course information of 103 - 1 | 5963 Civil Leadership in Business Enterprises(企業經營與領導能量)

Taught In English5963 - 企業經營與領導能量 Civil Leadership in Business Enterprises

教育目標 Course Target

Business strategy can be defined as “…the development and deployment of organizational resources to achieve business objectives”. The academic discipline of strategic management investigates the way in which organizational strategies are developed and then implemented. The purpose of this investigation is two-fold; first, to understand why strategies succeed (or fail), and secondly, to use this knowledge to prescribe better ways of formulating and implementing new strategies.Business strategy can be defined as “…the development and deployment of organizational resources to achieve business objectives”. The academic discipline of strategic management investigates the way in which organizational strategies are developed and then implemented. The purpose of this investigation is two-fold; first, to understand why strategies succeed (or fail), and secondly, to use this knowledge to prescribe better ways of formulating and implementing new strategies.

課程概述 Course Description

為什麼我要工作?…………除了賺錢生活以外,工作對我的意義? 為何我從事這個行業?……我的工作與行業和我的人生的關係? … 我講求效率與速度,但省下的時間做什麼?…哇,大部分是殺時間的活動呢?!  既然要殺時間,何必要省時間? 難怪我覺得疲累,這種精神上的空虛與茫然帶來的累,休息好像幫助不大.  我靜的下來嗎?該慢的時候,我能慢的下來嗎? 我能夠獨處嗎?我了解自己嗎?覺得好像和自己頗陌生! 我如何走出這種困境? 這們課程希望啟動學員思考「成功」對我的涵義? 個人要從工作或企業得到恆久的價值,需要取得事財情家體(事業、金錢、感情、家庭、身體)的平衡,事業的成功不一定會協助得到其他四項目.然而事、財、情、家、體的圓融,不是靠更多「能力」或做更多更快來達到,而是懂得「能量」運作的原理,經營自我與群我的領導能量,於日常生活實踐當中落實. 協助學員關注自己生命價值這個議題,尋求自己價值.藉由個我的自省與修正,獲得群我的支持,一起領略生命之美與為人的價值! 如何領略生命之美?這門課程並沒有提供標準答案!過程和結果一樣重要! 課程透過影集、討論、作業與沉澱等.重要作業例如:撰寫自己的墓誌銘,我的人生使命宣言(Personal Mission Statement),協助學員檢視自我的生命熱情(召喚calling)與工作的連結. 課程提供方向與原則,除了概念與思維,實踐的部分我們透過動禪練習,清淨飲食等來協助建立我們的專注力(mindfulness)與紀律(discipline)…等,這些可以幫助我們勇敢的面對人生的課題,進而超越困境而體會一種內在的喜悅. 我只能說,好好地參與這門課程,四個月學期結束後,你會不一樣. 以下是The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People(教材之一)的七個習慣: Habit 1 - Be Proactive (自強不息) Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind (因果相應) Habit 3 - Put First Things First (順應自然) Habit 4 - Think Win/Win (陰陽調和) Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood (感通內外) Habit 6 - Synergize (乾坤相配) Habit 7 - Sharpen the Saw (互轉乾坤) 透過七個良好習慣的建立,妳會能夠漸漸地走出「忙」到生活無品質、「茫」到生命無目標、「盲」到生命無意義,從日常生活實踐中,妳會成為在各方面都具有領導能量的人. 附錄: 有智慧的社會人士一定懂得做人處事,透過這個課程希望加強EMBA學生
Why do I need to work? …………Aside from making money and living, what does work mean to me? Why am I in this industry? …How does my work relate to the industry and my life? … I value efficiency and speed, but what can I do with the time I save? …Wow, what about activities that are mostly time-killing? !​ If you want to kill time, why save time? No wonder I feel tired. Rest doesn't seem to help much with this kind of mental emptiness and confusion.​ Can I calm down? Can I slow down when I should slow down? Can I be alone? Do I know myself? I feel as if I am a stranger! How do I get out of this predicament? This course hopes to inspire students to think about what "success" means to me? To obtain lasting value from work or business, an individual needs to achieve a balance between career, money, emotions, family, and body. Success in career may not necessarily help obtain the other four items. However, the harmony of work, finance, love, family and body is not achieved by more "ability" or doing more and faster, but by understanding the principle of "energy" operation and managing the leadership energy of oneself and the group, so as to Implemented in daily life practice. Help students pay attention to the issue of their own life value and seek their own value. Through personal introspection and correction, we can gain support from the group and appreciate the beauty of life and the value of being human together! How to appreciate the beauty of life? This course does not provide standard answers! The process is as important as the result! The course is conducted through photo albums, discussions, homework and precipitation, etc. Important assignments include writing your own epitaph and personal mission statement to help students examine the connection between their life passion (calling) and their work. The course provides direction and principles. In addition to concepts and thinking, in the practical part we help build our concentration (mindfulness) and discipline (discipline) through moving meditation exercises, clean eating, etc., etc., which can help us face life bravely. topics, and then transcend difficulties and experience an inner joy. All I can say is, take this course well and you will be different after the four-month semester. The following are the seven habits of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (one of the textbooks): Habit 1 - Be Proactive Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind (Causation) Habit 3 - Put First Things First (go with nature) Habit 4 - Think Win/Win (harmony of yin and yang) Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood (sensitivity inside and outside) Habit 6 - Synergize Habit 7 - Sharpen the Saw Through the establishment of seven good habits, you will gradually be able to get rid of being "busy" and leading to a life with no quality, "blurred" and leading to a life without goals, and "blind" leading to a meaningless life. Through daily practice, you will become better in all aspects. All people have leadership energy. Appendix: Smart people in society must know how to behave and deal with things. Through this course, we hope to strengthen EMBA students’

參考書目 Reference Books

1.The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven R. Covey(中譯本)與成功有約 顧淑馨譯 天下文化 ISBN: 957-621-303-7�
1. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven R. Covey (Chinese translation) A Date with Success Translated by Gu Shuxin Tianxia Culture ISBN: 957-621-303-7�
2. Korean drama [Business Road] Episodes 1~50, about 2825 minutes. �

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Participate in class
interim report
Final report
40 個人作業

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/6,7[M339]
授課教師 Teacher:陳孟凱
修課班級 Class:會計專班1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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