course information of 103 - 1 | 2923 Community-Based Landscape(社區景觀總體營造一)

Taught In English2923 - 社區景觀總體營造一 Community-Based Landscape

教育目標 Course Target

1.引導「東海景觀人」⾛出東海,⾛⼊社區,探索台灣社區景觀之美。 2.培訓「東海景觀⼈」對「社區景觀總體營造」的知識、態度與實踐能力。 3.嘗試運⽤「引導反思」技術的實驗教學,挑戰完成「我們的築夢行動計畫」。1. Guide "East China Sea Landscape People" to go out of the East China Sea and into the community to explore the beauty of Taiwan's community landscape. 2. Train "Donghai Landscape People" on their knowledge, attitude and practical ability of "overall construction of community landscape". 3. Try to use the "guided reflection" technology in experimental teaching and challenge to complete "our dream-building action plan".

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 課堂隨堂講義,請從教學平台下載,事先閱讀。
3.【向大自然學設計:樸門Permaculture 啟發綠生活的無限可能】,
Peter Morehead孟磊、江慧儀 等合著,2011,
5.【和生活做朋友:社區空間學習手冊】,鄭晃二 著,天衛文化。
6.【社區自主營造的理念與機制】,黃世輝 著,建築情報出版。
1. Please download the classroom handouts from the teaching platform and read them in advance.
2. [Work Manual for Overall Community Construction at County and City Levels], Hsinchu: Hsinchu Municipal Cultural Center
3. [Design to nature: Permaculture inspires the infinite possibilities of green life],
Peter Morehead, co-authored by Meng Lei, Jiang Huiyi, etc., 2011,
4. [Building a Home Together-Community + Learning Manual], Zheng Huang 2nd Class, Qiuyu Cultural Co., Ltd.
5. [Making Friends with Life: Community Space Learning Manual], written by Zheng Huanger, Tianwei Culture.
6. [The Concept and Mechanism of Independent Community Construction], written by Huang Shihui, published by Architectural Information.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
absence status
10 ■出席與上課狀況 ■缺席一次扣總分2分,遲到早退扣總分1分,缺席5次(含)以上總成績以零分計。
usual results
20 ■平時作業 ■課堂參與討論
midterm briefing
20 ■口頭報告 ■書面報告 ■海報展示 ■自評互評
community self-exploration project
20 ■探索計畫 ■書面心得報告 ■海報展示
Final presentation
30 ■口頭報告 ■書面報告 ■海報展示 ■自評互評

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[AG122]
授課教師 Teacher:伊志宗
修課班級 Class:景觀系2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 41 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 41 人。

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