course information of 103 - 1 | 2919 Landscape Engineering(景觀工程)

Taught In English2919 - 景觀工程 Landscape Engineering

教育目標 Course Target

本結構理論(一)課程教學目標主要是讓學生領悟景觀有工程與結構實質內涵之理論與實務,進而讓學生表達景觀基地之規劃與設計,並了解景觀或環境設計是一種景觀工程與結構理論與實務的結果。課程教學只涵蓋最基本,最重要的景觀基地工程和結構知識。首先教授、複習、延續並強化景觀結構上學期所習之課程:各式鋪面結構, 木材結構,木平台與涼亭座椅結構物與水泥及鋼筋水泥鋪面結構物之挖填整地排水。其次,教導學生對景觀建築工程及結構之一般力學原理和實際操作的設計方法的了解。最後,訓練並教導學生了解下列其工程結構,包括下列各項目: 1. (含上學期為整體第4項,以下次序同). 一般水泥及黏著貼面鋪面結構物, 2. (含上學期為整體第5項.) 鋼筋水泥及其他各種結構物。3. (含上學期為整體第6項) 直立牆及檔土牆, 4. (含上學期為整體第7項) 蓄水、排水結構及 5, (含上學期為整體第8項) 街道傢俱設計與結構計算。經第二學期,學生將能夠了解景觀建築工程及結構之一般力學原理和設計方法,且能夠了解景觀建築工程結構間的連結之力學考量及應用。全部課程將傳授學生初級但關鍵的基地工程結構評估,使學生能夠編製完整景觀、環境設計之配置、整地和集排水,細部設計、估價和施工規範。 以下即是主要的具體教學目標和教學內容項目: I. 學生能夠完整了解景觀基地規劃設計之工程與結構與坡度地形地貌理論與重要實務, II. 學生能夠計算並繪製配置工程、結構與整地及集排水細部施工圖說, III. 學生能夠了解景觀建築工程及結構之一般力學原理和設計方法, IV. 學生能夠了解景觀建築工程結構間的連結之力學考量及應用。 V. 學生能夠了解下列工程項目結構估算: 1. (含上學期為整體第4項) 一般水泥及黏著貼面鋪面結構物設計與結構計算。 2. (含上學期為整體第5項) 鋼筋水泥及其他各種結構物設計與結構計算。 3. (含上學期為整體第6項) 直立牆及檔土牆設計與結構計算。 4. (含上學期為整體第7項) 蓄水、排水結構設計與結構計算,及 5, (含上學期為整體第8項) 街道傢俱設計與結構計算。The teaching goal of this Structural Theory (1) course is mainly to allow students to understand the theory and practice that landscape has engineering and structural substantive connotations, and then allow students to express the planning and design of landscape bases, and understand that landscape or environmental design is a kind of landscape engineering and structural theory. and practical results. The course teaching only covers the most basic and important knowledge of landscape base engineering and structure. First, teach, review, continue and strengthen the landscape structure courses learned in the previous semester: various pavement structures, wood structures, wooden platforms and pavilion seating structures, and excavation, filling, land preparation and drainage of cement and reinforced cement pavement structures. Secondly, students are taught to understand the general mechanical principles and practical design methods of landscape architecture engineering and structures. Finally, train and teach students to understand the following engineering structures, including the following items: 1. (Including the last semester, it is the 4th item in the whole, the following order is the same). General cement and adhesive veneer pavement structures, 2. (Including the last semester, it is the 5th item in the whole.) Reinforced concrete, cement and other various structures. 3. (Including the last semester, it is the overall item 6) Vertical walls and retaining walls, 4. (Including the last semester, it is the overall item 7) Water storage and drainage structures and 5, (Including the last semester, it is the overall item 8) Streets Furniture design and structural calculations. By the second semester, students will be able to understand the general mechanical principles and design methods of landscape architecture engineering and structures, and be able to understand the mechanical considerations and applications of the connections between landscape architecture engineering structures. All courses will teach students basic but critical base engineering structural assessment, enabling students to prepare complete landscape and environmental design configurations, site preparation and drainage, detail design, estimation and construction specifications. The following are the main specific teaching objectives and teaching content items: I. Students can fully understand the engineering and structure of landscape base planning and design, as well as the theory and important practices of slope topography and geomorphology, II. Students can calculate and draw detailed construction drawings of configuration engineering, structure, land preparation and drainage collection, III. Students can understand the general mechanical principles and design methods of landscape architecture engineering and structures, IV. Students can understand the mechanical considerations and applications of connections between structures in landscape architecture projects. V. Students can understand the structural estimation of the following engineering projects: 1. (Including the last semester as the overall 4th item) Design and structural calculation of general cement and adhesive veneer pavement structures. 2. (Including the 5th overall item in the last semester) Design and structural calculation of reinforced concrete and various other structures. 3. (Including the last semester as overall item 6) Design and structural calculation of vertical walls and retaining walls. 4. (Item 7 overall including last semester) Water storage and drainage structure design and structural calculation, and 5, (Item 8 overall including last semester) Street furniture design and structural calculation.

