course information of 103 - 1 | 4513 (大一、大二體育:壘球隊 )

Taught In English4513 - 大一、大二體育:壘球隊

教育目標 Course Target

校代表隊的價值,壘球技術層面的提升,團隊合作的加強,以校為榮為校增光The value of the school team, the improvement of softball skills, the strengthening of teamwork, taking pride in the school and bringing glory to the school

課程概述 Course Description

東海大學壘球代表隊是一支很有傳統的隊伍,成績也是所有代表隊名列前矛,訓練有術。 1.代表隊是代表學校,為校爭取榮譽為優先目的。 2.代表隊成員來至各系系隊菁英,經由整合成立的代表隊。 3.就現有球員強化基礎訓練、攻擊、守備、戰術、戰略強化、比賽 觀念建立,強調團隊合作默契。 4.爭取最高榮譽為校爭光。
The Tunghai University softball team is a very traditional team. Its performance is among the best among all other teams and its training skills are excellent. 1. The representative team represents the school and strives for honors for the school as its priority. 2. The representative team members come from the elite teams of each department and are established through integration. 3. Strengthen basic training, attack, defense, tactics, strategic strengthening, and competition for existing players Establishing concepts and emphasizing teamwork and tacit understanding. 4. Strive for the highest honor and bring glory to the school.

參考書目 Reference Books





1. Book title: Softball, author: Yoshimura Masaru, translator: Huang Yihe, publisher: Yiqun

2. Book title: Really Improve Softball Skills, Author: Yang Yunyun, Publisher: Dakun

3. Book title: How to deal with sports injuries (how to prevent, how to treat), translator: Zhuo Junchen, publisher: Yingtai Publishing House

4. Book title: Physical Fitness (Theory and Practice of Healthy Exercise), author: Zhuo Junchen, compiled by: Normal University Physical Education Society

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
平常出席練球狀況 平常出席練球狀況
Normal attendance at football practice
practice attitude
College Cup results
Assist the school team in hosting on-campus activities

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-0
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:張敬堂
修課班級 Class:共必修2
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 8 人。

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