course information of 103 - 1 | 5930 Seminar on Tax Law(稅法專題研究)

Taught In English5930 - 稅法專題研究 Seminar on Tax Law

教育目標 Course Target

1. 藉由稅務議題之討論與報告撰寫,讓參與課程同學全面性地瞭解稅捐法治國家的運轉實態 2. 藉由授課與討論機會,將灌輸參與同學正確的專業態度與執業觀念 3. 藉由授課與討論機會,能夠給予僅具會計背景知識的同學同時瞭解基礎法律與稅捐法律概念1. Through the discussion and report writing of tax issues, students participating in the course will have a comprehensive understanding of the actual operation of a country governed by taxation and rule of law. 2. Through lectures and discussion opportunities, correct professional attitudes and practice concepts will be instilled in participating students 3. Through lectures and discussion opportunities, students with only accounting background knowledge can simultaneously understand basic legal and tax legal concepts.

課程概述 Course Description

Since this course is offered by law teachers in an accounting office for the first time, and it takes tax issues of common concern as the research object, it will be led by teachers in a teaching method that is different from traditional teaching. For this research topic, teachers and participating course students will first jointly select the tax topics that should be discussed (current tax reform issues, tax law regulations or tax issues, individual tax disputes, etc.), and each participating student will write Mid-term report, and conduct interactive discussions under the guidance of the teacher. Participating students should respond to the questions or doubts raised by the teacher and classmates during the discussion, and respond to relevant questions or doubts in the final report under the guidance of the teacher. Through discussions on tax issues, participating students can better understand the actual operation of a country governed by taxation and rule of law.

參考書目 Reference Books

Wang Jianxuan, Taxation Law, Huatai Publishing
Xu Weichu, Ou Junnan, Xie Wensheng, Finance, Huatai Publishing
Chen Qingxiu, General Introduction to Tax Law, Yuanzhao Publishing House

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Course Participation, Discussion and Attendance
50 以參與同學在課程中討論的積極度、討論的發言內容、以及是否經常出勤或缺席,由教師作綜合判斷。
Contents of interim report and final report
50 以參與同學在兩份報告中,所提出見解的原創性、討論問題之嚴謹度、展開問題之深度與廣度,由教師作綜合判斷。倘若,經教師事後發現,同學報告之內容係抄襲他人之碩士論文著作的部分內容,或以網路搜尋所得文章內容加以瓜代,甚至是以剪貼新聞資料之方式寫作,該同學之報告內容,將以零分計算。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4[M242]
授課教師 Teacher:柯格鐘
修課班級 Class:會計碩1,2,法律碩
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 19 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 19 人。

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