course information of 103 - 1 | 2921 Site Analysis(基地分析)

Taught In English2921 - 基地分析 Site Analysis

教育目標 Course Target

「基地分析」〈site analysis〉是「基地計劃」〈site planning,注意是動名詞〉流程中很重要的一個階段。通常,它是受前導的計劃目標或問題發掘所影響。 而這裡所指的基地計劃,就是同學在大二、大三景觀設計系列課程,所學習到的設計流程或設計方法之另一個稱呼。至於大四所學的大面積、大尺度景觀規劃,則屬於更高階的環境規劃〈environmental planning〉之工作範疇。相對於基地計劃之對應環境規劃,「基地分析」也可提昇廣度至環境資源調查分析〈environmental resource analysis〉,或甚至變化為擬訂重大政策之用的環境影響評估〈environmental impact assessment〉。 不少初學者對「基地分析」有一些誤解,例如:只要上google earth瀏覽一下基地,就以為是作完基地分析;或是,變成了過猶不及,以為基地分析要做到無所不調查、無所不作分析才行。其實,這二個思考,都是錯誤的想法。 一般而言,「基地分析」因時間、資源等條件成本之故,可分為『基地初勘』及『進一步的調查分析』等兩大類。本課之授課重點,則是著重於後者。 本課定義:學習「基地分析」的目的,主要是協助景觀設計流程之發展,在設計問題或目標之引導下,對環境基地特性〈自然、人文、美學等〉就可行性、或土地使用適宜性等項目加以分析探討,俾便後來的資料合成〈synthesis〉,以尋求最好的環境或土地使用配置方案。這個配置方案,就是被大家通稱的『基地配置計畫』〈site plan〉。 因此,前述之基本理念之下,本課之課程目標列示如下: 〈一〉配合基地計劃理論,讓同學學習如何發掘基地特色、研析發展潛力與限制,以提供基地配置之參考。 在設計流程之各階段中,「基地分析」工作之執行,是介於“問題發掘”(problem identification)之後,“設計構想提出”(design concept) 之前。因此,本課程之授課重點,就是讓同學明白三者關係如何轉換。並可以在大二、大三設計課程學以致用。 〈二〉配合本課之時間,選擇部份重要分析項目,讓學生實際操作,以增加基地分析之實務能力。 〈三〉配合永續景觀設計議題,讓同學可以將基地分析之訓練,運用在大二、 大三之設計系列課程。"Site analysis" is a very important stage in the "site planning" (note that it is a gerund) process. Often, it is influenced by prior planning goals or problem discovery. The base plan referred to here is another name for the design process or design method that students learned in the sophomore and junior landscape design courses. As for the large-area and large-scale landscape planning learned in the senior year, it belongs to the higher-level scope of environmental planning (environmental planning). Compared with the corresponding environmental planning of the base plan, the "base analysis" can also be upgraded in scope to environmental resource analysis (environmental resource analysis), or even changed into environmental impact assessment (environmental impact assessment) for formulating major policies. Many beginners have some misunderstandings about "base analysis". For example, as long as they browse the base on Google Earth, they think that they have completed the base analysis; No analysis is required. In fact, these two thoughts are wrong ideas. Generally speaking, "base analysis" can be divided into two categories: "preliminary base survey" and "further investigation and analysis" due to the cost of time, resources and other conditions. The teaching focus of this course is on the latter. Definition of this course: The purpose of learning "Site Analysis" is mainly to assist the development of the landscape design process. Under the guidance of design problems or goals, the environmental base characteristics (natural, humanistic, aesthetic, etc.) are evaluated for feasibility or suitability of land use. Projects such as the nature of the project should be analyzed and discussed to facilitate subsequent data synthesis to seek the best environment or land use configuration plan. This configuration plan is commonly known as the "site plan". Therefore, based on the aforementioned basic concepts, the course objectives of this lesson are listed as follows: <1> Based on the theory of base planning, students can learn how to explore the characteristics of the base, analyze the development potential and limitations, and provide reference for base configuration. In each stage of the design process, the execution of "base analysis" is after "problem identification" and before "design concept". Therefore, the focus of this course is to let students understand how the relationship between the three can be transformed. And you can apply what you have learned in design courses in your sophomore and junior years. <2> In accordance with the time of this lesson, select some important analysis projects and let students practice them to increase their practical ability in base analysis. <3> In conjunction with the topic of sustainable landscape design, students can apply the training of base analysis in their sophomore and junior years. Design series courses for junior year students.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.Russ, Thomas H. 2009. Site Planning and Design Handbook. 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill. New York.
張效通譯• 2011• 敷地計畫與設計手冊• 六合出版社• 台北•

2.Brown, Robert D.; and Gillespie, Jerry J. 1995. Microclimate
Landscape Design. John Wiley & sons, Inc. New York.
3.Marsh, William M. 1991. Landscape Planning: Environmental Application. 2nd edition.
John Wiley & sons, Inc. New York.
李麗雪、林孟立、陳惠美、葉美智等合譯• 2002• 環境景觀之規劃與運用• 田園城市文化事業公司•
The required reference books for this course are as follows:
1. Russ, Thomas H. 2009. Site Planning and Design Handbook. 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill. New York.
This book is available in Chinese translation:
Translated by Zhang Xiaotong • 2011 • Floor Planning and Design Manual • Liuhe Publishing House • Taipei •

Other non-specified important references continue to be listed below:
2. Brown, Robert D.; and Gillespie, Jerry J. 1995. Microclimate
Landscape Design. John Wiley & sons, Inc. New York.
3. Marsh, William M. 1991. Landscape Planning: Environmental Application. 2nd edition.
John Wiley & sons, Inc. New York.
This book is available in Chinese translation:
Co-translated by Li Lixue, Lin Mengli, Chen Huimei, Ye Meizhi and others • 2002 • Planning and Application of Environmental Landscape • Garden City Cultural Enterprise Company •

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Daily homework
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[AG122]
授課教師 Teacher:李瑞�
修課班級 Class:景觀系2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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