course information of 103 - 1 | 3195 Appreciation of Music(人文:音樂賞析)

Taught In English3195 - 人文:音樂賞析 Appreciation of Music

教育目標 Course Target

為學生建立欣賞古典音樂時應具備的基礎常識與概念,包括:樂曲的類型、樂器的音色特徵、樂曲創作的時代背景、對作曲家成長背景的瞭解與對其作品風格特色的影響。學生在未來可以循著這些課堂上所建立的方向,繼續更深入地探討古典音樂的世界。 學生通過此課程後所培養的能力: 培養學生從人文的各種角度去思考與欣賞古典音樂的內涵,並瞭解歷史背景、政治、社會、經濟等思潮如何影響藝術與音樂的風格。啟發學生對音樂的愛好,讓音樂成為生活的一部份,並帶動參與藝文活動的熱情。Establish basic common sense and concepts that students should have when appreciating classical music, including: types of music, timbre characteristics of instruments, the background of the music creation, understanding of the composer's growth background and the influence on the style and characteristics of his works. Students can follow the directions established in these classes in the future to continue exploring the world of classical music in greater depth. Abilities developed by students after passing this course: Students are trained to think and appreciate the connotation of classical music from various humanistic perspectives, and to understand how historical background, political, social, economic and other trends of thought influence the style of art and music. Inspire students' interest in music, make music a part of life, and stimulate enthusiasm for participating in artistic and cultural activities.

課程概述 Course Description

授課內容 概述自西元1600年以降,西洋古典音樂的發展、時代風格的演變、各樂器的特色、及樂曲的類型。 教學目標 為學生建立欣賞古典音樂時應具備的基礎常識與概念,包括:樂曲的類型、樂器的音色特徵、樂曲創作的時代背景、及對作曲家的生命的瞭解與其作品風格特色的聯想。學生在未來可以循著這些課堂上所建立的方向,繼續更深入的探討古典音樂的世界。 學生通過此課程後所培養的能力: 培養學生從人文的各種角度去思考與欣賞古典音樂的內涵。啟發學生對音樂的愛好,讓音樂成為生活的一部份,並帶動參與藝文活動的熱情。
Teaching content An overview of the development of Western classical music since 1600 AD, the evolution of era styles, the characteristics of each instrument, and the types of music. Teaching objectives Establish basic common sense and concepts that students should have when appreciating classical music, including: types of music, timbre characteristics of instruments, the background of the music creation, and understanding of the composer's life and associations with the style and characteristics of his works. Students can follow the directions established in these classes in the future and continue to explore the world of classical music in greater depth. Abilities developed by students after passing this course: Cultivate students to think and appreciate the connotation of classical music from various humanistic perspectives. Inspire students' interest in music, make music a part of life, and stimulate enthusiasm for participating in artistic and cultural activities.

參考書目 Reference Books

6.國民樂派,Harold. G. Schoenberg 著,陳琳琳譯
1. Liszt on Berlioz and Schumann, written by Liszt and translated by Zhang Hongdao and others (World Heritage Press, 1994)
2. Tchaikovsky on Music, written by Tchaikovsky and translated by Gao Shiyan (World Cultural Heritage Publishing House, 1993)
3. Romantic Music, written by Harold Lauberg, translated by Chen Linlin (Wanxiang Books, third edition 1995)
4. Music Appreciation, written by Chen Shuxi and Lin Gufang, Sanmin Bookstore
5. Music introduction album, World Heritage Publishing House
6. National Music School, written by Harold. G. Schoenberg, translated by Chen Linlin
7. Introduction to Classical Music Appreciation, written by Hiroshi Yuki, translated by Zhang Shuyi, Quanyin Publishing House

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
30 上課出席並認真參與
15 音樂會心得報告一份:附票根或目單,使用A4紙,14號字型打字,二頁
midterm exam
25 筆試
final exam
30 成果發表或期末報告(依學生的意願擇一。成果發表:學生上台呈現和本學期主題相關的表演藝術。期末報告:使用A4紙,14號字型,至少四頁,題目需經教師認可;表演藝術:以二至三人為單位,小組上台進行音樂表演))

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4[M228]
授課教師 Teacher:林芳瑜
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:音樂系不得選修,教師自主加選;二教區上課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 74 人。

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