course information of 103 - 1 | 5019 Contemporary Western Literary Theories and Application(當代西洋文學批評理論與應用)

Taught In English5019 - 當代西洋文學批評理論與應用 Contemporary Western Literary Theories and Application

教育目標 Course Target

一、使中文系研究生具備對當代西方文學批評理論與批評方法的基本瞭解。 二、藉由對一手理論文本的閱讀,使學生觀察到不同理論之間語境的差異與互通的脈絡。 三、藉由議題的討論及應用文本的解析,說明理論文本在不同議題的應用方式,使學生得以將理論應用於其所感興趣的研究課題。1. To equip graduate students in the Chinese Department with a basic understanding of contemporary Western literary criticism theories and methods. 2. Through reading first-hand theoretical texts, students can observe the contextual differences and interconnections between different theories. 3. Through discussion of topics and analysis of application texts, explain how theoretical texts are applied in different topics, so that students can apply theory to research topics of interest to them.

參考書目 Reference Books

# 1 朱剛,《二十世紀西方文藝文化批評理論》。台北:揚智,2002。
# 2 朱立元、李鈞編,《二十世紀西方文論選上卷》I,北京:高等教育出版社,2002。
# 3 朱立元、李鈞編,《二十世紀西方文論選下卷》II,北京:高等教育出版社,2002。
# 4 Eagleton, T. 《文學理論導讀》,台北:書林,1993。
# 5 Selden R. 《當代文學理論導讀》,當代:巨流,2005。
# 6汪民安、陳永國編,《現代性讀本》,開封:河南大學出版社,2005。
# 7本雅明,《啟迪—本雅明文選》,香港:牛津出版社,1998。
# 8 夏鑄九、王志弘編,《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》。台北:明文,1993。
# 9 斯皮瓦克,《從解構到權席化批判:斯皮瓦克讀本》。北京:北京大學,2007
# 10林建光、李育霖編,《賽伯格與後人類主義》。台中:興大出版社,2013。
# 1 Zhu Gang, "Theories of Western Literary and Cultural Criticism in the Twentieth Century". Taipei: ALi, 2002.
# 2 Zhu Liyuan and Li Jun, eds., "Selected Western Literary Theory in the Twentieth Century, Volume I", Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2002.
# 3 Zhu Liyuan and Li Jun, eds., "Selected Western Literary Theory in the Twentieth Century, Volume II", Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2002.
# 4 Eagleton, T. "Introduction to Literary Theory", Taipei: Shulin, 1993.
# 5 Selden R. "Introduction to Contemporary Literary Theory", Contemporary: Big Current, 2005.
# 6 Wang Minan and Chen Yongguo, eds., "Modernity Reader", Kaifeng: Henan University Press, 2005.
# 7 Benjamin, "Enlightenment - Selected Works of Benjamin", Hong Kong: Oxford Press, 1998.
# 8 Xia Zhujiu and Wang Zhihong, eds. "Readings on Cultural Forms and Social Theory of Space". Taipei: Mingwen, 1993.
# 9 Spivak, "From Deconstruction to Critique of Authority: The Spivak Reader". Beijing: Peking University, 2007
# 10 Lin Jianguang and Li Yulin, eds., "Cyborg and Posthumanism". Taichung: Xingda Publishing House, 2013.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Literature introduction
Discussion participation
term report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[H534]
授課教師 Teacher:朱衣仙
修課班級 Class:中文碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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