course information of 103 - 1 | 3308 Contemporary Science Communication and Media(自然:當代科學傳播議題)

Taught In English3308 - 自然:當代科學傳播議題 Contemporary Science Communication and Media

教育目標 Course Target

本系列課程之宗旨在於培育科學背景學生科學傳播的概念、理論與實務,俾使他日於推展科學工作需要時,可運用所習之科學傳播知能,有效地運用媒體通路,與社會各方進行溝通,成為科學知識之喉舌。The purpose of this series of courses is to cultivate the concepts, theories and practices of scientific communication for students with a scientific background, so that when needed to promote scientific work in the future, they can use the scientific communication knowledge they have learned to effectively use media channels to communicate with all parties in society. Communicate and become the mouthpiece of scientific knowledge.

參考書目 Reference Books

吳妍儀(譯)(2010)。為什麼是碳?碳文明與碳毀滅(原作者:E. Roston)。臺北:貓頭鷹出版社。
呂孟娟(譯)(2010)。夢想綠社區:營造你的永續生活(原作者:S. James and T.Lahti)。臺北:山岳出版社。
李永展、李欽漢(譯)(2000)。生態足跡(原作者:M. Wackernagel and W. E. Rees)。臺北:創興出版社。
楊玉齡(譯)(2002)。生物圈的未來(原作者:E. O.Wilson)。臺北:天下文化出版公司。
楊瑞祺(譯)(2011)。以實證為基礎的健康照護與公共衛生(原作者:M. Gray)。臺北:臺灣愛思唯爾。
蔡承志(譯)(2011)。給未來總統的物理課:從恐怖主義、能源危機、核能安全、太空競賽到全球暖化背後的科學真相(原作者:R. A. Muller)。臺北:漫遊者文化。
鄭棨元、陳慧慈(譯)(2005)。最新文化全球化(原作者:J. Tomlinson)。臺北:韋伯文化。
狀與台灣的潛在商機(原作者:C. Goodall)。臺北:大是文化。
Wu Yanyi (trans.) (2010). Why carbon? Carbon Civilization and Carbon Destruction (Original author: E. Roston). Taipei: Owl Press.
Lu Mengjuan (translated) (2010). Dream Green Community: Create your sustainable life (original author: S. James and T.Lahti). Taipei: Shanyue Publishing House.
Li Yongzhan (2000). Sustainable Development: Reflections on the Earth Strikes Back. Taipei: Juliu Publishing House.
Li Yongzhan, Li Qinhan (translated) (2000). Ecological Footprint (original author: M. Wackernagel and W. E. Rees). Taipei: Chuang Hing Publishing House.
Chen, Tairan (2012). The impact of climate change on Taiwan’s overall security. Taipei: National Taiwan University Publishing Center.
Yang Yuling (translated) (2002). The future of the biosphere (original author: E. O. Wilson). Taipei: Tianxia Culture Publishing Co., Ltd.
Yang Ruiqi (trans.) (2011). Evidence-based health care and public health (original author: M. Gray). Taipei: Elsevier Taiwan.
Ye, Xincheng (2006). Global warming, what to do? : Please see the "Kyoto Protocol" for fever-reducing tips? Taipei: New Naturalism.
Cai Chengzhi (trans.) (2011). Physics Lessons for Future Presidents: The Science Behind Terrorism, the Energy Crisis, Nuclear Safety, the Space Race, and Global Warming (original author: R. A. Muller). Taipei: Wanderer Culture.
Zheng Jiyuan and Chen Huici (translated) (2005). The latest cultural globalization (original author: J. Tomlinson). Taipei: Weber Culture.
Wei Guoyan, Xu Huangxiong (1999). Introduction to global environmental change. Taipei: Shiying Publishing House.
Su Yawei and Yang Youlan (translated) (2011). If we don’t want nuclear energy, what should we use? :Global energy development status
status and potential business opportunities in Taiwan (original author: C. Goodall). Taipei: Big is culture.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance record
10 全學期點名五次,不接受補點,超過三次點名不到者,該分數不予計分。
Class Notes
15 每週課後繳交上課心得,字數150-200 字左右,原稿會掃描並留存,以電子 檔寄回給同學並公布課堂筆記內容於中區跨校教學平台。字跡請工整,如潦 草無法辨識,該次則不予計分。
Homework Assessment
75 作業一、能源議題報告。 作業二、公衛議題報告。 作業三、環境議題報告。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/5,6[SS213]
授課教師 Teacher:林良恭/鄧宗禹
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:本課程採遠距教學
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 40 人。

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