course information of 103 - 1 | 5184 Translation of Cultural Theory(台日語言接觸研究Ⅲ–翻譯文化論)

Taught In English5184 - 台日語言接觸研究Ⅲ–翻譯文化論 Translation of Cultural Theory

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的目的並不在訓練語言的「翻譯」技巧,而在藉探討「翻譯」這個行為所帶來的巨大影響,檢視「翻譯」如何影響或架構各語言族群的近代文化。但亦將於後半學期選擇適當知翻議論實際進行翻譯。The purpose of this course is not to train language "translation" skills, but to explore the huge impact of the act of "translation" and examine how "translation" affects or structures the modern culture of various language groups. However, in the second half of the semester, appropriate intellectual translation discussions will also be selected for translation.

課程概述 Course Description

The purpose of this course is not to train language "translation" skills, but to explore the huge impact of the act of "translation" and examine how "translation" affects or structures the modern culture of various language groups.

參考書目 Reference Books

翻訳の思想史――近現代ドイツの翻訳論研究  三ッ木道夫 晃洋書房 2011
翻訳夜話 村上春樹、柴田元幸 文芸春秋 平成12年(1999)
日本思想という問題――翻訳と主体 酒井直樹 岩波書店 2007
岩波 哲学15変貌する哲学 岩波書店 2009
死産される日本語・日本人 酒井直樹 新曜社 1996
希望と憲法 酒井直樹 以文社 2008
過去の声 酒井直樹 以文社 2002
翻訳語成立事情 柳父章 著 岩波新書 1982
翻訳とはなにか 〈日本語と翻訳文化〉 柳父章 著 法政大学出版局 1976
翻訳と日本の近代 丸山真男、加藤周一 岩波新書 1998
だれが世界と翻訳するのか――アジア・アフリカの未来から 真島一郎編 人文書院2005参考図書
『翻譯闕境」李育霖 書林出版有限公司2009
『我們賴以生存的譬喻』 雷可夫,詹森著 周世箴譯 聯經出版 2010
The History of Thought on Translation - A Study on the Theory of Translation in Modern Times Michio Mitsurugi Koyo Shobo 2011
Translation of Night Talk by Murakami Haruki, Shibata Motoyuki, Wenyun Chunqiu, Heisei 12 (1999)
Questions about Japanese Thought - Interpretation of Subjects Naoki Sakai Iwanami Shoten 2007
Iwanami Philosophy 15変appearanceするPhilosophy Iwanami Shoten 2009
Stillbirth Japanese・Japanese Naoki Sakai Shinyosha 1996
Hope and Constitution Sakai Naoki Yiwenshe 2008
Voice of the Past Sakai Naoki Yiwenshe 2002
The Establishment of the Translation Language by Liu Fuzhang, Iwanami Shinsho, 1982
Translation of Japanese Language and Translation Culture, written by Yanagi Fushang, Hosei University Press, 1976
Translation of Japanese Modern Times by Maruyama Masao, Kato Monday, Iwanami Shinsho 1998
だれが世界と译訳するのか──アジア・アフリカののから, compiled by Mashima Ichiro, Humanities Academy 2005 reference book
"Translation Realm" Li Yulin Shulin Publishing Co., Ltd. 2009
"Parables We Live By" by Laikov, written by Johnson, translated by Zhou Shizhen, published by Lianjing Publishing House in 2010

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
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Each article's content
Thoughts on each article

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/7,8
授課教師 Teacher:黃淑燕
修課班級 Class:日文碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 8 人。

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