course information of 103 - 1 | 3347 The Critique of Taiwan Media and Society(社會:台灣媒體批判與社會批判)

Taught In English3347 - 社會:台灣媒體批判與社會批判 The Critique of Taiwan Media and Society

教育目標 Course Target

從具體事件與個案出發,剖析大眾傳播媒體究竟如何對事實進行報導,以及其背 後所牽涉的資結構本、獲利模式、組織慣性、主流價值等等。但媒體的偏差往往也 反應了社會的偏差,從媒體的問題,我們也看到社會的問題,從媒體批判開始,讓 學生學會以批判的角度看社會。Starting from specific events and cases, analyze how the mass media reports the facts, as well as the capital structure, profit model, organizational inertia, mainstream values, etc. involved behind it. But the deviations of the media often reflect the deviations of society. From the problems of the media, we also see the problems of society. Starting from media criticism, students can learn to look at society from a critical perspective.

參考書目 Reference Books

朗諾•貝提格、琴•琳•霍爾(Ronald V. Bettig & Jeanne Lynn Hall)(著)(2013)。《大
Robert McChesney(著)(2005)。《問題媒體---二十一世紀美國傳播政治》。台北:巨流。
Sut Jhally(著)(2000)。《廣告的符碼》(馮建三譯)。台北:遠流。
約翰•莫瑞爾(John C.Merrill)(2003)。《新聞倫理:存在主義的觀點》(周金福譯)。台北:巨流。
邁可.桑德爾(Michael Sandel)(2012)。《錢買不到的東西:金錢與正義的攻防》(吳四明、姬健梅譯)。台北:先覺。
梁岩岩、王星橋(譯)(2013)。《給年輕記者的信(二版)》(Letters to a Young Journalist,原著Samuel G. Freedman
Lin Dongtai et al. (2013). "Key Concepts in Media". Taipei: Juliu.
Ronald V. Bettig & Jeanne Lynn Hall (authors) (2013). "Big
The power game of the media---Why do powerful people want to engage in the media? "(Translated by Zheng Baiya). Taipei: Wanderer.
Robert McChesney (2005). "Problem Media---American Communication Politics in the Twenty-First Century". Taipei: Juliu.
Sut Jhally (2000). "The Code of Advertising" (translated by Feng Jiansan). Taipei: Yuanliu.
Edward Said (author) (2002). "The Covered Islam" (translated by Yan Jiyu). Taipei: Lixu
John. Pilger (2007). "Don't Lie to Me: 24 Investigative Reports That Shake the World" (translated by Yan Jiyu). Taipei; Shang and Zhou Dynasties
John C. Merrill (2003). "Journalism Ethics: An Existential Perspective" (translated by Zhou Jinfu). Taipei: Juliu.
Michael. Michael Sandel (2012). "What Money Can't Buy: The Attack and Defense of Money and Justice" (translated by Wu Siming and Ji Jianmei). Taipei: Xianjue.
Liu Huiling (2011). "How much does news cost". Taipei: Juliu.
Liang Yanyan and Wang Xingqiao (translated) (2013). "Letters to a Young Journalist (Second Edition)" (Letters to a Young Journalist, originally written by Samuel G. Freedman
Taipei: Wunan.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/5,6[A106]
授課教師 Teacher:邱家宜
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:教師自主加選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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