course information of 103 - 1 | 5052 Chinese Literary Criticism Theory(中國文學批評理論)

Taught In English5052 - 中國文學批評理論 Chinese Literary Criticism Theory

教育目標 Course Target

介紹中國古典文學文學批評及理論觀點,思考關於中國古典文學本質的問題。修習本課程,可以更深入地了解中國古代文學批評家對於文學的思維及批評方法,並了解中國歷代以來,各種文學批評觀念及方法的形成及演變過程。Introduce literary criticism and theoretical perspectives on Chinese classical literature, and think about issues about the nature of Chinese classical literature. By studying this course, you can gain a deeper understanding of ancient Chinese literary critics' thinking and critical methods on literature, and understand the formation and evolution of various literary criticism concepts and methods throughout the ages in China.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程為中國文學研究所碩專班的必修課程。在學生們通過學習中文系的課程,對中國古典文學已有基本認識之後,更進一步地觸及與深入文學批評及其理論之層次,思考關於中國古典文學本質的問題。修習本課程,可以更深入地了解中國古代文學批評家對於文學的思維及批評方法,並了解中國歷代以來,各種文學批評觀念及方法的形成及演變過程。 本課程所教授的專業能力,基本上在於讓學生能了解中國古典文學的批評方法,並能進行實際操作,期能對作品及文學現象做出深刻細緻的解讀。其次,在於讓學生了解中國文學批評的思維方式,並進%A
This course is a compulsory course for the master's program of the Institute of Chinese Literature. After students have a basic understanding of Chinese classical literature through studying the courses of the Chinese Department, they can further touch upon and deepen the levels of literary criticism and theory, and think about issues about the nature of Chinese classical literature. By studying this course, you can gain a deeper understanding of ancient Chinese literary critics' thinking and critical methods on literature, and understand the formation and evolution of various literary criticism concepts and methods throughout the ages in China. The professional ability taught in this course is basically to enable students to understand the critical methods of Chinese classical literature and carry out practical operations, with the hope of making in-depth and detailed interpretations of works and literary phenomena. Secondly, it is to let students understand the way of thinking of Chinese literary criticism and improve

參考書目 Reference Books





郭紹虞等編選《中國歷代文學論著精選》 (台北,華正書局,69年)*
賈文昭主編《中國古代文論類編》(上下冊) ( 海峽文藝出版社,1990年12月)*


彭會資主編《中國文論大辭典》(百花文藝出版社 1990年7月)*


羅根澤撰 《中國文學批評史》( 北平人文書店,民國23年,台北學海出版社再版本)
朱東潤著《中國文學批評史大綱》( 開明書店,民國33年)*(香港建文書局,1959年據1943
黃海章著《中國文學批評簡史》( 廣東人民出版社,1981年7月)*
周勛初著《中國文學批評小史》( 湖北,長江文藝出版社,1981年8月)*又台北,嵩高書
王金凌著《中國文學理論史》 (台北,華正書局,77年四月)*
王運熙、顧易生主編《中國文學批評史》(台北, 五南圖書出版有限公司,民國80年
鄭靖時撰《金代文學批評研究》 (弘祥出版社,81年4月)*
青木正兒原著 陳淑女譯《清代文學評論史》(台灣開明書店,58年12月)*
Main reference books

Guo Shaoyu's "History of Chinese Literary Criticism" [Wunan Book Company, 1994] (essential textbook)
"Selected Chinese Literary Treatises from Past Dynasties" compiled by Guo Shaoyu and others [Huazheng Book Company, 1990]

Other reference books

[Chinese literary criticism materials]

"Selected Essays on Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties" edited by Zhang Shaokang and Lu Yonglin (Beijing, People's Literature Publishing House, 1996)*
Yu Yuan; Zhang Minggao edited and selected "Selected Literature of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties" (Beijing, People's Literature Publishing House, 1996)*
"Selected Literary Essays Following the Tang and Five Dynasties" written and edited by Zhou Zu (Beijing, People's Literature Publishing House, 1993)*
Edited and selected by Tao Qiuying and edited by Yu Xing, "Selected Literature of the Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties" (Beijing, People's Literature Publishing House, 1993)*
"Selected Literary Theory of the Ming Dynasty" compiled by Cai Jingkang (Beijing, People's Literature Publishing House, 1993)*
"Selected Literary Theory of the Qing Dynasty" (Volume 1 and 2) edited by Wang Yunxi, Gu Yisheng, Wang Zhenyuan and Wu Guoping (Beijing, People's Literature Publishing House, 1999)*
"Selected Modern Literary Theory" (Volume 1 and 2) compiled by Wang Yunxi, Chen Yedong, Zhou Shaoliang, and Wang Liqi (Beijing, People's Literature Publishing House, 1999)*
"Selected Chinese Literary Theory: Modern Volumes" (Volume 1 and 2) edited by Wang Yunxi, Wu Guoping, and Huang Lin (Jiangsu Literature and Art Publishing House, November 1996)*
"Selected Chinese Literary Theory: Modern Volume" (Volume 1, 2) edited by Wang Yunxi, Sha Sipeng, Xu Daoming, and Zhang Xin (Jiangsu Literature and Art Publishing House, November 1996)*
Mu Kehong and Guo Dan compiled "Comprehensive Literary Theory of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties" (Jiangsu Education Press, December 1996)*
Jiang Shuzhuo, Hong Baizhao, Wei Zhonglin, and Wang Jingni compiled "A Collection of Literary Theories of the Song Dynasty" (Beijing, China Social Sciences Press, January 2000)*
"Selected Chinese Literary Treatises from Past Dynasties" compiled by Guo Shaoyu and others (Taipei, Huazheng Book Company, 1969)*
Jia Wenzhao edited "Ancient Chinese Literary Theory" (Volume 1 and 2) (Straits Literature and Art Publishing House, December 1990)*
Zhu Rensheng compiled "Using Essentials of Ancient Grammar" (Taiwan Commercial Press, September 1973)*

