course information of 103 - 1 | 2922 Introductory Computer-Aided Design and(數位景觀及模擬(一))

Taught In English2922 - 數位景觀及模擬(一) Introductory Computer-Aided Design and

教育目標 Course Target

學生能夠正確且熟練地使用AUTOCAD軟體繪製平面圖形與三D圖形。 知識、技能方面: (01)掌握CAD軟體的安裝與啟動; (02)掌握CAD的檔案管理、工作環境、介面切換與指令輸入方法; (03)掌握CAD的基本繪圖命令; (04)掌握CAD的輔助工具的使用; (05)掌握CAD的平面編輯命令; (06)掌握CAD的圖層建立與管理; (07)掌握CAD的圖塊與屬性; (08)掌握CAD的圖文標注; (09)掌握CAD的尺寸標注; (10)掌握CAD的基本三D繪圖知識、三D實體造型及三D實體編輯命令。Students can correctly and skillfully use AUTOCAD software to draw plane graphics and 3D graphics. Knowledge and skills: (01) Master the installation and startup of CAD software; (02) Master CAD file management, working environment, interface switching and command input methods; (03) Master the basic drawing commands of CAD; (04) Master the use of CAD auxiliary tools; (05) Master the plane editing commands of CAD; (06) Master the creation and management of CAD layers; (07) Master the blocks and attributes of CAD; (08) Master the graphic and text annotation of CAD; (09) Master CAD dimensioning; (10) Master the basic 3D drawing knowledge of CAD, 3D solid modeling and 3D solid editing commands.

課程概述 Course Description

課程概述 Course Description 好的景觀專業者,對於環境應有豐富且敏感的體驗,才能帶領人們體會他們從未經歷過的世界。藉由一條小徑帶領人們走到意想不到的水岸、誘惑人們前往欣賞朝輝、夕陰、晨霧、夜露,讓人們得以以最佳的方式來欣賞我們所居住的世界。在這樣的前提之下,數位化工具與軟體的應用,不是只有去練習與學會指令操作,而是更進ㄧ步去了解如何善用電腦輔助設計之觀念與技術,結合設計者本身的想法與創意,來強化景觀專業的意境與創造新的可能性。 課程目標 Course Objectives 完成這門課後,學生將能 1.熟練AutoCAD 2D景觀設計圖與施工圖之繪製。
Course Overview Course Description A good landscape professional should have rich and sensitive experience with the environment, so that he can lead people to experience a world they have never experienced before. A trail leads people to unexpected waterfronts, tempting them to enjoy the morning glow, sunset, morning mist, and night dew, allowing people to appreciate the world we live in in the best possible way. Under this premise, the application of digital tools and software is not just about practicing and learning command operations, but also about further understanding how to make good use of the concepts and techniques of computer-aided design, combining the designer's own ideas and Creativity to enhance the artistic conception of the landscape profession and create new possibilities. Course Objectives Course Objectives After completing this course, students will be able to 1. Proficient in drawing AutoCAD 2D landscape design drawings and construction drawings.

參考書目 Reference Books

AutoCAD 2012 電腦繪圖設計
旗標出版 書號:F8727
作者:夏海旭、彭世明、張顯宗 著
AutoCAD 2012 Computer Drawing Design
Qibiao Publishing Book Number: F8727
Author: Xia Haixu, Peng Shiming, Zhang Xianzong

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Specify job
30 依學習進度所指定的作業
Class discussion and after-class learning performance
10 課堂上老師同學的互動討論與課後數位教學平台上的討論
midterm exam
30 上機測驗
final exam
30 上機測驗

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8,9,10[景觀系館]
授課教師 Teacher:康佑成
修課班級 Class:景觀系2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 58 人。

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