course information of 103 - 1 | 3477 Companion Animals and Life Care(伴侶動物和生命關懷)

Taught In English3477 - 伴侶動物和生命關懷 Companion Animals and Life Care

教育目標 Course Target

(一)嫻熟表達與溝通技能:課程中安排分組討論以訓練學生能夠有組織、有系統表達自己的思維、觀念、意見,清楚的對他人表達出自己的想法,樂於將自己的想法與他人分享。在應對中與人有良好溝通並虛心接受他人良善的建議。從討論中學生也具有批判思考、終身學習能力,並奠定學生後續學習發展基礎。 (二)拓展生活與知識視野:課程內容以深入淺出,兼顧基本的深度與廣度,例如,從伴侶動物對人健康之影響中,可幫助學生掌握本學科或議題之基本知識,並以不同深度與廣度的課程內容來介紹人與伴侶動物之互動關係以組合成多樣化課程,提供學生多元學習機會,並擴展學生學習視野,激發學生發展潛能。並從認識不同種類的伴侶動物生活習性,使學生獲得紮實之基礎知識並建立動物營養需求與行為之知能。 (三)涵養關愛生命與自然情操:從課程中強調愛護動物與關心環境,以營造友善安全之社會環境,以及教導學生尊重與關懷生命的態度,並建立學生重視環境衛生與動物保護,而有博愛精神及提昇道德觀。 (四)強化解決問題與改善社會的能力:課程中規劃教育觀點著手提倡尊重動物生命來防止棄養動物與棄屍所造成社會問題,並從法律責任規戒人勿虐待伴侶動物,以促進社會之祥和。(1) Skillful expression and communication skills: Group discussions are arranged in the course to train students to be able to express their thoughts, concepts, and opinions in an organized and systematic manner, express their thoughts clearly to others, and be willing to share their thoughts with others . Communicate well with others and humbly accept other people's good suggestions. From the discussions, students also develop critical thinking and lifelong learning abilities, which lays the foundation for students' subsequent learning and development. (2) Expand life and knowledge horizons: The content of the course is explained in simple terms, taking into account the basic depth and breadth. For example, from the impact of companion animals on human health, it can help students master the basic knowledge of this subject or topic, and communicate with them in different depths. The breadth of course content introduces the interactive relationship between humans and companion animals and is combined into diversified courses to provide students with diverse learning opportunities, expand their learning horizons, and stimulate students' development potential. By understanding the living habits of different types of companion animals, students can acquire solid basic knowledge and build up their knowledge of animal nutritional needs and behavior. (3) Cultivate the sentiment of caring for life and nature: Emphasis on loving animals and caring for the environment in the curriculum to create a friendly and safe social environment, and teach students an attitude of respecting and caring for life, and establish students to value environmental hygiene and animal protection, and have The spirit of philanthropy and the promotion of moral values. (4) Strengthen the ability to solve problems and improve society: The planned educational perspective in the course begins to promote respect for animal life to prevent social problems caused by abandoned animals and abandoned carcasses, and also prohibits people from abusing companion animals based on legal responsibilities, so as to promote social The peace.

參考書目 Reference Books

Davies, M., 1996. Canine and Feline Geriatrics, Blackwell Science, London. UK.
Field K. J. and A. M. Sibold. 1999.The Laboratory Hamster & Gerbil. CRC press, New York. USA.
Fogle, B (Ed.) .1981. Interrelations between People and Pet. Charles & Thomas, Illinosis. USA.
Judah V. and K. Nuttall. 2008. Exotic Animal Care & Management. Thomson Delmar Learing, New York. USA.
McNamara, J. P.,2006. Principle of Companion Animal Nutrition. Pearson Education, New Jersey, USA.
National Research Council, 1986. Nutrient Requirements of Dogs, National Academy Press, Washington, DC. USA.
National Research Council, 1986. Nutrient Requirements of Cats, National Academy Press, Washington, DC. USA.
O’Nell, A. (Ed.). 1989.The Complete Book of the Cat. Chartwell, New Jersey, USA.
O’Nell, A. (Ed.). 1989. A. The Complete Book of the Dog. Chartwell, New Jersey, USA.
Podberscek, A. L. , E. S. Paul, and J. A. Serpell (Ed.). 2001. Companion Animals and Us: Exploring the Relationships between People and Pets. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Serpell, J., 1986. In the Company of Animals. Basil Blackwell, New York, USA.
Stafford, K.2007. The Welfare of Dog, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
Terril, L. A. and D. J. Clemons. 1998.The Laboratory guinea pig. CRC press, New York, USA. USA
Davies, M., 1996. Canine and Feline Geriatrics, Blackwell Science, London. UK.
Field K. J. and A. M. Sibold. 1999.The Laboratory Hamster & Gerbil. CRC press, New York. USA.
Fogle, B (Ed.) .1981. Interrelations between People and Pet. Charles & Thomas, Illinosis. USA.
Judah V. and K. Nuttall. 2008. Exotic Animal Care & Management. Thomson Delmar Learing, New York. USA.
McNamara, J. P.,2006. Principle of Companion Animal Nutrition. Pearson Education, New Jersey, USA.
National Research Council, 1986. Nutrient Requirements of Dogs, National Academy Press, Washington, DC. USA.
National Research Council, 1986. Nutrient Requirements of Cats, National Academy Press, Washington, DC. USA.
O’Nell, A. (Ed.). 1989. The Complete Book of the Cat. Chartwell, New Jersey, USA.
O’Nell, A. (Ed.). 1989. A. The Complete Book of the Dog. Chartwell, New Jersey, USA.
Podberscek, A. L., E. S. Paul, and J. A. Serpell (Ed.). 2001. Companion Animals and Us: Exploring the Relationships between People and Pets. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Serpell, J., 1986. In the Company of Animals. Basil Blackwell, New York, USA.
Stafford, K.2007. The Welfare of Dog, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
Terril, L. A. and D. J. Clemons. 1998. The Laboratory guinea pig. CRC press, New York, USA. USA

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
40 隨堂考試與作業
midterm exam
30 考試方式包括選擇、問答與簡答題
final exam
30 考試方式包括選擇、問答或簡答題

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4[SS201]
授課教師 Teacher:陳盈豪
修課班級 Class:共選修1-3
選課備註 Memo:畜產系不得選修,限1-3年級;教師自主加選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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