[Reference Book]

Zhao Zecheng, Zhang Liandi, and Bi Wanchen co-edited "Dictionary of Ancient Chinese Literature Theory" (Jilin Literature and History Publishing House, 1985 7
"Dictionary of Chinese Literary Theory" edited by Peng Huizi (Baihua Literature and Art Publishing House, July 1990)*
"Dictionary of Literary Psychology" edited by Lu Shuyuan, Tong Qingbing, Cheng Keyi, and Zhang Hao (Wuhan, Hubei People's Publishing House,
April 2001)
Mou Shijin edited "Critical Biography of Ancient Chinese Literary Critics" (Volume 1 and 2) (Zhengzhou, Zhongzhou Ancient Books Publishing House, August 1988)
Sun Li's "Chinese Literary Criticism Philology" (Guangdong People's Publishing House, December 2000)*
"Review and Reflection - Seventy Years of Research on Ancient Literary Theory" by Zhang Haiming (Beijing Normal University Press, May 1997)*

[History of Chinese Literary Criticism]

"History of Chinese Literary Criticism" written by Chen Zhongfan (Zhonghua Book Company, 16th year of the Republic of China)*
"History of Chinese Literary Criticism" written by Guo Shaoyu (Taiwan Commercial Press, volume 1 in 23 years of the Republic of China, volume 2 in 36 years of the Republic of China, and history of literature
Reprinted by Zhe Publishing House)*
"History of Chinese Literary Criticism" (new edition) written by Guo Shaoyu (revised edition by New Literature and Art Publishing House, Taipei, 44 years of the Republic of China, Lan Dengwen
Chemical Industry Company has a reprint) (also Taipei Wunan Book Company, reprinted in August 1983)
"History of Chinese Literary Criticism" written by Luo Genze (Peking Humanities Bookstore, reprinted by Taipei Xuehai Publishing House in the 23rd year of the Republic of China)
Zhu Dongrun's "Outline of the History of Chinese Literary Criticism" (Kaiming Bookstore, 33 years of the Republic of China)* (Hong Kong Jianwen Bureau, 1959 according to 1943
Annual typesetting
Minze's "History of Chinese Literary Theory Criticism" (Beijing People's Literature Publishing House, May 1981)*
"A Brief History of Chinese Literary Criticism" by Huang Haizhang (Guangdong People's Publishing House, July 1981)*
"A Brief History of Chinese Literary Criticism" by Zhou Xunchu (Hubei, Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House, August 1981)* and Taipei, Song Gaoshu
Society, July 2014)*
Liu Dajie is waiting for "History of Chinese Literary Criticism" (Taipei, Lantern Cultural Industry Co., Ltd.)
"History of Chinese Literary Theory" by Wang Jinling (Taipei, Huazheng Book Company, April 1977)*
"History of Chinese Literary Criticism" edited by Wang Yunxi and Gu Yisheng (Taipei, Wunan Book Publishing Co., Ltd., 1980 of the Republic of China
Zhang Shaokang and Liu Sanfu's "The Development History of Chinese Literary Theoretical Criticism" (Volume 1 and 2) (Beijing, Peking University Press, 1995
June 2016)*
Peng Huizi's "A Tutorial on Ancient Chinese Literary Theory" (Guilin, Guangxi Normal University Press, May 1996)*
"A Tutorial on the History of Chinese Literary Theory and Criticism" by Zhang Shaokang (Beijing, Peking University Press, April 1999)*
"History of Literary Criticism in Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties" by Gu Yisheng and Jiang Fan (Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, June 1989)*
"History of Literary Criticism of the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties" by Wang Yunxi and Yang Ming (Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, October 1994)*
"History of Literary Criticism of the Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties" (Volume 1 and 2) by Liu Mingjin, Jiang Fan and Gu Yisheng (Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, June 1996)*
"History of Literary Criticism in the Ming Dynasty" by Liu Mingjin and Yuan Zhenyu (Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, September 1991)*
"History of Literary Criticism in the Qing Dynasty" by Wang Zhenyuan and Wu Guoping (Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, November 1995)*
"History of Modern Literary Criticism" by Huang Lin (Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, February 1993)*
Luo Zongqiang's "History of Literary Thought in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties" (Zhonghua Book Company, October 1996)*
Luo Zongqiang's "History of Literary Thought of the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties" (Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, June 1986)*
"Research on Literary Criticism of the Jin Dynasty" written by Zheng Jingshi (Hongxiang Publishing House, April 1981)*
Original work by Masaru Aoki, translated by Chen Shunu, "History of Literary Criticism in the Qing Dynasty" (Kai Ming Bookstore, Taiwan, December 1958)*
"History of Chinese Poetry Criticism" written by Chen Liangyun (Jiangxi Min Publishing House, July 1995)*
"Critical Commentary on Chinese Ci" written by Jiang Runxun

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
interim report
40 期中口頭報告
Final report
60 期末書面報告

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學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/3,4[H535]
授課教師 Teacher:李建崑
修課班級 Class:中文專班2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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