3.學習觀察、思辨、解決問題的能力1. Understand the essence of life and design
2. Cultivate aesthetic fertility and develop creative design potential
3. Learn the ability to observe, think and solve problems
Teacher designated textbook
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席&上課態度出席&上課態度 Attendance & Presentation |
15 | 不缺席 上課專注 |
設計構想設計構想 Design concept |
20 | Idea 的好 壞 |
分組討論分組討論 Sub-group discussion |
30 | 團隊合作精神 |
期末發表期末發表 Final release |
35 | 作品的完整度 |