course information of 103 - 1 | 5009 Studies in Theory and Practice of Language and Cognition(語言學專題研究)

Taught In English5009 - 語言學專題研究 Studies in Theory and Practice of Language and Cognition

教育目標 Course Target

本課程為未受過系統語言學訓練的博士生而設計,研讀有關詞彙、語義、語用等理論知識,在學生原有的學科訓練素養基礎上,啟發學生研討語言現象的本質、運作規律及其認知與文化基礎,對焦點議題進行範例仿擬與學術性評論,並進而創意延伸到解析文本及生活中的語言現象,以及語文教學策略的研擬,以期能夠學以致用,對其博士論文主修議題或語文教學實踐產生觸類旁通的啟示作用。This course is designed for doctoral students who have not received training in systematic linguistics. They study theoretical knowledge about vocabulary, semantics, pragmatics, etc., and inspire students to study the nature, operating rules and other aspects of language phenomena based on their original academic training. Cognitive and cultural foundations, model simulations and academic comments on focus topics, and then creatively extend to the analysis of texts and language phenomena in life, as well as the development of Chinese teaching strategies, with a view to applying what has been learned, and the subject of his doctoral thesis Revising topics or Chinese teaching practice can provide inspiration by making analogies.

參考書目 Reference Books

賈彥德1992《漢語語義學》, 北京:北京大學出版社
張志毅、張慶雲 2005《詞彙語義學》(第三版)北京:商務印書館
周光慶2009《從認知到哲學──漢語詞彙研究新思考》, 北京:外語教學與研究出版社
Levinson, Stephen C. 1983.Pragmatics, Cambridge University Press
Lyons,John 1995,Linguistic Semantics :An Introduction,Cambridge University Press;劉福增譯2000《語意學新論》。台北:心理出版社。
Saeed, John I. 2003. Semantics (2nd edition). Oxford: Blackwell;北京:外語教學與研究出版社(吳一安導讀2008)
Ungerer, F. and H. J. Schmid. 1996. An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. Longman. 2006(2 Edision);彭利貞等譯2009,《認知語言學入門》上海:復旦大學出版社。
Fu Huaiqing 2003 "Modern Chinese Vocabulary", Beijing: Peking University Press
Ge Benyi 2014 "Modern Chinese Lexicology" (Third Edition) Beijing: The Commercial Press
Jia Yande 1992 "Chinese Semantics", Beijing: Peking University Press
He Ziran 2006 "Cognitive Pragmatics: Cognitive Research in Speech Communication", Shanghai Foreign Language Teaching Press
2010 "New Introduction to Pragmatics" edited by He Ziran and Ran Yongping, Peking University Press
Wu Qianguang 2012 "New Synopsis of Semantics", Beijing: Peking University Press
Zhang Zhiyi, Zhang Qingyun 2005 "Lexical Semantics" (Third Edition) Beijing: The Commercial Press
Zhou Guangqing 2009 "From Cognition to Philosophy - New Thoughts on Chinese Vocabulary Research", Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Levinson, Stephen C. 1983.Pragmatics, Cambridge University Press
Lyons, John 1995, Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press; translated by Liu Fuzeng, 2000 "New Theory of Semantics". Taipei: Psychology Press.
Saeed, John I. 2003. Semantics (2nd edition). Oxford: Blackwell; Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (introduced by Wu Yian, 2008)
Ungerer, F. and H. J. Schmid. 1996. An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. Longman. 2006(2 Edition); translated by Peng Lizhen et al. 2009, "Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics" Shanghai: Fudan University Press.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Final report
50 含口頭報告及書面報告
Daily study exercises
40 含課堂參與
Submit course study results to journals or seminars

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7[H518]
授課教師 Teacher:周世箴
修課班級 Class:中文博 1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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