course information of 103 - 1 | 5438 Special Topics in Behavioral Ecology (I)(行為生態論文選讀(一))

Taught In English5438 - 行為生態論文選讀(一) Special Topics in Behavioral Ecology (I)

教育目標 Course Target

了解視覺之生理機制;與個體生存及行為、生態環境之關係。Understand the physiological mechanism of vision; its relationship with individual survival and behavior, and the ecological environment.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Warrant, EJ. 2008. Seeing in the dark: vision and visual behaviour in nocturnal bees and wasps. Journal of Experimental Biology. 211:1737-1746.
2. Norgaard, T., Nilsson, DE., Henschel, JR, Garm A. and Weher, R. 2008. Vision in the nocturnal wandering spider Leucorchestris arenicola (Araneae: Sparassidae). Journal of Experimental Biolgoy. 211:816-823.
3. Vincenzo, P., Maria dMD., Carlos, AA and Fabrizio, S. 2007. The importance of visual cues for nocturnal species: eagle owls signal by badge brightness. Behavioral Ecology. 18:143-147.
4. Yack, JE., Johnson, SE., Brown, SG. And Warrant EJ. 2007. The eyes of Macrosoma sp (Lepidoptera:Hedyloidea):A nocturnal butterfly with superposition optics. Arthropod Structure and Development. 36:11-22.
5. Briscoe, AD and Chittka L. 2001. The evolution of color vision in insects. Annual Review of Entomology. 46:471-510.
6. Kelber A., Vorobyev M and Osorio D. 2003. Animal colour vision – behavioural tests and physiological concepts. Biological Review. 78:81-118.
7. Vorobyev, M. and Brant, R. 1997. How do insect pollinators discriminate colors? Israel Journal of Plant Sciences. 45: 103-113.
8. Warrant, EJ. 1999. Seeing better at night: life style, eye design and the optimum strategy of spatial and temporal summation. Vision Research. 39: 1611-1630.
9. Johnsen, S., Kelber, A., Warrant, EJ., Sweeney, AM., Widder, EA., Lee, RL. and Javier, HA. 2006. Crepuscular and nocturnal illumination and its effects on color perception by the nocturnal hawkmoth Deilephila elpenor. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 209: 789-800.
10. Kelber, A., Balkenius, A. and Warrant EJ. 2003. Colour vision in diurnal and nocturnal Hawkmoths. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 43: 571-579.
11. Kelber, A. and Roth, LSV. Nocturnal colour vision – not as rare as we might think. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 209: 781-788.
12. Raguso, RA and Willis, MA. 2005. Synergy between visual and olfactory cues in nectar feeding by wild hawkmoths, Manduca
1. Warrant, EJ. 2008. Seeing in the dark: vision and visual behavior in nocturnal bees and wasps. Journal of Experimental Biology. 211:1737-1746.
2. Norgaard, T., Nilsson, DE., Henschel, JR, Garm A. and Weher, R. 2008. Vision in the nocturnal wandering spider Leucorchestris arenicola (Araneae: Sparassidae). Journal of Experimental Biolgoy. 211:816-823 .
3. Vincenzo, P., Maria dMD., Carlos, AA and Fabrizio, S. 2007. The importance of visual cues for nocturnal species: eagle owls signal by badge brightness. Behavioral Ecology. 18:143-147.
4. Yack, JE., Johnson, SE., Brown, SG. And Warrant EJ. 2007. The eyes of Macrosoma sp (Lepidoptera:Hedyloidea): A nocturnal butterfly with superposition optics. Arthropod Structure and Development. 36:11-22 .
5. Briscoe, AD and Chittka L. 2001. The evolution of color vision in insects. Annual Review of Entomology. 46:471-510.
6. Kelber A., ​​Vorobyev M and Osorio D. 2003. Animal color vision – behavioral tests and physiological concepts. Biological Review. 78:81-118.
7. Vorobyev, M. and Brant, R. 1997. How do insect pollinators discriminate colors? Israel Journal of Plant Sciences. 45: 103-113.
8. Warrant, EJ. 1999. Seeing better at night: life style, eye design and the optimum strategy of spatial and temporal summation. Vision Research. 39: 1611-1630.
9. Johnsen, S., Kelber, A., Warrant, EJ., Sweeney, AM., Widder, EA., Lee, RL. and Javier, HA. 2006. Crepuscular and nocturnal illumination and its effects on color perception by the nocturnal hawkmoth Deilephila elpenor. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 209: 789-800.
10. Kelber, A., Balkenius, A. and Warrant EJ. 2003. Color vision in diurnal and nocturnal Hawkmoths. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 43: 571-579.
11. Kelber, A. and Roth, LSV. Nocturnal color vision – not as rare as we might think. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 209: 781-788.
12. Raguso, RA and Willis, MA. 2005. Synergy between visual and olfactory cues in nectar feeding by wild hawkmoths, Manduca

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm examMidterm exam
Midterm exam
Final examFinal exam
Final exam

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學分 Credit:1-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/A
授課教師 Teacher:卓逸民
修課班級 Class:生科博, 生態碩
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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