1. 引導「東海⼈」⾛出東海圍牆,⾛入社區,探索、發現真正的台灣。
2. 培訓「東海⼈」對「社區參與」、「社區總體營造」的知識、態度與實踐能力。
3. 培訓「東海⼈」對「創新組織經營」的知識、態度與實踐能力。
4. 嘗試運⽤「引導反思」與「Visual Meeting」的⽅法進⾏創新教學,磨練永續學習力及⾏動力。The main teaching standards for this course are:
1. Guide the "Tonghai people" to leave the walls of the Donghai area, enter the community, explore and discover the real Taiwan.
2. Cultivate the knowledge, attitude and practical ability of "Tonghai people" in "community participation" and "community general construction".
3. Cultivate the knowledge, attitude and practical ability of "Tonghai people" in "innovation organization management".
4. Try to use the methods of "guiding reflection" and "visual meeting" to conduct innovative teaching, and practice continuous learning and action.
1. 課堂隨堂講義,請從教學平台下載,請每個人事先閱讀。
2. 【畫個圖講的更清楚 Visual Meeting 】,大衛 斯貝特(David Sibbet)著,
邱慧菁、閻蕙群、林慧美 譯,2010,台北市:時報文化出版。
3. 【引導反思的第一本書】,吳兆田 著,2012,台北市:五南出版。
4. 【團隊成功的YES基因:肯定式探詢一點就通】,蘇 安妮斯 哈蒙 著,
陳淑婷 許逸臻 譯,2005,台北市:開放智慧引導科技出版。
5. 【誰說我們不能一起作決定:參與式決策引導寶典】,山姆 肯納 等合著,
洪慧芳 譯,2007,台北市:開放智慧引導科技出版。
6. 【當責】,張文隆 著,2011,商周出版。
7. 【6頂思考帽:增進思考成效的6種魔法】,愛德華.狄波諾 著,劉慧玉 譯,2010,
1. For lectures in class, please download them from the teaching platform, please read them in advance.
2. [Browse a picture to tell more clearly Visual Meeting], by David Sibbet,
Qiu Huijing, JIN Huiqun, Lin Huimei Translated, 2010, Taipei City: Times Culture Publishing.
3. [The first book that guides reflection], written by Wu Zhaotian, 2012, Taipei City: Wunan.
4. [The YES gene of the team's success: A positive exploration can be achieved at a glance], by Su Annis Harmon,
Chen Shuting, Xu Yizhen, 2005, Taipei City: Opening up smart guidance technology publishing.
5. [Who said we can’t make a decision together: Participating decision-making guided celebrating the classic], co-authored by Sam Kenner, et al.
Hong Huifang, 2007, Taipei City: Opening up smart guidance technology publishing.
6. [Responsible], written by Zhang Wenlong, 2011, published by Shang and Zhou.
7. [6 Top Thinking Hat: 6 magics that increase the effectiveness of thinking], Love Dehua. By Di Bono, Liu Huiyu translated, 2010,
Face Publishing.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出缺席狀況出缺席狀況 Absent status |
10 | ■請假請養成習慣事先以書面回報老師 ■缺席一次扣總分2分,遲到早退扣總分1分,缺席5次(含)以上總成績以零分計。 |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
20 | ■課堂現場反思作業 ■課堂參與討論:執行細則上課共同討論。原則:將設計統一的書寫格式,以利資料保存。作為本課程的 學習經驗。帶領同學討論特定議題,可運⽤用 動態會靜態活動,以是否引發討論動機、參與程度以及啟發思考作為評分依據。 |
期中簡報期中簡報 Midterm brief |
20 | ■口頭報告 ■書面報告 ■海報展示 ■自評互評 ■內容詳「圓夢行動計畫Pre-proposal範本」執行細則上課共同討論。評量方式詳「圓夢行動清單自我檢核表」、「SPEC學習成效互評表」 |
社區自主探索計劃社區自主探索計劃 Community Independent Exploration Plan |
20 | ■探索計畫 ■書面報告 ■海報展示 ■含分組現場探索過程記錄,執行細則上課共同討論。 |
期末簡報期末簡報 Final review |
30 | ■口頭報告 ■書面報告 ■海報展示 ■自評互評 ■內容詳「圓夢行動計畫Pre-proposal範本」執行細則上課共同討論。評量方式詳「圓夢行動清單自我檢核表」、「SPEC學習成效互評表」 |