course information of 103 - 1 | 5022 Topics in History of Drama(戲曲史專題)

Taught In English5022 - 戲曲史專題 Topics in History of Drama

教育目標 Course Target

本課程以大學階段文學史與古典戲曲概論作為基礎,進一步深入古典戲劇的發展與演變;除了梳理古代戲劇史發展過程中幾個清晰的階段,並探究每個階段不同的藝術特色、思想內涵,並思考與之相對應的社會歷史文化:戲曲的發生以及戲曲對於社會的影響,藉以建立學生完整的戲劇史觀。對於戲曲史的理解除了擴充與深化關於中國文學史的認識,亦可作為與外國戲劇進行比較討論的基礎。 本課程除了以戲曲史專著作為主要教材,亦將擇選相關單篇學術論文作為課程延伸討論,藉以訓練研究生書寫與評論學術論文之能力。This course is based on the history of university literature and the introduction to classical drama, and further deepens the development and evolution of classical drama. In addition to sorting out several clear stages in the development of ancient drama history, and exploring the different artistic characteristics and ideological connotations of each stage, And think about the corresponding social history and culture: the occurrence of opera and the impact of opera on society, so as to establish students' complete historical view of drama. In addition to expanding and deepening the understanding of Chinese literary history, understanding the history of opera can also serve as the basis for comparative discussions with foreign dramas. In addition to using monographs on the history of opera as the main teaching materials, this course will also select relevant single academic papers as extended discussions to train graduate students in their ability to write and comment on academic papers.

參考書目 Reference Books

張 庚、郭漢城《中國戲曲通史》(台北:丹青,1985)
任 訥《唐戲弄》(北京:作家,1958)
胡 忌《宋金雜劇考》(上海:古典文學,1957)
Wang Guowei's "History of Song and Yuan Opera" (Taipei: Commerce, 2001)
Liao Ben and Liu Yanjun "History of the Development of Chinese Opera" (Taiyuan: Shanxi Education, 2000)
Masaji Aoki, "History of Modern Chinese Opera" (Taipei: Commerce, 1965)
Zhou Yibai, "The Long History of Chinese Drama" (Shanghai, Shanghai Bookstore, 2004)
Zhang Geng and Guo Hancheng, "General History of Chinese Opera" (Taipei: Danqing, 1985)
Ren Na "Tang Jiao" (Beijing: Writer, 1958)
Hu Ji's "A Study of Song and Jin Zaju" (Shanghai: Classical Literature, 1957)
Qian Nanyang's "Introduction to Opera" (Taipei: Muduo, 1982)
Xu Fuming "The Art of Yuan Dynasty Zaju" (Shanghai: Shanghai Literature and Art, 1981)
Guo Yingde, "Research on the Legends of Literati in the Ming and Qing Dynasties" (Beijing: Beijing Normal University, 1992)
Liao Ben, "Illustrated History of Chinese Drama" (Zhengzhou: Henan Education Press, 1996)
Zeng Yongyi, "Poetry and Opera" (Taipei: Lianjing, 1988)
Yu Qiuyu "History of Chinese Drama" (Taipei: Tianxia, ​​2001)
Lu Eting, "History of Kun Opera Performance" (Shanghai: Shanghai Art and Literature, 1980)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
essay writing
Class reports and discussions (including attendance)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4[H535]
授課教師 Teacher:高禎臨
修課班級 Class:中文碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 5 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 5 人。

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