course information of 103 - 1 | 2933 Environmental Impact Assessment(環境影響評估)

Taught In English2933 - 環境影響評估 Environmental Impact Assessment

教育目標 Course Target

本課程重點在教導學生環境影響評估 (EIA)之專業技術、法規、作業程序及運用在環境影響評估作業中之有關工具方法,並於課堂上做個案介紹以利了解。目的在訓練學生於規劃工程開發計畫時,如涉及環境影響評估相關程序,使有足夠之環境規劃能力以兼顧維護環境品質之目標,並熟悉相關環評法規及作業程序,以因應未來就業工作或進修研究之需。 2.課程包括環評理論政策、環評法規概論、景觀影響之評估、生態棲地之影響評估、評估方法論,尚包括水質、空氣品質、噪音、交通等影響評估,其相關項目與理念有應用於土地使用之景觀規劃配置之可能性。This course focuses on teaching students the professional techniques, regulations, operating procedures and related tools and methods used in environmental impact assessment (EIA). Cases will be introduced in class to facilitate understanding. The purpose is to train students in planning engineering development projects that involve procedures related to environmental impact assessment, so that they will have sufficient environmental planning capabilities to take into account the goals of maintaining environmental quality, and be familiar with relevant environmental assessment regulations and operating procedures to prepare for future employment or work. Need for further study and research. 2. The course includes environmental impact assessment theory and policy, an introduction to environmental impact assessment regulations, landscape impact assessment, ecological habitat impact assessment, and assessment methodology. It also includes impact assessment on water quality, air quality, noise, traffic, etc. Its related projects and concepts are applied to land Possibility of using landscape planning configuration.

課程概述 Course Description

環境影響評估課程與景觀規劃與設計之相關性與應用性 相關性: (1)環境影響評估之作業課程包括景觀之影響評估,教授學生探討土地開發使用前後之景觀美質之計值評估,與開發計畫之景觀規劃與設計有密切關係,不同之土地使用配置有不同之環境影響,包括景觀或美質之影響。 (2)環境影響評估探討環境影響之綜合評估,也包括景觀美質評估之影響權重及作業程序。 應用性: (1)同學可運用所學之環境影響評估課程中景觀美質評估之概念與方法於開發計畫之景觀配置規劃與設計,環境影響評估為重大土地開發使用計畫審查之必須作業程序,未來同學於畢業後投入工作實務階段,有其即刻之應用性。 (2)環境影響評估課程包括景觀美質、生態棲地、水質、噪音、空氣品質、交通衝擊等影響評估概論及環評方法與實務作業等課題,其相關項目與理念有應用於土地使用之景觀規劃配置之可能性。
The correlation and application of environmental impact assessment courses and landscape planning and design Relevance: (1) Environmental impact assessment homework courses include landscape impact assessment, teaching students to explore the evaluation of landscape quality before and after land development and use, which is closely related to the landscape planning and design of development projects. Different land use configurations have Different environmental impacts, including landscape or aesthetic impacts. (2) Environmental impact assessment explores the comprehensive assessment of environmental impact, including the impact weight and operating procedures of landscape beauty assessment. Applicability: (1) Students can apply the concepts and methods of landscape quality assessment learned in the environmental impact assessment course to the landscape configuration planning and design of development projects. Environmental impact assessment is a necessary procedure for the review of major land development and use plans. In the future, Students will have immediate application when they enter the practical stage of work after graduation. (2) Environmental impact assessment courses include topics such as an introduction to impact assessment on landscape beauty, ecological habitat, water quality, noise, air quality, traffic impact, etc., as well as environmental assessment methods and practical operations. Related projects and concepts are applied to the landscape of land use. Planning configuration possibilities.

參考書目 Reference Books

1、Environmental Impact Analysis Handbook - RAU and WOODEN 1980 虹橋

2、Ecology, Impact Assessment, And Environmental Planning -WALTER E. WESTMAN (1984.07)


4、環境化學概論-盧昭彰, 曉園出版社 1995


6、環境規劃與決策-吳濟華、屠世亮譯著(1992 .03), Leonard Ortolano原著
7、環境影響評估( Environmental Impact Assessment)-黃光輝譯述(1997 ), Larry. W. Canter原著



10、美國環境影響評估制度概論-馮國鑫 (台灣環境衛生第21卷第2期)

11、我國環境影響評估作業應行注意事項-馮國鑫 (台灣環境衛生第29卷第3期)
1. Environmental Impact Analysis Handbook - RAU and WOODEN 1980 Hongqiao

2. Ecology, Impact Assessment, And Environmental Planning -WALTER E. WESTMAN (1984.07)

3. Analysis and research on the formulation of waste disposal site standards and location selection in Taiwan - Lin Suzhen (1985.07)

4. Introduction to Environmental Chemistry - Lu Zhaozhang, Xiaoyuan Press 1995

5. Regulations related to environmental impact assessment - Environmental Protection Agency, Executive Yuan

6. Environmental Planning and Decision-making - translated by Wu Jihua and Tu Shiliang (1992.03), original by Leonard Ortolano

7. Environmental Impact Assessment - translated by Huang Guanghui (1997), original work by Larry. W. Canter

8. Taiwan Highway Capacity Manual (2001) - Transportation Research Institute of the Ministry of Transportation


10. Introduction to the U.S. Environmental Impact Assessment System - Feng Guoxin (Taiwan Environmental Health Volume 21 Issue 2)

11. Things to note when conducting environmental impact assessment in my country - Feng Guoxin (Taiwan Environmental Health Volume 29 Issue 3)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,8[H204]
授課教師 Teacher:景觀教師
修課班級 Class:景觀系4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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