course information of 103 - 1 | 2918 Landscape Construction: Material(營建材料及方法)

Taught In English2918 - 營建材料及方法 Landscape Construction: Material

教育目標 Course Target

本課為一學年的課程,分上、下兩學期,各為2學分。其主要課程目標為:教導學生有關景觀設計中常見設施物之主要構造材料種類、特性、設計施工運用上等必須注意事項、以及相關施工法令規定。本課希望引導學生對落實景觀設計之業界工程實務面,有更進一步的瞭解。This course is a one-year course, divided into two semesters, the upper and lower semesters, each worth 2 credits. The main course goal is to teach students about the main structural material types and characteristics of common facilities in landscape design, matters that must be paid attention to in design and construction, and relevant construction laws and regulations. This course hopes to guide students to have a better understanding of the practical engineering aspects of implementing landscape design.

課程概述 Course Description

本課為一學年的課程,分上、下兩學期,各為2學分。 本課程之上學期主要課程內容排定,以介紹「業務圖面編輯系統及圖樣單元」、及「混凝土」、「石材」、「磚材」等常見材料為重點。至於下學期之討論主題,則預定安排有「木材」、「水景」、「灌溉」、「景觀照明」等四個單元。 每一階段單元之課程,除了上課講解之外,還會配合系上建材圖書館的建材展示、現場觀摩或施工操作、或請廠商到校介紹重要產品等相關活動。此外,每一單元均搭配有相關之作業訓練,以便明瞭學生之學習狀況。作業內容採多樣化,計有:現場繪圖、觀察紀錄、考試、報告、及相關之估價演練等。 全學期預計有五個作業。有關作業之細部說明與要求事項,將隨上課進度,於課堂上另紙發給學生。每個作業成績,視為一次平時考。另外,依學校規定,本課仍然需要執行期中、期末等二次考試。
This course is a one-year course, divided into two semesters, the upper and lower semesters, each worth 2 credits. The main course content of this course in the first semester is scheduled, focusing on the introduction of "Business Drawing Editing System and Drawing Unit", and common materials such as "Concrete", "Stone", and "Brick". As for the discussion topics for the next semester, four units are planned: "Wood", "Waterscape", "Irrigation", and "Landscape Lighting". In addition to lectures in class, the courses of each stage unit will also cooperate with building materials display in the department's building materials library, on-site observation or construction operations, or inviting manufacturers to the school to introduce important products and other related activities. In addition, each unit is equipped with relevant homework training to understand students' learning status. The content of the assignments is diverse, including: on-site drawings, observation records, examinations, reports, and related valuation exercises, etc. Five assignments are expected throughout the semester. Detailed instructions and requirements for the assignments will be distributed to students on separate sheets in class as the class progresses. Each assignment score is regarded as a regular test. In addition, according to school regulations, this course still requires secondary examinations such as midterm and final exams.

參考書目 Reference Books




Harris, Charles W.; and Dines, Nicholas T. 1988. Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New York.

除以上所列參考書籍之外,並備有Course Pack,將隨堂討論所需閱讀的文章、報告、及相關資料等相關文獻,摘錄匯整於資料夾,存放在系圖,以方便學生影印、使用。
Edited by Cai Shouzhi, 1987, Building Material Properties and Construction (Volume 1) (Volume 2) (Volume 2), Zhan's Bookstore, Taipei.

Edited by Yang Xingan, 1997, Construction Engineering: Handbook of Unit Price Analysis of Work and Materials, Zhan's Bookstore, Taipei.

Translated by Cao Yuanlong, 1986, Floor design and structural details, Zhan's Bookstore, Taipei.

Harris, Charles W.; and Dines, Nicholas T. 1988. Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New York.

In addition to the reference books listed above, a Course Pack is also provided. Excerpts from articles, reports, and related materials and other relevant documents required for class discussion are collected in a folder and stored in the department chart for the convenience of students to photocopy. ,use.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Daily homework
midterm exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4[H103]
授課教師 Teacher:李瑞�
修課班級 Class:景觀系2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 93 人。

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