course information of 103 - 1 | 3194 Humanities: Literatus as Social Guardian(人文:文學家的社會瞭望)

Taught In English3194 - 人文:文學家的社會瞭望 Humanities: Literatus as Social Guardian

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的設計初衷,乃是企圖從經典的小說文學當中,向同學介紹文學家作為社會上的思想家、報導者以及社會瞭望台上看守者的作者,所書寫出來的思想。我們這學期所挑選的小說家,是貼近社會、觀察社會之後做出深度思考的幾位。課程內容計有兩個單元,其一為台灣文學家筆中的現代化過程中,台灣所經歷的種種事蹟。其二為美國散文作家梭羅在他實驗性的湖邊隱居之後,所領悟出來的深刻反思。同時透過本土文人以及美國作家的相互對照與對比,我們希望可以從中學習經典作家關懷與分析當代社會的特性與問題,進而思索現階段台灣社會的挑戰。須請同學注意的是,本課程的閱讀著作雖乍看為文學作品,但是本課的立意卻是要透過社會學的觀點角度,帶著同學來關心現代社會中深入的問題。希望可以社會科學的眼界來解讀文學作品、以及讓同學處類旁通,進而關心自己的生活周遭:台灣這社會現階段的問題。The original intention of this course is to introduce to students the thoughts written by writers as social thinkers, reporters, and social watchdogs from classic novel literature. The novelists we have selected this semester are those who have been close to society and have made in-depth reflections after observing society. The course content consists of two units. One is the various deeds that Taiwan experienced during the modernization process as described by Taiwanese writers. The second is the profound reflection that the American prose writer Thoreau realized after his experimental lakeside seclusion. At the same time, through the mutual comparison and contrast between local literati and American writers, we hope to learn from classic writers' care and analysis of the characteristics and problems of contemporary society, and then think about the challenges of Taiwanese society at this stage. Students should note that although the reading works in this course may appear to be literary works at first glance, the purpose of this course is to lead students to care about the profound issues in modern society through a sociological perspective. I hope that literary works can be interpreted from a social science perspective, and that students can understand other situations and care about their own surroundings: the current problems of Taiwanese society.

參考書目 Reference Books

賴和 1979 《一桿秤子》 台北:遠景出版社
楊逵 1979 《送報伕》 台北:遠景出版社
陳千武 1991 《陳千武集》 台北;前衛出版社
周金波 2002 《周金波集》 台北;前衛出版社
呂赫若 1991 《呂赫若集》 台北;前衛出版社
龍瑛宗 1979 《植有木瓜樹的小鎮》 台北:遠景出版社
黃春明 2000 《莎喲娜啦再見》 台北:皇冠出版社
陳映真 2001 《陳映真小說集3》 台北:洪範出版社
梭羅  1993 《湖濱散記》。孟詳森譯 台北:桂冠出版社
Lai He 1979 "A Scale" Taipei: Yuanjing Publishing House
Yang Kui 1979 "Paper Deliverer" Taipei: Yuanjing Publishing House
Chen Qianwu 1991 "Chen Qianwu Collection" Taipei; Avant-Garde Publishing House
Zhou Jinbo 2002 "Zhou Jinbo Collection" Taipei; Avant-Garde Publishing House
Lu Heruo 1991 "Collection of Lu Heruo" Taipei; Avant-Garde Publishing House
Long Yingzong 1979 "A Town with Papaya Trees" Taipei: Yuanjing Publishing House
Huang Chunming 2000 "Goodbye Sayonara" Taipei: Crown Publishing House
Chen Yingzhen 2001 "Chen Yingzhen's Novels Collection 3" Taipei: Hongfan Publishing House
Thoreau 1993 "Lakeside Essays". Translated by Meng Xiangsen Taipei: Guiguan Publishing House

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Personal reading experience to be submitted before class
40 單元一與單元二各繳交乙次課前讀書心得,每次各占20%
Group classroom guidance report
35 每人需找好小組。於本學期至少一次的課堂present
Discuss grades in class
25 含出席與積極討論程度

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/7,8,9[C208]
授課教師 Teacher:黃國清/黃敏原
修課班級 Class:共必修2-4
選課備註 Memo:社會系2187雙掛課程5名
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 34 人。

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