course information of 103 - 1 | 2925 Principles of Landscape Planning(景觀規劃理論)

Taught In English2925 - 景觀規劃理論 Principles of Landscape Planning

教育目標 Course Target

完成這門課後,學生將能掌握 1.景觀與遊憩規劃相關理論﹐包括規劃理論、規劃步驟、內容、目標、流程等方法論、環境規劃理論及遊客量預測、遊憩市場調查與分析方法技術。。 2. 環境與景觀規劃過程所涉及之決策、預測、分析之技術及理論說明 3.具備說明理論分析結果的闡述表達能力 4.具備了解國際景觀議題與關懷多元文化的研究趨勢 5.具備正確的工作態度與認知After completing this course, students will be able to master 1. Theories related to landscape and recreation planning, including planning theory, planning steps, content, goals, processes and other methodologies, environmental planning theory and tourist volume forecast, recreation market survey and analysis methods and technologies. . 2. Technical and theoretical explanations of decision-making, prediction, and analysis involved in the environmental and landscape planning process 3. Have the ability to explain the results of theoretical analysis 4. Have research trends that understand international landscape issues and care about multiculturalism 5. Have the correct work attitude and cognition

課程概述 Course Description

Substantial professional knowledge and theoretical foundation are the basis for cultivating professional capabilities in landscape planning. This course mainly introduces the theories related to the landscape and recreation planning process, such as landscape resource assessment theory, recreation market analysis, tourist volume forecast, ecological planning theory, etc. It also enables students to learn and become familiar with the commonly used methods at each stage of the landscape planning process. Analysis and evaluation methods serve as the basis for the integration of landscape planning-related courses and the execution of environmental planning work.

參考書目 Reference Books

3.鍾溫凊,曾秉希,2010,觀光與休閒遊憩資源規劃, 台北縣,華立圖書股份有限公司。
6.顏麗蓉、王偉(譯),( 2006), James A.LaGro, Jr.著,基地分析-在土地計畫及設計過程中串聯計劃與設計構想(Site Analysis-Linking Program Concept in Land Planning and Design)。台北市:六和出版社
7.李麗雪、林孟立、陳惠美、葉美智(譯), (2002),William M.Marsh著, 環境景觀之規劃與應用(Landscape Planning – Environmental Application)。台北市: 田園城市文化事業有限公司
11.Gunn,C.A.(1994). Tourism planning:Basics, concepts, cases. Washington, DC:Taylor & Francis.
Stanley R. Lieber & Daniel R. Fesenmaier, Recreation Planning and Management.
12.Daniel,T.C., and Boster,R.S., 1976. Measuring Land-scape Esthetics : The Scenic Beauty Estimation Method. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. RM-167, Fort Collins, Co, 66p.
13.Litton, R. Burton, Jr., 1968. Forest Landscape Description and Inventories – A Basis for Land Planning and Design. USDA, For. Serv. Res. Pap. PSW-49, Pacific SW. For. And Range Exp. Stn., Ca., 64p.
14.Bureau of Land Management Visual Resource Management Program
15.Shafer, E.L., Jr.; Hamilton, J.F., Jr., and Schmidt, E.A., 1969. Natural Landscape Preferences : A Pre-dictive Model. J. of Leisure Research, Vol.1, No.1, pp.1-19.
16.Zube﹐E.H.; Simox, D.E.; and Law, C.S., 1987. Perceptual Landscape Simulations : History and Prospect. Landscape Journal, Vol.6, No.1, pp.62-80.
17.Richard C. Smardon; James F.Palmer and John P.Felleman Foundations for Visual Project Analysis 1986
18.Marsh, William. (Landscape Planning Environmental Applications)NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1991.
1. Cao Zheng, 2007, Visual Landscape Theory. Taipei City: Taicang Planning Consultants Co., Ltd.
2. Hou Jinxiong, 1995, Recreation Area Planning. Taipei City: Landscape Enterprise Co., Ltd.
3. Zhong Wensheng, Zeng Bingxi, 2010, Tourism and Leisure Resource Planning, Taipei County, Holley Book Co., Ltd.
4. Editor-in-Chief Huang Shimeng, 1995, Introduction to Base Planning. Taipei City: Architectural Society of the Republic of China.
5. Huang Shuli, 2000, Ecological Land Use Planning. Taipei City: James Book Company.
6. Yan Lirong and Wang Wei (translated), (2006), James A. LaGro, Jr., Site Analysis-Linking Program Concept in Land Planning and Design Design). Taipei City: Liuhe Publishing House
7. Li Lixue, Lin Mengli, Chen Huimei, and Ye Meizhi (translated), (2002), William M. Marsh, Landscape Planning – Environmental Application. Taipei City: Garden City Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.
8. Cao Junhan, 1996, Research Report Writing Manual. Taipei City: Lianjing Publishing House.
9. Journal of Outdoor Recreation Research
10.Journals of Landscape Architecture
11.Gunn, C.A.(1994). Tourism planning:Basics, concepts, cases. Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis.
Stanley R. Lieber & Daniel R. Fesenmaier, Recreation Planning and Management.
12.Daniel,T.C., and Boster,R.S., 1976. Measuring Land-scape Esthetics: The Scenic Beauty Estimation Method. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. RM-167, Fort Collins, Co, 66p.
13. Litton, R. Burton, Jr., 1968. Forest Landscape Description and Inventories – A Basis for Land Planning and Design. USDA, For. Serv. Res. Pap. PSW-49, Pacific SW. For. And Range Exp. Stn., Ca., 64p.
14. Bureau of Land Management Visual Resource Management Program
15.Shafer, E.L., Jr.; Hamilton, J.F., Jr., and Schmidt, E.A., 1969. Natural Landscape Preferences : A Pre-dictive Model. J. of Leisure Research, Vol.1, No.1, pp.1 -19.
16.Zube, E.H.; Simox, D.E.; and Law, C.S., 1987. Perceptual Landscape Simulations: History and Prospect. Landscape Journal, Vol.6, No.1, pp.62-80.
17.Richard C. Smardon; James F.Palmer and John P.Felleman Foundations for Visual Project Analysis 1986
18.Marsh, William. (Landscape Planning Environmental Applications)NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1991.

評分方式 Grading

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class participation
35 包含課堂參與、討論、平時小考、出席率、學習態度評定
Homework results
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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[C113]
授課教師 Teacher:何郁如
修課班級 Class:景觀系3
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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