本課程是希望透過中華民國憲法在台灣施行的經驗,瞭解落實憲政的成就與困境。在方法上是從歷史的回溯,梳理中華民國憲政發展的軌跡,其中包括治理制度的變遷,二方面是人權保障的「進」(人權保障的落實)與「退」(人權保障遭逢的困境)。期望學生可以深入理解我國實施憲法的機會與限制,作為我國持續憲政民主發展的知識基礎。This course is to understand the achievements and difficulties of implementing political affairs through the experience of the implementation of the Republic of China Law in Taiwan. In terms of method, we are looking back on history and sorting out the political development of the Republic of China, including the transformation of the governance system. The second aspect is the "advance" of human rights protection (implementation of human rights protection) and "retreat" (difficulty encountered by human rights protection) . We hope that students can deeply understand the opportunities and limitations of our country's implementation of the law and serve as the intellectual foundation for the continuous development of political democracy in our country.
Li Huizong (1997). The key to the Dharma. Taipei: Dunhuang Book Bureau.
Ke Yilong (2009). The political implications of governance are based on its theoretical basis. Taipei: Liwen and cultural affairs.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考試期中考試 Midterm exam |
30 | 課堂講述內容的整合 |
期末考試期末考試 Final exam |
30 | 課堂講述內容的整合 |
課堂參與討論(含出席狀況)課堂參與討論(含出席狀況) Class meetings and discussions (including attendance) |
20 | |
學期報告(3000字)學期報告(3000字) Study period report (3000 words) |
20 |