了解重要教育哲學之內涵,充分理解相關哲學理念與實務運作。學生能了解教育哲學的意義、功能和內容,探究相關問題與進行研究反思。學生在課程學習過程中,發展個人教育理念與教師圖像,並具備反思批判能力,有助於未來教學工作。Understand the connotation of important educational philosophy and fully understand the concepts and practical actions of related philosophy. Students can understand the meaning, function and content of educational philosophy, explore related issues and conduct research and reflection. During the course learning process, students develop personal educational concepts and teacher images, and have the ability to reflect and criticize, which will help in future teaching work.
劉育中(譯)(2007)。教育哲學。(H.A. Ozmon & S.M. Craver原著)(2003)。台北市:五南。
Liu Yuzhong (translation) (2007). Educational philosophy. (Original by H.A. Ozmon & S.M. Craver) (2003). Taipei City: Wunan.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂參與與分享課堂參與與分享 Class Participation and Sharing |
30 | 課堂出席、參與討論活動、隨堂考試、五小時實務學習與心得分享 |
小組報告小組報告 Group Report |
20 | 分組主題報告並上傳教學平台,並整理成一至兩頁重點筆記跟同學分享。 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | 期中考試,可攜帶課本與自己手抄筆記,不可使用電子化或影印資料。 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 | 期末考試,可攜帶課本與自己手抄筆記,不可使用電子化或影印資料。 |