course information of 103 - 1 | 6008 Analysis of Financial Statement(財報分析研討)

Taught In English6008 - 財報分析研討 Analysis of Financial Statement

教育目標 Course Target

1. Analysis Overview 2. Accounting Analysis a. Analyzing Financing Activities b. Analyzing Investing Activities c. Analyzing Operating Activities d. Cash Flow Analysis 3. Financial Analysis a. Profitability Analysis b. Prospective Analysis c. Credit Analysis 4. Equity Analysis and Valuation 5. Special Topics1. Analysis Overview 2. Accounting Analysis a. Analyzing Financing Activities b. Analyzing Investing Activities c. Analyzing Operating Activities d. Cash Flow Analysis 3.Financial Analysis a. Profitability Analysis b. Prospective Analysis c. Credit Analysis 4. Equity Analysis and Valuation 5. Special Topics

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Subramanyam and Wild, Financial Statement Analysis, 10th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2009.(華泰書局)
2. Penman S., Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, 5 ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2013.
3. Palepu K., P. Healy, V. Bernard and E. Peek, Business Analysis & Valuation:IFRS Edition, Thomson, 2010.
4. Soffer L. and R. Soffer, Financial Statement Analysis: A Valuation Approach, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2003.
5. 謝劍平,財務報表分析,智勝出版社,2009年5月。
6. 劉順仁,財報就像一本故事書:兩岸財報實戰篇,時報出版,二版,2007年。
7. 劉心陽,操盤人教你看財務報表,智富文化,2009年。
8. 郭恭克等,獵豹財務長投資藏寶圖:財務分析秘笈,聚財資訊,2009年。
9. 黃國華,交易員的靈魂,聚財資訊,2007年。
10. 張漢傑,破解財務危機-台灣上市危機公司總體檢,梅霖出版,2007年。
11. 張漢傑,活學活用財報資訊-上市上櫃公司實例,梅霖出版,2004年。
12. 葉銀華,透視上市公司,先覺出版,2004年
13. 葉銀華,蒸發的股王-領先發現地雷危機,商智文化,2005年。
14. 雷爾.薛利,識破財務騙局的第一本書,美商麥格羅希爾公司,
1. Subramanyam and Wild, Financial Statement Analysis, 10th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2009. (Huatai Book Company)
2. Penman S., Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, 5 ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2013.
3. Palepu K., P. Healy, V. Bernard and E. Peek, Business Analysis & Valuation:IFRS Edition, Thomson, 2010.
4. Soffer L. and R. Soffer, Financial Statement Analysis: A Valuation Approach, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2003.
5. Xie Jianping, Financial Statement Analysis, Zhisheng Publishing House, May 2009.
6. Liu Shunren, Financial Reporting is Like a Storybook: Cross-Strait Financial Reporting Practice, Times Publishing, second edition, 2007.
7. Liu Xinyang, Traders teach you how to read financial statements, Zhifu Culture, 2009.
8. Guo Gongke et al., Cheetah CFO’s Investment Treasure Map: Financial Analysis Tips, Jucai Information, 2009.
9. Huang Guohua, The Soul of a Trader, Jucai Information, 2007.
10. Zhang Hanjie, Breaking the Financial Crisis - A General Review of Taiwan's Listed Companies in Crisis, Meilin Publishing, 2007.
11. Zhang Hanjie, Learning and Using Financial Report Information - Examples of Listed OTC Companies, Meilin Publishing, 2004.
12. Ye Yinhua, Insight into Listed Companies, Xianjue Publishing, 2004
13. Ye Yinhua, the evaporated stock king - took the lead in discovering the landmine crisis, Shangzhi Culture, 2005.
14. Rael Shirley, the first book on spotting financial scams, American McGraw-Hill Company,

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8
授課教師 Teacher:蕭慧玲
修課班級 Class:財金碩2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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