course information of 103 - 1 | 5374 Immunochemistry(免疫化學)

Taught In English5374 - 免疫化學 Immunochemistry

教育目標 Course Target

1.基礎免疫系統及免疫細胞介紹 2.抗體與抗原:免疫化學之基礎 3.免疫產生之原理:認識自己與敵人-主要組織合適複合體及抗原呈現 4.免疫的反應及調節作用:初級免疫反應及次級免疫反應,Th1/Th2反應 6.介白質的調節作用 7.本能免疫與後天免疫反應的關係(Toll受體) 8.過敏反應,免疫疾病,免疫缺乏 9.抗氧化物與疾病,免疫與心血管疾病關係 10.神經免疫的作用 11.中草藥、中醫與癌症 12.免疫與癌症1. Introduction to basic immune system and immune cells 2. Antibodies and antigens: the basis of immunochemistry 3. The principle of immune production: knowing oneself and the enemy - mainly organizing appropriate complexes and antigen presentation 4. Immune response and regulation: primary immune response and secondary immune response, Th1/Th2 response 6. Regulatory effect of interleukin 7. The relationship between instinctive immunity and acquired immune response (Toll receptor) 8. Allergic reactions, immune diseases, immune deficiency 9. The relationship between antioxidants and diseases, immunity and cardiovascular diseases 10. The role of neuroimmunity 11. Chinese herbal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and cancer 12. Immunity and cancer

課程概述 Course Description

免疫系統是維護的生命的重要的因素之一,因此瞭解免疫系統及免疫功能及調節機轉是很重要的課題;攝取合宜的蛋白質、脂質及碳水化合物,補充微量元素、維生素不但維繫身體健康,也可以緩解慢性疾病,甚至預防疾病。我們若要活到生命的極限,就要對影響生命的因子有清楚的認識。因此本課將對下列的題目:免疫系統的重點介紹: 本能免疫及後天免疫、T和B細胞及巨噬細胞、免疫的系統功能及調節、情緒與壓力對免疫的影響、食物過敏、抗氧化物對免疫的系統及功能影響及營養對老化、免疫疾病、癌症的影響,深入淺出的介紹。
The immune system is one of the important factors in maintaining life, so understanding the immune system, immune functions and regulatory mechanisms is a very important topic; taking in appropriate proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, supplementing trace elements and vitamins not only maintains physical health, It can also alleviate chronic diseases and even prevent them. If we want to live to the limit of life, we must have a clear understanding of the factors that affect life. Therefore, this lesson will cover the following topics: Key introduction to the immune system: instinctive immunity and acquired immunity, T and B cells and macrophages, immune system function and regulation, the impact of emotion and stress on immunity, food allergies, antioxidants An in-depth and easy-to-understand introduction to the impact of food on the immune system and functions and the impact of nutrition on aging, immune diseases, and cancer.

參考書目 Reference Books

Kuby Immunology, Sixth Edition
Immunology, Ivan Roitt, David Male, Johathan Brostoff
Kuby Immunology, Sixth Edition
Immunology, Ivan Roitt, David Male, Johanthan Brostoff
Nutrition and Immunity, Zheng Qiqing, Yixuan Publishing House 2004

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
20 準時到課及參與討論
20 每單元結束測驗
midterm exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[CH012]
授課教師 Teacher:鄭啟清
修課班級 Class:化學系4,碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:大四可選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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