course information of 103 - 1 | 3285 Development and Application of Life(自然:生命科學發展與應用)

Taught In English3285 - 自然:生命科學發展與應用 Development and Application of Life

教育目標 Course Target

教學目標: 透過課堂基本原理內容講述及實際應用案例觀摩來達到三項主要教學目標。 1、 增進學生對生命科學領域及自我的瞭解。 2、 增進學生對生命科學相關新知及新技術的認知。 3、 循序啟發學生發掘生命科學之奧祕,進而主動關懷尊重生命存在的意義。Teaching objectives: Three main teaching objectives are achieved through the narration of basic classroom principles and observation of practical application cases. 1. Enhance students’ understanding of the field of life sciences and themselves. 2. Enhance students’ understanding of new knowledge and new technologies related to life sciences. 3. Inspire students to discover the mysteries of life sciences step by step, and then actively care and respect the meaning of life.

課程概述 Course Description

General courses are different from professional courses. They actually focus on guiding students to actively care for, explore and practice the ultimate value and wisdom of mankind. At the same time, the knowledge provided by general courses is not the superficiality of professional courses, but basic knowledge with a solid sense. . Based on the school’s founding tradition, school motto and school philosophy, the school has formulated four basic qualities for general education: truth-seeking quality, belief quality, practical quality and general quality, in order to concretely implement the school’s ideals of general education. We hope that our students can develop their independent learning spirit and gradually develop their basic literacy in general education under the guidance of general education teachers, and look forward to lifelong learning. Each basic literacy has specific learning effectiveness indicators for self-examination of teaching and learning effectiveness, which are described below: Truth-seeking literacy (natural field): 1. Learn the methods or philosophy of natural science to explore physics and the subtleties of the living world, 2. Use the spirit of discussing matters as they are, 3. Be able to participate in public affairs related to scientific issues. Belief literacy (humanities field): 1. Learn the humanistic spirit to explore the inner self and understand the deep value of human civilization, 2. Develop self-discipline, 3. Be able to use rationality for moral reasoning. Practical literacy (social field): 1. Use social science methods or philosophy to stimulate students' listening and communication skills, 2. Recognize and respect diversity, 3. Practice the spirit of democratic deliberation. Hongtong literacy (cross-field): 1. Pursue the overall value of human beings, 2. Integrate qualities such as truth-seeking, faith, and practice into personal life. Courses in various fields can choose from different learning outcome indicators, so there is no need to be rigid.

參考書目 Reference Books

1、 物科技概論(Biotechnology An Introduction),Susan R. Barnum著,學富文化事業有限公司出版。
2、Molecular Biotechnology,Bernard R. Glick and Jack J. Pasternak,藝軒圖書公司出版。

1. Biotechnology An Introduction, written by Susan R. Barnum, published by Xuefu Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.
2. Molecular Biotechnology, Bernard R. Glick and Jack J. Pasternak, published by Yixuan Book Company.
3. Newspapers, magazines and Internet related information.
4. Make your own course handouts.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Classroom performance

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-3284 Development and Application of Life / 自然:生命科學發展與應用 (共必修1-4,授課教師:陳春榮,三/8,9[SS109])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/10,11[SS109]
授課教師 Teacher:陳春榮
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:修過該教師生命:生命科學概論者不得選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 117 人。

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