course information of 103 - 1 | 3034 Medical Ethics and Law(醫學倫理與法律)

Taught In English3034 - 醫學倫理與法律 Medical Ethics and Law

教育目標 Course Target

本堂課將系統性介紹醫療糾紛的相關議題:包括醫療契約與醫療行為、台灣醫療糾紛之實證研究、醫療事故的民事責任、刑事責任、醫療過失的判斷困難、醫療糾紛的因果關係判斷、告知義務的迅速擴張、醫療行為的代理決定、組織醫療的法律責任、醫療糾紛鑑定制度面以及實質面的問題、實證醫學與醫療糾紛之間的關係、臨床準則的議題、以及生與死的法律觀。學生藉由相關課程的學習,對於醫療過失與醫療糾紛鑑定等重要議題,將具有掌握能力,並進一步建立學生將來從事法律實務或醫事法學研究的基礎。This class will systematically introduce issues related to medical disputes: including medical contracts and medical behaviors, empirical research on medical disputes in Taiwan, civil liability and criminal liability for medical malpractice, difficulties in judging medical negligence, causality judgment in medical disputes, and the obligation to inform. The rapid expansion of medical practice, agency decision-making of medical behavior, legal responsibility of organized medical care, institutional and substantive issues in medical dispute identification, the relationship between empirical medicine and medical disputes, issues of clinical standards, and the legal view of life and death. Through the study of relevant courses, students will have the ability to master important issues such as medical negligence and medical dispute identification, and further establish the basis for students to engage in legal practice or medical legal research in the future.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 吳俊穎、陳榮基、楊增暐、賴惠蓁:清官難斷醫務事?醫療過失責任與醫療糾紛鑑定(ISBN:978-986-255-187-5) (元照出版社,2012年6月出版)。
2. 吳俊穎、賴惠蓁、陳榮基:法官,我說明夠了嗎?醫師說明義務法院判決評析 (ISBN: 978-957-9201-45-2) (橘井出版社,2010年7月出版)。
1. 吳俊穎、楊增暐、賴惠蓁、陳榮基:醫療糾紛民事訴訟的損害賠償:法界學說、實務見解及實證研究。法學新論36期,2012年6月,13-51頁。
2. 吳俊穎、賴惠蓁、楊增暐、陳榮基:組織醫療行為的刑事過失責任釐清。月旦法學202期,2012年3月,166-84頁。
3. 吳俊穎、楊增暐、賴惠蓁、陳榮基:醫療過失犯之刑法正義及刑罰。台灣醫學,15卷6期,2011年11月,626-37頁。
4. 吳俊穎、賴惠蓁、陳榮基:醫療糾紛重複鑑定之實證研究。月旦法學198期,2011年11月,155-73頁。
5. 吳俊穎、楊增暐、賴惠蓁、陳榮基:醫療事故損害賠償之規範目的及法律原則。台灣醫學,15卷1期,2011年1月,75-85頁。
6. 吳俊穎、賴惠蓁、陳榮基:醫療糾紛鑑定的未來:由專業鑑定探討醫療糾紛鑑定之興革。月旦法學183期,2010年8月,36-47頁。
7. 吳俊穎、楊增暐、賴惠蓁、陳榮基:醫療糾紛民事訴訟時代的來臨 — 台灣醫療糾紛民國91年至96年訴訟案件分析。台灣醫學,14卷4期,2010年7月,359-69頁。
8. 吳俊穎、賴惠蓁、陳榮基:不實施心肺復甦術之相關法律問題。台灣醫學,14卷3期,2010年5月,318-323頁。
9. 吳俊穎、吳佳勳、陳榮基:臨床準則在法庭審判的角色:賽局理論的觀點。台灣醫學,14卷2期,2010年3月,199-208頁。
10. 吳俊穎、賴惠蓁、楊增暐、陳榮基:醫療過失的民事舉證責任:法、中及台灣現狀簡介。台灣醫學,14卷1期,2010年1月,72-80頁。
11. 吳俊穎、賴惠蓁、陳榮基:醫療過失判斷的困境。法學新論,17期,2009年12月,57-76頁。
12. 吳俊穎、楊增暐、賴惠蓁、陳榮基:醫療過失的民事舉證責任:美、德、日現況介紹。台灣醫學,13卷6期,2009年11月,615-9頁。
13. 吳俊穎:「醫師告知義務急速擴張的時代」- 法界的期待與醫界的臨床實務之間的鴻溝。法學新論,14期,2009年9月,87-111頁。
14. 吳俊穎、賴惠蓁、陳榮基:醫療糾紛與醫師特性分析。台灣醫學,13卷2期,2009年3月,115-21頁。
15. 吳俊穎、賴惠蓁、陳榮基:台灣的醫療糾紛狀況。台灣醫學,13卷1期,2009年1月,1-8頁。
16. 吳俊穎:由醫療糾紛的觀點看台灣實證醫學未來的發展。台灣醫學,8卷4期,2004年7月,573-581頁。
17. 吳俊穎:「壽終正寢?」- 病患親屬代理決定權的探討。月旦法學114期,2004年11月,155-162頁。
1. Wu Junying, Chen Rongji, Yang Zengwei, Lai Huizhen: Is it difficult for honest officials to judge medical affairs? Medical Negligence Liability and Medical Dispute Identification (ISBN: 978-986-255-187-5) (Yuanzhao Publishing House, published in June 2012).
2. Wu Junying, Lai Huizhen, Chen Rongji: Judge, have I explained enough? Commentary on the Court's Judgment on Physicians' Obligation to Explain (ISBN: 978-957-9201-45-2) (Tachibana Press, published in July 2010).
Other references:
1. Wu Junying, Yang Zengwei, Lai Huizhen, and Chen Rongji: Damages compensation in civil litigation for medical disputes: legal theory, practical insights and empirical research. New Legal Studies Issue 36, June 2012, pp. 13-51.
