course. We hope that after the course, we can help students gain a better understanding of several particularly futuristic industries.​ Put aside corporate trends and buzzwords and look at industry strategy in a non-gimmicky way. Every business is unique, so the tactics and examples mentioned in this course emphasize how to find out what makes your business unique, then develop strategies that make that unique and profit from it. This course's strategic analysis uses a four-step process to help you determine how you should grow, downsize, enter new markets, master a niche, become an industry leader, drive competitors out of the market, innovate rapidly, and imitate competitors.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Waldman & Jensen (2007),雙葉,Industry Organization (理論基礎及國際個案)

2. Foster & Kaplan (2003),遠流,破壞性創新 (從心理角度談創新)

3. Christensen(2004)創新者解答


4. 彼得杜拉克:創業與創新精神(談創新的機會)

5. 哈佛商業雜誌

6. EMBA雜誌

7. 考貝特,委外革命(2006)經濟新潮社

8. Hamel & Breen 管理大未來(2007),天下

9. 安東尼(2008)創新者的成長指南,天下


11. 經營與策略最佳實務 (出版社:商周出版)
1. Waldman & Jensen (2007), Futaba, Industry Organization (theoretical basis and international cases)

2. Foster & Kaplan (2003), Yuanliu, disruptive innovation (talking about innovation from a psychological perspective)

3. Christensen (2004) Innovator’s Answer

(The work of Harvard University professor Christianson, talking about the types of innovation and its connotation)

4. Peter Drucker: Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Talk about Opportunities for Innovation)

5. Harvard Business Magazine

6. EMBA Magazine

7. Corbett, Foreign Revolution (2006) Economic New Wave Society

8. Hamel & Breen Managing the Big Future (2007), Tianxia

9. Anthony (2008) The Innovator’s Guide to Growth, Tianxia

10. Morris (2009) Lasting Innovation (Cai Xin)

11. Best Practices in Operation and Strategy (Publisher: Shangzhou Publishing)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm group reading report
Interim Group Industry Business Strategy Report
End-of-period group industry business strategy report
Study and share new management knowledge
Case teaching report

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/5,6,7[M242]
授課教師 Teacher:許書銘/洪明洲/佘日新
修課班級 Class:高階經管班1,2
選課備註 Memo:週末班,7選4;限碩專班
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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