三、培養學生能力去分析檢驗並可理性深入的論辯探討環境社會學上的各種論點1. Introduction to the academic application of social theory in environmental theory
2. Make students have the basic concepts of environmental and social learning
3. Cultivate students' abilities to analyze and examine the experience and rationally and in-depth discussions on various points in environmental and social sciences.
本課程不特別指定教科書,教材部分將由本人提供書 (章節) 及期刊論文做為每週主要及次要讀物。
This course does not specifically designate textbooks. The textbooks will be provided by me (chapters) and journal articles as the main and secondary readings every week.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
20 | |
課堂表現課堂表現 Classroom performance |
10 | |
小論文小論文 Fiction |
30 | 請挑選一個有關台灣環境的主題 發展成為一篇五千字之小論文 (請勿超過五千字) |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
40 | 申論題 五選三 |