course information of 103 - 1 | 3428 Adam Smith(經典閱讀:亞當斯密)

Taught In English3428 - 經典閱讀:亞當斯密 Adam Smith

教育目標 Course Target

現今各類書籍汗牛充棟,但能挺過歷史洗禮者卻寥寥無幾。而歷經數百年依然能流傳於世者,自有其不可忽視之價值。在大學的殿堂,應當要有閱讀「經典著作」的氣度與決心。本課程擬藉由導讀亞當斯密畢生最重要的兩本著作,帶領同學進入一個經濟與社會的對話世界。在導讀的過程中,訓練培養同學獨立思考與分析事物之習慣,期望從而觸發修同學自我延伸閱讀的興趣與能力。本課程有兩位教師擔任,視情況或有課堂中共同授課之情況。There are a lot of books of all kinds nowadays, but there are only a few who can survive the baptism of history. And those that can still be passed down to the world after hundreds of years have their own value that cannot be ignored. In the halls of universities, one should have the courage and determination to read "classics." This course aims to lead students into a world of dialogue between economics and society through the introduction of two of the most important works of Adam Smith's life. During the guided reading process, students are trained to develop the habit of independent thinking and analysis of things, hoping to trigger students' interest and ability in self-extended reading. This course is taught by two teachers. Depending on the situation, there may be joint teaching in the classroom.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Adam Smi也著,謝宗林、李華夏譯(2000) , (國富論) ,先覺。建議售價: 500元
2. AdamSm站著,謝宗林譯(2005) , {國富論帥,先覺。建議售價: 650元
3. AdamSmi也著,謝崇林譯(2009) , (道德情戚論) ,五南。建過售價: 450冗
1. Also written by Adam Smi, translated by Xie Zonglin and Li Huaxia (2000), (The Wealth of Nations), Xianjue. Suggested selling price: 500 yuan
2. AdamSm stands, translated by Xie Zonglin (2005), {The Wealth of Nations discusses handsome men, Xianjue. Suggested selling price: 650 yuan
3. Also written by Adam Smi, translated by Xie Chonglin (2009), (On Moral Sentiment), Wunan. Price after construction: 450 red

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
20 包括出席狀況與上課參與情形
interim report
Final report

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/1,2[C118]
授課教師 Teacher:陳永峰/曾耀鋒
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:社會系2192雙掛課程5人
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 37 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 37 人。

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