course information of 103 - 1 | 5025 Western Sinology: Selected Readings(歐美漢學文獻專題)

Taught In English5025 - 歐美漢學文獻專題 Western Sinology: Selected Readings

教育目標 Course Target

自從中西文明交會以來,彼此對於相互的文化即有相關研究的文獻留下。往昔高度發展的中國文化在19世紀前對於西方,如啟蒙時代 (Enlightenment) 的影響在歷史上是昭然可見的。但是到了清末民初,中西文化的交流更形頻繁,也改變了我們對於許多事物的看法。比方說,我們現在已習以為常的「小說/詩歌/戲劇/散文」的文類觀念,其實已經受到了西方的影響。比方說,西方現代社會的發展狀況,其中的種種制度及其背後的思想等,對於中國發展現代社會都有舉足輕重的力道。漢學 (Sinology),西方對於中國文化的研究成果,因而提供了一參照體系,供我們重新回過頭去思考我們的文化、社會以及文學藝術。這種自我/他者 (self/other) 關係的理解及掌握,在現今不同文化相互交流折衝,既對立又對話的全球化情境下,更值得我們的關照。本課程以歐美漢學中的文學及思想為關注重點,引導同學對於西方在此些領域研究中國的重要學術著作有一初步之概念,能掌握不同漢學傳統的發展趨勢,認識重要漢學家及其作品的重要性,進而理解思考漢學對於中國思想文學的歷史及當代文化意涵。Since the intersection of Chinese and Western civilizations, relevant research documents on each other's cultures have been left. The influence of the highly developed Chinese culture in the past on the West before the 19th century, such as the Enlightenment, is clearly visible in history. But by the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the exchanges between Chinese and Western cultures became more frequent, which also changed our views on many things. For example, the genre concept of "novel/poetry/drama/prose" that we are now accustomed to has actually been influenced by the West. For example, the development of modern Western society, the various systems and the ideas behind it, etc., all play a decisive role in the development of modern society in China. Sinology, the Western research results on Chinese culture, thus provides a frame of reference for us to look back and think about our culture, society, literature and art. The understanding and mastery of this self/other relationship is even more worthy of our attention in today's globalized environment where different cultures interact with each other, confront each other, and engage in dialogue. This course focuses on the literature and thought in European and American Sinology, guiding students to have a preliminary concept of important Western academic works on China in these fields, to grasp the development trends of different Sinological traditions, and to understand important Sinologists and their works. importance, and then understand the historical and contemporary cultural implications of thinking about Sinology for Chinese thought and literature.

參考書目 Reference Books


Zhang Xiping, "Sixteen Lectures on Western Sinology" (Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2011);
Liu Zheng, "History of Sinology in Pictures". Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2005.
Zhang Xiping (ed.), "The History and Current Situation of Chinese Studies in Europe and America". Zhengzhou: Elephant Publishing House, 2006.
Wang Xiaolu (Editor-in-Chief), "Research on Chinese Literary Thoughts in North American Sinology" (Chengdu: Bashu Publishing House, 2008);
Qian Linsen (ed.), "French Sinologists on Chinese Literature - Classical Drama and Novels" (Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2007);
Qian Linsen (ed.) Chinese Sinologists on Chinese Literature - Modern and Contemporary Literature (Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2009);
Xu Zhixiao, "Research on Ancient Chinese Poetry by North American Scholars" (Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2011);
Hu Wanchuan, "Confidants Abroad: Western European Sinologists." Taipei: Times Culture, 1985.

The above are works on the introduction of Sinology. As for related professional works, they are numerous and can be supplemented at any time in the classroom based on students' expertise and interests.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Introduction to student oral presentations
Students submit semester reports at the end of the semester
Students attend and participate in discussions
5 若有三次點名不到,視為放棄,本課程學期分數為零分。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7[H535]
授課教師 Teacher:陳俊啟
修課班級 Class:中文碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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