course information of 103 - 1 | 5969 I-Ching and Businss(中國經典與管理—易經商道)

Taught In English5969 - 中國經典與管理—易經商道 I-Ching and Businss

教育目標 Course Target

一、透過一卦六爻的「錯、綜、雜」,訓練管理者「看事物」的多元化,終而達到「若見諸相非相,即見如來」之境界。 二、強調易經「人事興革」在商道之運用,包括策略之擬定、執行、組織變革、危機應變、領導統御……等等。 三、本課程有「三不」:不怪力亂神、不卜卦、不知為不知。 四、易經如同「思想再造」工程,其要有四:1.不同角度看事物,2.跳脫過去巢臼,3.宏觀遠見思維,4.自由活潑創造。 1. Through the "error, complexity, and complexity" of a hexagram and six lines, managers are trained to "see things" in a diversified way, and finally reach the state of "if you see all forms but not all forms, you will see the Tathagata." 2. Emphasis on the application of the Book of Changes' "Personnel and Reform" in business, including strategy formulation, execution, organizational change, crisis response, leadership and control...etc. 3. There are "three don'ts" in this course: don't blame the power to confuse the mind, don't divination, and don't know as you don't know. 4. The Book of Changes is like a "thinking reconstruction" project, which requires four things: 1. Seeing things from different angles, 2. Breaking out of the past, 3. Macroscopic visionary thinking, 4. Free and lively creation.

課程概述 Course Description




四、一陰一陽謂之道。萬物要永續發展,必須同時具備「陰陽」兩極化成份,看似矛盾,實則統一。獨立中相互協調,相互配合,達成平衡中道之盛德大業。不只是中國易經思想,其實<聖經>諾亞方舟故事,也是如此。孤陰不生,獨陽不長。極端的共產主義、資本主義都無法造就「民生樂利」社會,同理,只強調西方量化分析的管理,總覺得欠缺什麼東西似的。如果領導管理階層,能將易經 天人合一中道哲學思想,融入現代管理體系,組織必然永續茁壯、成長。東方易經中道觀,西方量化效率觀,兩者合一,是未來管理之「道」。
1. Yi is the leader of the group of scriptures. Classics are also cultural materials. Feelings and experiences vary depending on the person, time and place. For example, clay materials can be made into a variety of different "products" by different people or at different times. The Book of Changes is the first of all the classics and the most fundamental source of Chinese culture. It is the classic among classics and the schools of thought all evolved from the Book of Changes, including: Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, Military Strategies, etc. .

2. Yi is the study of emperors. The emperor is like the "leader manager" of a modern organization. The Book of Changes uses the laws of nature to guide humans on how to make correct judgments and make reasonable decisions to achieve the purpose of pursuing good fortune and avoiding disaster. The Book of Changes is a science of futurology, prediction, leadership, and decision-making... It lays out the way to succeed in the world.

3. Yi means theory, imagery, number, and divination. Reason, principle; image, activity, phenomenon; number, information, data, divination, judgment, decision-making. Divination is the purpose, reason, imagery, and numbers are the means. In other words, in order to achieve the goal of pursuing good fortune and avoiding misfortune, one must fully understand the principles, phenomena, and numbers of things as a basis for judgment and decision-making. Taking accounting professional knowledge as an example, business transaction activities (images) are converted into accounting statements (numbers) based on generally accepted accounting principles (Principles), and report users make relevant decisions (Bu) based on the relevant information provided by the enterprise.

4. One yin and one yang are called the Tao. For all things to develop sustainably, they must have both the polarizing elements of "yin and yang", which may seem contradictory but are actually unified. Coordinate and cooperate with each other while being independent to achieve the great cause of balance and virtue. Not only the Chinese I Ching thought, but also the story of Noah's Ark in the Bible. Lone Yin does not give birth, Lone Yang does not grow. Neither extreme communism nor capitalism can create a society where people are happy and benefit. For the same reason, management that only emphasizes Western quantitative analysis always seems to be lacking something. If the leadership and management can integrate the philosophy of the Yi Ching into the modern management system, the organization will surely continue to thrive and grow. The combination of the Eastern Taoist view in the Book of Changes and the Western quantitative efficiency view is the "Tao" of future management.

參考書目 Reference Books

I Ching

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/2,3,4[研討室]
授課教師 Teacher:詹茂焜
修課班級 Class:會計專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:研討室:M334
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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