本課程係在探討人的價值、觀點、生活方式、生活態度等問題。旨在培養學生認識與陶冶人的本質,充實其生活,美化其人生以符合人類生活的目的。This course explores people's value, viewpoint, lifestyle, lifestyle and other issues. It aims to cultivate students to understand and cultivate human nature, enrich their lives, and beautify their lives to meet the purpose of human life.
The general course is different from the professional course, and it actually focuses on guiding students to actively care, explore and understand the ultimate value and wisdom of human beings. At the same time, the knowledge provided by the general course is not the purity of the professional course, but the basic knowledge with a strong sense of reality. . Our school has established four basic qualities for general education based on the concept of creating school traditions, school training and management: seeking truth, trustworthiness, striving for general education, and implementing the ideal of general education in our school in a specific way. I hope that students of this school can develop the spirit of independent learning, and under the guidance of general course teachers, they will gradually cultivate their basic qualities of general education, and look forward to finally learning. Various basic ingredient cultivation and have specific learning effectiveness indicators to serve as a specific indicator for self-verification of teaching and learning effectiveness, which are divided into the following: Truth-seeking cultivation (nature field): 1. Learn the methods or philosophy of natural sciences to explore physics The subtlety of the life world, 2. Develop the spirit of doing things, 3. Be able to participate in public affairs related to scientific issues. Relief and nourishment (humanity field): 1. Learn the humanistic spirit to explore the deep value of inner self and leading human civilization, 2. Develop self-discipline spirit, 3. Be able to use rationality to conduct moral reasoning. Practice and cultivate (social field): 1. Use social science methods or philosophy to stimulate students' listening and communication skills, 2. Accept and respect for diversity and differences, 3. Realize the spirit of democratic review. Hongtong basic cultivation (cross-domain): 1. Pursuing the overall value of human beings, 2. Integrating truth-seeking, trustworthiness, and action in personal life. Courses in various fields can be selected across learning performance indicators without being restricted.
1. Conrad Phillip Korrak,「Anthropology---The Exploration of Human Diversity」Eleventh edition;University of Michigan,McGraw- Hill Companies, Inc., New York 2006
2. Michael C. Howard,「Contemporary Cultural Anthropology」(「文化人類學」)/李茂興、藍美華譯--初版.—臺北市:弘智文化, 1997「民86」
3.Pertti J. Pelto,「Anthropological Research—The Structure of Inquiry」;University of Connecticut台北市:中央圖書, 1970「民0」
4. 李亦園,「信仰與文化」--初版,--台北縣永和市:Airiti Press,2010.03
5. 李亦園,「文化與修養;台北市:幼獅, 民85
1. Conrad Phillip Korrak, "Anthropology---The Exploration of Human Diversity" Eleventh edition; University of Michigan, McGraw- Hill Companies, Inc., New York 2006
2. Michael C. Howard, "Contemporary Cultural Anthropology" ("Cultural Humanities")/Li Maoxing, Blue Beauty Translation--First Edition.—Taipei: Hongzhi Culture, 1997 "National 86"
3. Pertti J. Pelto, "Anthropological Research—The Structure of Inquiry"; University of Connecticut Taipei City: Central Book, 1970 "National 0"
4. Li Yiyuan, "Faith and Culture"--First Edition,--Yonghe City, Taipei County: Airiti Press, 2010.03
5. Li Yiyuan, "Cultural and Nurturing; Taipei City: Lions, 85
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
到課率到課率 Class Rate |
30 | 採簽到制;曠課每次扣2分,曠課次數達4次者該項配分以0分計。請假、遲到者每次扣1分 |
隨堂測驗隨堂測驗 Lutang Test |
30 | 不定時實施, 至少兩次;每次15%,錯失者不予補考 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | 選擇交報告者不必參加 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
20 | 選擇交報告者不必參加 |
學期報告學期報告 Study period report |
40 | 選擇參加期中、期末考同學不須交報告 |