課程概述 Course Description

在景觀專業領域中設計、構造方法與敷地工程三者是無法分開的,為了教學及課程安排之方便,我們將其分為景觀設計與景觀工程,或再將景觀工程細分為構造方法(construction)及敷地工程(site engineering)兩部分。 本學學年景觀工程的主要內容為敷地工程(或稱基地工程)。簡單而言,敷地工程是調整基地的既有地形,使它符合於基地計劃中的各種構造物、設施物、道路等之敷設,同時確保恰當的排水。所以敷地工程主要牽涉基地設計中決定其垂直向度之高程定位與平面放樣的技術與方法。 敷地工程的主要內容包括: 1.整地的基本原理與方法 site grading 2.土方處理與計算 earthwork 3.暴雨排水管理stormwater management
In the professional field of landscape, design, construction methods and ground laying engineering are inseparable. For the convenience of teaching and course arrangement, we divide them into landscape design and landscape engineering, or further subdivide landscape engineering into construction methods (construction). and site engineering. The main content of landscape engineering in this academic year is ground laying engineering (or base engineering). Simply put, the ground laying project is to adjust the existing topography of the base to make it conform to the laying of various structures, facilities, roads, etc. in the base plan, while ensuring proper drainage. Therefore, the ground laying project mainly involves the techniques and methods of elevation positioning and plane layout that determine the vertical direction of the base design. The main contents of the ground laying project include: 1. Basic principles and methods of site grading 2. Earthwork processing and calculation earthwork 3. Stormwater management

參考書目 Reference Books

Harlow C. Landphair and Fred Klatt, Jr. Landscape Architecture Construction 2nd Ed,, 1988 New York:: Elsevier, and
Steven Storm, Kurt Nathan and Jake Woland 原著 Site Engineering for LandscapeArchitects, 4th Ed. 2008 為必需閱讀之教材。中文:吳樹陸譯 敷地工程 2008 六合出版
Harlow C. Landphair and Fred Klatt, Jr. Landscape Architecture Construction 2nd Ed,, 1988 New York:: Elsevier, and
Site Engineering for LandscapeArchitects, 4th Ed. 2008 by Steven Storm, Kurt Nathan and Jake Woland is a must-read textbook. Chinese: Translated by Wu Shulu Ground Laying Project 2008 Liuhe Publishing House

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
15 出勤成績:課程結束時缺課累計超過該門課程教學時數的三分之一者,視為平時考核不合格,期末總評成績給予不及格
Midterm exams and daily homework
35 期中考試加平時作業成績:課程要求學生完成平時作業,並記入學生平時成績。缺交作業達三分之一者,視為平時考核不合格,期末總評成績給予不及格。
Daily quizzes and questions
15 平時小考加平時提問成績
final exam
35 期末考試成績

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/10,11[C202]
授課教師 Teacher:林開泰
修課班級 Class:景觀系2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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