course information of 103 - 1 | 5020 Seminar on Wang Yang-ming Philosophy(陽明學專題)

Taught In English5020 - 陽明學專題 Seminar on Wang Yang-ming Philosophy

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的主要有三個學習目標:一是修習本課程後,能對陽明學的義理、重要論題與歷史演變,有基本的認識,並從此思索陽明學的特質及其理學史中的定位。二是能具備獨立研讀相關文獻的能力,以此作為研究陽明學乃至宋明理學的基礎。三是能以陽明學為對象,具有深刻的主題意識,發掘研究課題,並具有獨立完成論文寫作的能力。This course has three main learning objectives: First, after studying this course, you can have a basic understanding of the principles, important topics and historical evolution of Yangming Studies, and then think about the characteristics of Yangming Studies and its position in the history of Neo-Confucianism. The second is to have the ability to independently study relevant literature, which will serve as the basis for studying Yangming studies and even Neo-Confucianism of the Song and Ming Dynasties. The third is to be able to take Yangming Studies as the object, have a deep awareness of the theme, explore research topics, and have the ability to independently complete thesis writing.

參考書目 Reference Books

〔明〕徐愛、錢德洪、董澐,錢明編校整理:《徐愛 錢德洪 董澐集》,南京:鳳凰出版社,2007
[Song Dynasty] Zhou Dunyi, edited by Chen Keming: "The Collection of Zhou Dunyi", Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2009
[Song Dynasty] Zhang Zai: "Collection of Zhang Zai", Taipei: Hanking Cultural Industry Co., Ltd., 1983
[Song Dynasty] Cheng Hao, Cheng Hao, edited by Wang Xiaoyu: "Er Cheng Collection", Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2004
[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xi: "Collected Notes on Chapters and Sentences of the Four Books", Taipei: Da'an Publishing House, 1996
[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xi, [Song Dynasty] edited by Li Jingde, edited by Wang Xingxian: "Zhu Xi Yu Lei", Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1999
[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xi and Chen Rongjie: "Collected Commentary on Recent Thoughts", Taipei: Taiwan Student Book Company, 1992 Edited by Lu Zuqian and Zhang Jinghua: "Collected Commentary on Recent Thoughts", Changsha: Yuelu Publishing House, 2010
[Song Dynasty] Lu Jiuyuan, edited by Zhong Zhe: "The Collection of Lu Jiuyuan", Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1980
[Song Dynasty] Chen Chun, edited by Xiong Guozhen and Gao Liushui: "Beixi Ziyi", Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1983
[Ming Dynasty] Chen Xianzhang, edited by Sun Tonghai: "Chen Xianzhang Collection", Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1987
[Ming] Edited by Wang Shouren, Wu Guang and others: "The Complete Works of Wang Yangming", Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 1992
Chen Rongjie: "A Collection of Detailed Annotations on the Biography of Wang Yangming", Taipei: Taiwan Student Book Company, 1998
Deng Aimin: "Annotations and Commentary on Zhuanxi Lu", Taipei: Fayan Publishing House, 2000
Shu Jingnan: "Compilation and Chronicle of Yangming's Lost Papers", Shanghai: Ancient Books Publishing House, 2012
[Ming Dynasty] Wang Gen: "The Complete Works of Wang Xinzhai", Taipei: Guangzhou Publishing House, 1987
[Ming] Xu Ai, Qian Dehong, Dong Yuan, edited and edited by Qian Ming: "The Collection of Xu Ai, Qian Dehong and Dong Yun", Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House, 2007
[Ming Dynasty] Wang Ji, edited and compiled by Wu Zhen: "Wang Ji Collection", Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House, 2007
[Ming Dynasty] Zou Shouyi, edited and compiled by Dong Ping: "Zou Shouyi Collection", Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House, 2007
[Ming Dynasty] Ouyang De, edited and edited by Chen Yongge: "Collection of Ouyang De", Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House, 2007
[Ming] Nie Bao, edited and compiled by Wu Kewei: "Collection of Nie Bao", Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House, 2007
[Ming Dynasty] Yan Jun, compiled by Huang Xuanmin: "Yan Jun Collection", Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 1996
[Ming Dynasty] Edited and compiled by Luo Rufang, Fang Zuyou and others: "Luo Rufang Collection", Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House, 2007
[Ming Dynasty] Luo Rufang: "Xu Tan Direct Interpretation", Taipei: Guangzhou Publishing House, 1996
[Ming] He Xinyin, compiled by Rong Zhaozu: "Collection of He Xinyin", Taipei: Hongwenguan Publishing House, 1986
[Ming] Deng Huoqu, Deng Hong's collation: "Nanxunlu Collation", Wuhan: Wuhan University of Technology Press, 2008
[Ming Dynasty] Huang Zongxi, edited by Shen Shanhong: "Song and Yuan Studies", "The Complete Works of Huang Zongxi Volumes 3, 4, 5 and 6", Hangzhou: Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House, 2005
[Ming Dynasty] Huang Zongxi, edited by Shen Shanhong: "The Case of Confucianism in the Ming Dynasty", "The Complete Works of Huang Zongxi Volumes 7 and 8", Hangzhou: Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House, 2005

評分方式 Grading

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Final report
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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/8,9[H534]
授課教師 Teacher:黃繼立
修課班級 Class:中文碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 3 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 3 人。

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