course information of 103 - 1 | 5224 Plato's Moral Theory(柏拉圖道德論)

Taught In English5224 - 柏拉圖道德論 Plato's Moral Theory

教育目標 Course Target

透過對柏拉圖語錄中與「道德」、「德性」有關議題的研讀,了解柏拉圖道德哲學的發展與主要學說。Through the study of issues related to "morality" and "virtue" in Plato's quotations, you can understand the development and main doctrines of Plato's moral philosophy.

參考書目 Reference Books

Plato, The Completed Dialogues of Plato(U.S.A.:Bollingen Foundation, 1963).
俞懿嫻著(85年5月). “柏拉圖德育思想及相關語錄”,<哲學與文化月刊>, 臺北: 輔仁大學文學院, 第23卷第5期, 頁1578-1600.
俞懿嫻著(2007.7.)。《道德教育與哲學》。台北:文景書局。本書獲教育部獎勵東海大學教學卓越計畫補助。ISBN- 978-957-9489-75-1。506頁。
Plato, The Completed Dialogues of Plato (U.S.A.: Bollingen Foundation, 1963).
Written by Yu Yixian (May 1985). "Plato's Thoughts on Moral Education and Related Quotes", , Taipei: School of Liberal Arts, Furen University, Volume 23, Issue 5, pp. 1578-1600.
Written by Yu Yixian (2009.12). "From "Care for the Soul" to "Soul Turning"---Plato's View of Life Education", "Life Education Research", Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 47-72.
Written by Yu Yixian (2007.7.). "Moral Education and Philosophy". Taipei: Wenjing Book Company. This book was awarded the Tunghai University Teaching Excellence Program Grant by the Ministry of Education. ISBN-978-957-9489-75-1. 506 pages.

評分方式 Grading

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term report

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8
授課教師 Teacher:俞懿嫻
修課班級 Class:哲學碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:西哲
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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