2. Wu Junying, Lai Huizhen, Yang Zengwei, and Chen Rongji: Clarification of criminal negligence liability for organized medical activities. Yuedan Law Issue 202, March 2012, pp. 166-84.
3. Wu Junying, Yang Zengwei, Lai Huizhen, and Chen Rongji: Criminal justice and punishment for medical negligence. Taiwan Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 6, November 2011, Pages 626-37.
4. Wu Junying, Lai Huizhen, and Chen Rongji: An empirical study on repeated identification of medical disputes. Yuedan Law 198, November 2011, pp. 155-73.
5. Wu Junying, Yang Zengwei, Lai Huizhen, and Chen Rongji: The normative purpose and legal principles of compensation for medical malpractice damages. Taiwan Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 1, January 2011, pages 75-85.
6. Wu Junying, Lai Huizhen, and Chen Rongji: The future of medical dispute appraisal: exploring the evolution of medical dispute appraisal through professional appraisal. Yuedan Law Issue 183, August 2010, pages 36-47.
7. Wu Junying, Yang Zengwei, Lai Huizhen, and Chen Rongji: The advent of the era of civil litigation for medical disputes—an analysis of medical dispute litigation cases in Taiwan from 1991 to 1996. Taiwan Medicine, Volume 14, Issue 4, July 2010, Pages 359-69.
8. Wu Junying, Lai Huizhen, and Chen Rongji: Legal issues related to not performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Taiwan Medicine, Volume 14, Issue 3, May 2010, Pages 318-323.
9. Wu Junying, Wu Jiaxun, and Chen Rongji: The role of clinical guidelines in court trials: a game theory perspective. Taiwan Medicine, Volume 14, Issue 2, March 2010, Pages 199-208.
10. Wu Junying, Lai Huizhen, Yang Zengwei, and Chen Rongji: Civil burden of proof for medical negligence: An introduction to the current situation in France, China and Taiwan. Taiwan Medicine, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2010, pp. 72-80.
11. Wu Junying, Lai Huizhen, and Chen Rongji: The dilemma of medical negligence judgment. New Legal Studies, Issue 17, December 2009, pp. 57-76.
12. Wu Junying, Yang Zengwei, Lai Huizhen, and Chen Rongji: Civil burden of proof for medical negligence: An introduction to the current situation in the United States, Germany, and Japan. Taiwan Medicine, Volume 13, Issue 6, November 2009, Pages 615-9.
13. Wu Junying: "The era of rapid expansion of physicians' obligation to inform" - the gap between the expectations of the legal community and the clinical practice of the medical community. New Legal Studies, Issue 14, September 2009, pp. 87-111.
14. Wu Junying, Lai Huizhen, and Chen Rongji: Analysis of medical disputes and physician characteristics. Taiwan Medicine, Volume 13, Issue 2, March 2009, Pages 115-21.
15. Wu Junying, Lai Huizhen, and Chen Rongji: The status of medical disputes in Taiwan. Taiwan Medicine, Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2009, pages 1-8.
16. Wu Junying: Looking at the future development of Taiwan’s evidence-based medicine from the perspective of medical disputes. Taiwan Medicine, Volume 8, Issue 4, July 2004, pages 573-581.
17. Wu Junying: "End of life?" - Discussion on the agency decision-making power of patients' relatives. Yuedan Law No. 114, November 2004, pp. 155-162.

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/8,9[L208]
授課教師 Teacher:吳俊穎
修課班級 Class:法律系2-4
選課備註 Memo:科技法律選修學群
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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