本課程主要介紹當代重要環境議題,探索其歷史背景及產生的原因,討論解決問題的策略與方法。This course mainly introduces important contemporary environmental issues, explores their historical background and causes, and discusses strategies and methods for solving problems.
1. 針對問題,蒐集相關資訊的能力
2. 整理相關資訊,獲得結論之能力
3. 正確表達自己看法,並與別人分享溝通的能力
This course belongs to the field of knowledge of nature. This course mainly introduces important contemporary environmental issues, explores their historical background and causes, and discusses strategies and methods for solving problems.
We hope that students will cultivate the following abilities after this course:
1. Ability to collect relevant information about problems
2. Organize relevant information and gain the ability to conclude
3. The ability to express your opinion correctly and share communication with others
4. The ability to maturely analyze and consider environmental issues and commit to participation
Living in the Environment (G. Tyler Miller, Jr.)
living int and environment (G. Tyler Miller, Jr.)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
25 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
25 | |
到課率及學習報告到課率及學習報告 Class Rate and Learning Report |
50 |