course information of 103 - 1 | 3643 Teaching Materials and Methods on Civics and Society(公民與社會科﹧社會領域公民教材教法)

Taught In English3643 - 公民與社會科﹧社會領域公民教材教法 Teaching Materials and Methods on Civics and Society

教育目標 Course Target

1. 瞭解公民與社會課程基本理念與教育目標。 2. 熟悉公民與社會課程組織與教材的結構。 3. 理解公民與社會教學的相關議題。 4. 編寫公民與社會課程教案。 5. 運用社會領域各種教學方法進行公民與社會科之教學。 6. 具備批判思考與反思能力,並能對社會科領域進行統整教學。1. Understand the basic concepts and educational goals of citizenship and society courses. 2. Be familiar with the organization and teaching material structure of the Civics and Society course. 3. Understand issues related to citizenship and social teaching. 4. Prepare lesson plans for citizenship and society courses. 5. Use various teaching methods in the social field to teach civics and social studies. 6. Have the ability to think critically and reflect, and be able to provide integrated teaching in the field of social sciences.

參考書目 Reference Books

黃炳煌主編 (2004)。社會學習領域之教學內涵及其示例。台北市:師大書苑。
張秀雄主編(2003)。新世紀公民教育的發展與挑戰。台北市: 師大書苑。
Mills Wright C. 2001. 張君玫、劉钤佑譯 The Sociological Imagination 《社
Edited by Huang Binghuang (2003). Curriculum design and teaching strategies in the field of social studies. Taipei: Normal University Library.
Edited by Huang Binghuang (2004). The teaching connotation and examples in the field of social learning. Taipei City: Normal University Library.
Chen Guoyan, Wu Zongli (2002). Teaching materials and teaching methods in the social field. Kaohsiung City: Liwen.
Editor-in-Chief Zhang Xiuxiong (2003). The development and challenges of civic education in the new century. Taipei City: Normal University Library.
Mills Wright C. 2001. Translated by Zhang Junmei and Liu Qianyou The Sociological Imagination 《社
The Learning Imagination. Taipei: Juliu Publishing House.
Supplementary teaching materials for teachers teaching high school citizenship and society textbooks

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Textbook version analysis
Field teaching observation and teacher interview report
Observation and evaluation of course unit activity plans (lesson plans)
Lesson plan design
Classroom subtle teaching and teaching self-evaluation report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7[H123]
授課教師 Teacher:李威伸/陳鶴元
修課班級 Class:教育學程2
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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